Explore, play and splash all summer with family and friends by visiting the City’s many recreational amenities. For all information, including operational status updates related to weather closures, schedules and registration details, visit www.brampton.ca/summerfun.
On July 1, from noon to 10 pm, celebrate Canada Day with us at Chinguacousy Park. Enjoy fun family activities and inflatables, gourmet food zones, headlining performances, and a spectacular fireworks display!
After a two-year hiatus, Brampton’s Community Bike Rides are back! This series of free casual cycling tours is held from May to September. July rides occur on the 5th, 10th, 19th and 24th.
Are you a strong swimmer and have a passion for helping others? Become a certified lifeguard or swim Instructor. Successful swim assessment candidates will receive their aquatic certifications completely FREE.
Become a Municipal Election worker and assist with the administrative and customer service functions on Voting Day, October 24. More than 2,000 positions are available. Preference will be given to Brampton residents 18 years or older.