Hello Learners Chess parents and Friends!

Welcome to those of you who are new to our email list! 
In today's email find information about:
  • Supporting Learners Chess by eating at Buffalo Wild Wings (Gibson location) and/or celebrating Coach Victor's birthday this coming Sunday, September 18th. 
  • Learners Without Borders 2016 Report Back Event where our LWB team will debut a video about our experience and answer questions.
  • A special opportunity for free tickets to an advanced screening of the new chess movie Queen of Katwe!
  • Registration is Now Open for our Fall Break Chess Camps!
  • Chess Learning resources: lichess.org. 
  • A welcome message to our new parents on this email list. 

Thank you for opening and reading!

-Coach Victor Lopez

Eat Wings, Watch Sports, Support Learners Chess!

This Sunday, September 18th, you are invited to come to the Buffalo Wild Wings on Gibson just east of University . Ten percent of all sales will be donated to support Learners Chess after school programs and our need-based scholarship fund! 
Coach Victor's Birthday!
Further, if you come between 11am and 1pm, I will be there with chess sets for anyone who wants to use them and play chess with others who are there or with their family members. I will be visiting with friends and watching football (Go Giants!) Here is a link to the facebook event for my birthday at Buffalo Wild Wings

If you go at any point in the day, show your server the above ticket  from your phone or print it out and let them know you are there to support Learners Chess!

When: October 6th and/or 7th. 

How long: Half days (8:30am-noon or 1pm-4:30pm) of Full days (8:30am-4:30pm) with before and after care available!

How much: Sign up early to get the best price! Full day prices range from $32 per day to $45 per day and half days range from $18 to $30 per day, depending on how early you sign up! Also 10% off for siblings!

Where: Our office at 532 Adams NE, Albuquerque (near Washington and Lomas). 

Sign up here!

Sign Up soon to get the best early bird discount!

Early bird discount deadlines are two weeks early, one week early, and three days early!
Learn and Brush Up on The Basics of Chess

Both these links come from the free and open sourced chess website, lichess.org. The site is free and has no ads. You can create an account for free and set it to "kid mode" for your kids to play on without you having to monitor 
Learners Without Borders 2016: Report Back!

This past summer, two of our long time students and Jr. Leaders took a service trip to El Salvador where they taught chess to 36 kids in an under-privileged community! John Bennett and Jeremy Wesevich (both current 11th graders) worked hard all summer fundraising and brushing up on their Spanish to make the trip a success.
Come hear their story about this past summer next Thursday at our Report Back event!
Where: ABQ Friends Meeting House (1600 5th St. NW)
When: Thursday, September 22nd, 6:30pm
Free! No entry fee or required donation!
Light appetizers and refreshments will be provided. 
RSVP on our facebook event of show up!
New Chess Movie:
Queen of Katwe
Queen of Katwe” is based on the vibrant true story of a young girl from the streets of rural Uganda whose world rapidly changes when she is introduced to the game of chess, and, as a result of the support she receives from her family and community, is instilled with the confidence and determination she needs to pursue her dream of becoming an international chess champion. 

Learners Chess has been granted a limited number of free tickets to an advanced screening on September 26th!
  • We are inviting our students and parents to join us Monday, September 26th at Regal Winrock at 7pm for a free advanced screening with no waiting in lines!
  • We will start with the limit of one parent per student and if we have extras we may be able to allow another family member to join. 
  • Reserve your and your child's free ticket by replying to this email with your name and your child's name. Hurry before they are all gone!
Welcome to all of you who are new to our email list!
We send out a newsletter type of email regarding our upcoming programs and other happenings and Learners Chess related announcements once or twice a month and a bit more often than that at certain times of the year when our big programs are getting near. 

Also, we have a more focused email campaign that goes specifically to parents of kids currently signed up for specific programs. For instance, we will be sending out an announcement specific to parents of current after school program parents later today. 

This email list is jut a general one to all parents, friends, and supporters, past and present. 

Thank you to all who hang around and keep up with the goings on at Learners Chess! We have some very cool announcements in this email. 

Learners Chess students practicing mindfulness.
Thank you for reading and staying connected!

Coach Victor Lopez