News for Handbell Musicians in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts,
New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont
Area 1 Board - Call for Nominations
Lisa Arnold, Area 1 Chair
Greetings Area 1 members!
Handbells have been a part of my life since High School, and now as an adult, it continues to be a huge part of my social life, my travels, and my marriage.
I find great pleasure in traveling all over the country (and world) with my husband Chuck, using Handbells as the catalyst. ....More
Greetings from your new Connecticut State Co-Chair!
It’s hard not to be saddened as I think about the upcoming season.
The realization that the typical busy weeks of festive handbell ringing will not be occurring for many of us this year. As has happened with so many other things, I hope you have found alternative ways to share your love of music, and use it to spread kindness and joy to others.
In the upcoming year, I look forward to working with Gina Marie Williams as the Connecticut State co-chair. ...More
Greetings from Massachusetts, as this extraordinary year continues!
This is the time of year when so many of our choirs would normally be performing holiday concerts. Of course, live concerts aren’t possible right now, and as Covid cases here and throughout the country soar, I’m aware that a few choirs that had begun to tentatively re-gather have now gone “back to the bunkers,” as one friend put it. We look forward in hope to the time when we will be able to gather again safely....More
Hello, hello, and welcome to the latest edition of “No one has any idea what’s going on.” Pull up a chair and join us by the fire for a mug of tea. If you put something stronger in it, we won’t tell.
Your intrepid NH co-chairs have once again gathered some stray threads from what still seems a rather frayed situation, which we (Hilary, really; Heidi’s side-lined at the moment with a minor injury) now present to you as our written interpretation of what, in other times, might more closely resemble whole cloth. ....More
Carlene Rusenberg
Area 1 Event Chair
As you know, we have postponed the 2021 Festival / Conference to June 23-26, 2022. We are still planning to be in person at the University of Hartford, with Brian Childers and Stephanie Rhoades as our clinicians. Mark your calendars for those dates!
In the meantime, we have talked about offering different things to keep you energized and engaged while having to wait out the days until we can all be together again in person. I have attended a few different virtual events in the past few months, and I’d like to give you my reflections on each, just to give you some perspective on the pros and cons of them...More
Amy Rollins
Communications Director
November 19, 2020 – Lisa Arnold, Chair of the Board of Directors for Area 1 Handbell Musicians of America, has announced the appointment of two individuals to the Area 1 Board. Effective immediately, Charles Arnold will serve as Membership Chair, and Suzanne Neafus will serve as Connecticut State Co-Chair.
In announcing these appointments, Lisa added, “Welcome Charles and Suzanne, and thank you for making this leadership commitment to the Handbell Musicians of America. We couldn’t do this without your dedication to our art.”...More
Margaret H. Shurcliff
Leadership Award
Is there someone special you know who tirelessly promotes handbells and HMA for Area1?
Is there a teacher or director who had the patience and took the extra time to get you and your handbell group up to speed?
Just how much do they love and promote handbells?
Area 1 wants to know about them and reward them.
The level of some of our Area 1 talent rises above all others. And those are the people we will honor with the Area 1 Leadership Award, named for Margaret Shurcliff, who began the history of handbells in America right here in New England....More
Need 2 Octave Repertoire?
AGEHR Published Titles – music with no bell changes
In these unique times, if you are looking for music with no bell changes, AGEHR has published some*. These pieces vary in difficulty and range of bells, (2 to 6 octaves). All can be played with ringers at music stands or at separated tables...More
Thank you to all of of advertisers!
Please support those who support Area 1!
Call for articles
Directors and Handbell Musicians are invited to submit articles for future publications.
Would you like to advertise in Fundamental Tone?
Full page ad (7.25" w x 9.625" h): $80.
Half page ad: $50
Quarter page ad: $30
Eighth page ad: $20
Discounts: Deduct 5% for prepayment of two issues;
deduct 10% for prepayment of four issues.
Next publication is scheduled for February 1
Articles must be submitted no later than January 18
Thank you!
If you have suggestions or questions regarding this or any other aspect of the Fundamental Tone,
please contact the editor:
Fundamental Tone is a publication of the Handbell Musicians of America Area 1.
It is published six times a year: Feb. 1, Apr. 1, Jun. 1, Aug. 1, Oct. 1, Dec. 1.
Editorial copy and advertisements are due by the 18th of the month preceding publication.