What's Up?
For 0-5 in Greater RVA
Combo Fun Day & News
December 9, 2021
Volume 1, Edition #27
Tell Me Something Good!

For Providers and Families

Risk assessment for young children is a skill that requires time and practice to learn

Tantrums and meltdowns - my secret for staying calm when my kids aren’t

Children learn science in nature play long before they get to school classrooms and labs

A top priority of the U.S. Chamber Foundation is to amplify the voice and needs of employers on the topic of childcare. To that end, we are excited to share the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Employer Survey on Childcare. Please share the survey link and encourage participation by Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Kindness is like snow,
it beautifies everything
it covers.

Kahlil Gibran
News You Can Use

The needs of Virginia’s children can be quite different based on their experiences and identities. The State of Virginia’s Children: A Data Snapshot of Children, Youth, and Families highlights demographic growth, economic security, mental health, and level of progress in Virginia. View the Full Report HERE!

Voices for Virginia’s Children - Find out more about what is included in Governor Northam’s budget proposal when they break down the budget on Friday, Dec. 17th at 2:00 p.m. Register for the webinar HERE!
Fun Day in the Garden!

The simplest and most efficient way to grow food 

Search this directory of farms, farmers markets, farm-to-table restaurants, artisans, and local food retailers who are committed to providing the best of Virginia agriculture.

How to make poinsettias re-bloom

Other Interesting Things for Fun

Best Christmas lights in RVA

The fewer toys children have, the more they play
Please keep sharing-we are here for you. What are you doing FUN this weekend? Let us know! And by the way, we LOVE pictures! :)

Your SBGR Team
Smart Beginnings Greater Richmond