The Newsletter of Area 1 | Volume XXXIV No. 6 | December 2019
News for Handbell Musicians in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts,
New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont 
Notes from THE CHAIR
Happy Holidays!

As Handbell Musicians, we are all entering our busiest season, and I’m sure you’ve all been working hard to prepare your groups for the upcoming holidays.

As a director, why not encourage your ringers to attend a concert by a local community choir or another nearby church choir. Everyone benefits. Your ringers will learn by seeing and hearing... More
Area 1 Winter Workshop

The Area 1 Winter Workshop will once again be held at UMass Amherst, January 31 - February 1, 2020...this year we are offering “Distinctly New England” with Griff Gall as the clinician...and a second ringing track, “Beyond Basics – Before Bronze” with clinicians Karen Leonard and Jane Nolan. More

will be held at
FRIDAY, JUNE 26 thru
SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2020

Help us put all handbell groups in Area 1 on the map!

Click here to see the interactive map that we've compiled so far, showing demographic information about all handbell groups in our region (all 6 New England States and the Canadian Maritimes). We are making excellent progress, and we want to be sure to include every group, no matter how small! I f you have not yet completed the survey, please click here to get your group added to the map. 
Also, if you know of other groups that are not accounted for, please share the links.
Thank you for your help!
As the new state chair I am excited about our future in Connecticut. I have sent emails to the Connecticut contacts that I received and have heard back from many of you! I really would like to shake things up with more activities, ways to get to know one another... More
Hi, everyone!
I’m your new Massachusetts State Chair (I began in this role at the end of September). Sue Lee has definitely left some big shoes to fill, but I’m looking forward to getting to know more of you throughout the state and serving as the liaison between all of you and the Area 1 board!... More
Greetings from New Hampshire!
As is true all over, New Hampshire church and community bell choirs are in the last stages of preparing for the many ringing occasions that arise at this time of year – from candlelight services to holiday concert series to local city and town festivals. Although we all know...   More
Happy Holidays from RI! We had two very successful events in the last two months. In October, the day of MAster classes with David Harris was a success and last week's 4th Annual Holiday Handbell Spectacular was according to Lisa Arnold 'truly spectacular'. .. More
Directors, ever wanted to go to National Seminar but just don't know if you could pay for it?
Well, Area 1 is here to help !
And what a great year to go - Orlando is going to be a perfect spot and National Seminar is always fun, educational, and an amazing time to connect with the bell world beyond New England?
It's time to apply NOW – deadline is by Jan 31 for scholarship assistance!
Chime Loaner Program
Hooray! All five sets of chimes have homes for the 2019/20 school year. The great news is the applications were all received and accepted before Festival Conference. Several people did speak with me at Festival Conference about the Chime Loaner Program. Even though I had to tell them that the chimes were all out for this year, I did encourage them to apply for the 2020/21 year as soon as possible.... More
Thank you to all of of advertisers!
Please support those who support Area 1!

Call for articles
Directors and Handbell Musicians are invited to submit articles for future publications.

Would you like to advertise in Fundamental Tone ?
Full page ad (7.25" w x 9.625" h): $80.
Half page ad: $50
Quarter page ad: $30
Eighth page ad: $20
Discounts: Deduct 5% for prepayment of two issues;
deduct 10% for prepayment of four issues.

Next publication is scheduled for February 1
Articles must be submitted no later than January 18

Thank you!
If you have suggestions or questions regarding this or any other aspect of the Fundamental Tone ,
please contact the editor:
Fundamental Tone is a publication of the Handbell Musicians of America Area 1.
It is published six times a year: Feb. 1, Apr. 1, Jun. 1, Aug. 1, Oct. 1, Dec. 1.
Editorial copy and advertisements are due by the 18th of the month preceding publication.
Questions? Contact Donna M. Horan, Editor