What's Up?
For 0-5 in Greater RVA
Combo Fun Day & News
May 13, 2021
Volume 1, Edition #2 of our new format!
Tell me something good!

CCAVA - Congratulations to this year's Sharon R. Veatch Heart of Service Lifetime Achievement Award winner, Mercedes Dash! Mercedes Dash received 22 nominations from parents and community members who were eager to celebrate her commitment and ambition in the field of early childhood. We hope everyone was able to celebrate Provider Appreciation Week last week. We appreciate the work you do in caring for and educating our youngest children. 
Fun Day Friday!

Kiki the gorilla, a mother of five, shared a very tender moment with a woman visiting Boston’s Franklin Park Zoo with her 5-week-old baby.

Lewis Ginter - Garden Intern Sierra Lasher wrote this toad-ally awesome blog post about some of the frogs you may see when you visit the Conservatory. 

How to mulch your yard like a pro

The Old Farmer's Almanac - How to plant, grow, and care for peony flowers 

Will Richmond see and hear Brood X the 17 year Cicada

Kid Friendly outdoor recreation in VA’s Blue Ridge 

Top 20 tips for hiking with kids 

How to create a kids art wall 

Growing Young Brains with Music and Dance
Empathy is really the opposite of spiritual meanness. It’s the capacity to understand that every war is both won and lost. And that someone else’s pain is as meaningful as your own.

Barbara Kingsolver
News you can use

NY Times: The Power of Pre-K - President Biden wants universal pre-K. A large new study examines its likely effects.

Urban Institute - Easing Barriers to Child Care Food Subsidies for Home-Based Child Care Providers Offers Policymakers an Overlooked Opportunity

Tom Copeland - Keeping proper records when hiring independent contractors

Have you heard about the new documentary TOMORROW'S HOPE? It's a step into the journey of passionate educators and tenacious kids and their families on the south side of Chicago, who — despite incredible challenges — are determined to carve out a brighter future. By telling their stories, the film reveals the power of investing in high-quality early childhood education so that all children and families have the opportunity to attain the American Dream.  There's a virtual premiere event on May 20. Check it out HERE!
Please keep sharing-we are here for you. What are you doing FUN this weekend? Let us know! And by the way, we LOVE pictures! :)

Enjoy your weekend!

Stay safe and be well.

Your SBGR Team
Smart Beginnings Greater Richmond