First Church Kids News - July 24, 2020
Happy Friday First Church families! We are so excited that you are going to start your weekend with some FUN with your family members!

If you registered for Virtual VBS Rocky Railway 2020, please check the email you used to register for exciting information about VBS "kit" pickup!

Welcome to the Friday Fun Family Challenge!

Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weenie

Sometimes we are watching for something tremendously big to be a God Sighting. You can not miss a rainstorm in the middle of a hot summer, a truckload of canned goods donated to the Round Rock Serving Center, or a beautiful rainbow in the sky. Those are wonderful big things. 

Look deeper into the big things. 

We count on little things to make big things. A little button can turn on the air conditioner to cool your whole house. A key can start your family car. A single grain of rice can be part of your dinner. A ladybug helps a garden grow.  
Luke chapter 12, verse 7 states “But even the hairs of your head are all counted”. Every little thing is part of the larger picture and should be appreciated. 

1-2-3 GO! Race to see who can find the tiniest thing inside or outside of the house. A germ in the palm of your hand does not count! Gather together to thank God for all the little things. God’s presence is with us every day. He is visible in the big thing as well as the small things. You just have to keep your heart open. 

Jennifer Hall

Jennifer Hall
Director of Children's Ministry
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6  
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Children's Ministry | First United Methodist Church | Round Rock, TX
512.255.3336 | [email protected] |