The Newsletter of Area 1 | Volume XXXVI No. 6 | December 2021
News for Handbell Musicians in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts,
New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont 
Notes from THE CHAIR
K. Joy Toll-Chandler
Chair, Area 1
"SEE YOU"...
Remember when we used to say, "see you tomorrow," or "see you later," or some other "see you" time frame? In the handbell world, often that was "see you next year" - at festival conference, or at spring ring, or at national seminar, or at some other smaller gathering that had become a yearly tradition in our lives. We loved our yearly reunions of ringing and learning and enjoying one another's company! When Covid changed our world, "see you" sure changed. "Not sure when I'll see you again...." was much more common in our hearts and in our words. Some of my friends are just FINALLY getting to see family they haven't seen in almost two years; others still wait...More
By Andy McCauley-Wallace
In a year with few bright spots and most of our bells laying silent, Area 1 was able to bring some joy to CT.
From time to time, one of the highlights of F/C is getting to recognize an individual who represents the area with noteworthy and lasting contributions to the area through the Margaret H. Shurcliff Leadership Award
The Shoreline Ringers were performing their only local concert in the summer of 2021 in preparation for performing at National Seminar in July. In between pieces, instead of introducing the music to come, our then Area 1 President Lisa Arnold came to the stage to make a surprise announcement. Area 1 recognized Jane Nolan with the Schurcliff Leadership Award...More  
Area 1 seeks Newsletter Editor

Area 1 is seeking a candidate to fill the volunteer position of Newsletter Editor. Working in conjunction with Area 1 leaders, the Newsletter Editor solicits articles and advertisements for the "Fundamental Tone", which is published six times a year. This person will be expected to submit a report in advance of each Area 1 Board Meeting and attend each meeting (three times a year) as a non-voting member.
This position requires a great deal of interaction with Area 1 members and associates, including the Communications Director, Executive Board Members, State Chairs, member organizations and handbell vendors. 

Communicating deadlines and following up on commitments are keys to a successful Editor, along with excellent writing and editing skills. Once drafted, the newsletter should be reviewed by the Communications Director before being published.

Candidates must be proficient working with Microsoft Office, graphics files, and .pdfs. Previous experience with producing newsletters via an electronic platform required; working knowledge of Constant Contact is preferred.  
Applicants should submit a cover letter and resume by January 5, 2022 to Amy Rollins, Area 1 Communications Director, at

I am happy to announce that Festival Conference 2022 is well on its way! As of press time, we are planning to return to the University of Hartford for a weekend of ringing with our friends in Area 1 and beyond.
We’re working very hard to make sure you can have the best and safest experience ever! Due to the uncertainties that COVID-19 has thrust upon us, we would like you to express your commitment to coming by making a $200 deposit before January 15, 2022. Everyone who makes that deposit will be first in line to get the classes you want, and the dorm you want. You will also be doing us a favor by giving us a better idea as to how many registrants to plan for.
Carlene Ruesenberg
Chair, Area 1 Festival/Conference 2022 Click here for more details

Calling all Bronze (or Bronze-aspiring) Ringers!
Once again, Area 1 is inviting Bronze-level ringers who don’t have a Bronze-level group to ring with to join our Bronze Orphan Choir. If you or someone you know would like to apply to attend FC22 as a Bronze Orphan, please have them follow these steps as soon as possible, preferably before the January 15th Early Bird Deadline:...More

Festival Conference 2022 Bronze Ensemble Information
If your ensemble would like to ring as part of the Bronze Division at the 2022 Area 1 Festival Conference (FC22), this article is for you!!!...More

NEW Bronze Ensembles: It’s Time to Submit Your Audition Videos!...More


Greetings to All -
It is exciting to be writing an article at a time where so many people are ringing together and giving performances.  Below is information about some of the handbell performance that will take place in our state this month. 
Planning is underway for Area 1 events that will place in the first half of 2022. Be on the lookout for more information for about Winter Workshop: Jan 28th and 29th - UMASS Amherst, Connecticut Spring Ring: Saturday March 26 and Festival Conference 2022: June 24-27 - University of Hartford, West Hartford CT. I am looking forward to seeing and ringing with everyone at each of these venues.
Best wishes to all those performing in the next few weeks and I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season!...More
Bell Tree Ringing in Middletown CT
Or How We Continued to Ring during Covid?
First Church, UCC Middletown CT
Bell ringing experience during COVID-19
Hi from First Church UCC in Middletown, CT.
I can share that during Covid, we looked into bell trees. We first purchased the small one. If people wish to look it up it’s the "A+ Handbell Tree Stand”....More 
Notes from MAINE
Hello Maine Ringers!
In October, the Spring Ring Planning Committee surveyed ringers to determine the level of interest in attending the event. I’m happy to report that many groups are excited about attending next March. As of now, 75+ people are planning (or at least hoping) to attend. Look for more event details and registration in early January. If you don’t receive a registration form, please let me know and I’ll make sure it gets to you. We highly recommend groups and individuals register as early as possible. Depending on the status of Covid at that time, it may be necessary to limit attendance to allow for physical distancing....More

Greetings from Massachusetts!

I am so excited to have finalized all the info for MA Spring Ring 2022. Here is everything you and your choir might need to know:
Date:              April 2, 2022, 10 AM to 5 PM
Location:       Tewksbury Memorial High School, Tewksbury, MA
Clinician:       Diane Burke
Registration: $15 per ringer...More
Happy Handbell Season! 
We have again arrived at one of the busiest times of year for us bell ringers!Hilary and I have been so excited to see and hear that church and community bell choirs were back in session starting in September! Like last Holiday Season, handbells seem to be on the popular list as we continue to navigate through Covid. We hope that the current popularity we are seeing will continue once we are “back to normal,” and not just for Christmas and Easter! Handbells are awesome all year long! 
We were very excited to join in on New England Ringer’s “Oktobellfest” held in RI....More
Merrimack Valley Ringers had their first rehearsal in 18 months on September 12th with our new baby bells (G#8-C9) that arrived last year. (See pic w/Molly and Diane.) What a joy to be together and ringing again! We have six holiday concerts confirmed and hope to see you at one of them.

Dec. 4 – 2 pm Dunstable Town Hall, Dunstable, MA
Dec. 4 – 7 pm First Church Congregational, Marlborough, MA
Dec. 11 – 2 pm Hunt Retirement Community, Nashua, NH
Dec. 12 – 2 pm Worcester Art Museum, Worcester, MA
Dec. 18 – 7 pm Saint Mary Parish, Chelmsford, MA
Jan. 2, 2022 – 7 pm Pilgrim Congregational Church, Leominster, MA
Visit our website for any updates due to COVID protocols.
Notes from RHODE ISLAND"
Happy Holidays!
Things are finally happening in the bell world! There are concerts available all around Area 1 starting this weekend December 3, 4 and 5 (see related ads in this publication for dates, times and venues.)
In RI:
The Wheeler School Concert Handbell Ringers are thrilled to invite you to our annual Winter Concert, which will take place in the Isenberg Auditorium at The Wheeler School (216 Hope Street, Providence, RI, 02906) on Friday, December 3rd at 7PM. ...More
Notes from VERMONT"
Handbells for Disney
The Handbell choir in the new Disney+ Christmas movie 'Home, Sweet Home Alone' is one who has enjoyed playing in Vermont Spring Rings for many years—The Village Ringers from St. Lambert United Church, St. Lambert Quebec. We filmed in Montreal in February 2020 just before lockdown.
Good promotion for bell ringing!
Jennifer Fallon -
19 minutes into the movie
Notes from SNAG-A-SUB
The Places You Can Go with Snag-A-Sub
by Steven Mazeau

“Oh, the places you’ll go! There is fun to be done! There are points to be scored. There are games to be won. And all the magical things you can do with that ball, will make you the winning-est winner of all.” 
Does this sound familiar? Hint: It was the last book published by this author in his lifetime. If you said "Oh, The Places You'll Go" by Dr. Seuss - you are correct...More
  Ring in the Autumn Octobellfest
By Susie Amos 

Say handbells, and people think church. People think Christmas. And when we aren’t ringing in church or as Christmas entertainment, handbell ringers attend handbell weekend workshops and festivals. There we spend days ringing with and for ourselves. The repertoire usually includes music also suitable for church. We may end with a concert, but it is attended mainly by family and people that already know and love handbells...More
We’re Back! a lower price!!!
Early Bird available until December 22!
Winter Workshop
January 28-29, 2022
Are you looking forward to meeting your friends behind the bell table? Now is your chance. The Winter Workshop at UMass Amherst is planned for next January featuring two different ringing tracks, workshops, great meals and good fellowship.
The New England Bronze ringing track will be directed by David Harris, director of The Raleigh Ringers. Repertoire for this track will be:
           Reverberations/Lloyd  Arr. by Fry (brand new-available soon)
           Reflections   Buckwalter  ( AG36022)
           Passion Prophecy    Moklebust   (CGB584)
The Beyond Basics Before Bronze ringing track will be directed by Diane Burke and Larry Berdensey. The repertoire for this track will be:
           Toccata on King’s Weston by Compton Agape/Hope Publishing
           Kyrie by Moklebust MCGB480

Thank you to all of of advertisers!
Please support those who support Area 1!

Call for articles
Directors and Handbell Musicians are invited to submit articles for future publications.

Would you like to advertise in Fundamental Tone?
Full page ad (7.25" w x 9.625" h): $80.
Half page ad: $50
Quarter page ad: $30
Eighth page ad: $20
Discounts: Deduct 5% for prepayment of two issues;
deduct 10% for prepayment of four issues.

Next publication is scheduled for February 1
Articles must be submitted no later than January 18

Thank you!
If you have suggestions or questions regarding this or any other aspect of the Fundamental Tone,
please contact the editor:
Fundamental Tone is a publication of the Handbell Musicians of America Area 1.
It is published six times a year: Feb. 1, Apr. 1, Jun. 1, Aug. 1, Oct. 1, Dec. 1.
Editorial copy and advertisements are due by the 18th of the month preceding publication.
Questions? Contact Donna M. Horan, Editor