The Newsletter of Area 1 | Volume XXXVI NIo. 1 | February 2021
News for Handbell Musicians in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts,
New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont 
Area 1 Board - Call for Nominations

Notes from THE CHAIR
Lisa Arnold, Area 1 Chair
Hello Area 1, 
In the last Fundamental Tone, I mentioned that my husband Chuck and I both love to travel and that we both play handbells. I wrote this piece for our Merrimack Valley Ringers Blog, and because of cabin fever, I thought this would be a great piece to share with the wider handbell audience.
Chuck and I have managed to combine our dual loves of handbells and travel on many wonderful trips and plan to continue doing so, once travel becomes safe again. In an ideal world, where money and time present no obstacles, we would travel every month to the far reaches of the world, and playing handbells gives us the perfect opportunity to do just that while seeing the world. Come with us as we plan our dream year of traveling and ringing -- and given the year we have had, we need this, even if it is just a fantasy....More
Notes from the CHAIR-ELECT
Hello handbell friends - gosh, what a long year it's been! So many of us who LOVE ringing are not only missing hugs but are desperately missing ringing - it's our musical hugs. I know "tech" stuff is scary - but many of us have been trying at least a little bit of it. I thought I'd share my own experience in case it might help you. Several people have already tried using this app - but many have said "how did you do that?"...More
Joy Toll-Chandler,
Chair-elect Area 1

Greetings fellow Connecticut Ringers –
My wishes are that you, your friends and family remain healthy and safe during these uncertain times. We are all still waiting for it to be safe so that they can come together and make music as a group. Gina and I hope that we can all be playing again soon. ...More
Happy New Year!
Okay, so far 2021 might not feel like it’s much better than 2020, but a vaccine is on the horizon, and I have hope that many of us will be able to return to ringing in the fall. In previous FT articles, I’ve asked how some of you are staying engaged with bells. This time around, I’m more curious to know what your hopes and dreams ....More
Happy New Year to all our Handbell Peeps!!
We hope that you all had a Wonderful Holiday! This year was one for the history books, for sure. We heard and saw from family and friends that everyone made their own adaptations to make celebrations work. And who knows? Some of these adaptations may turn into traditions!....More
I hope you are healthy in this, the beginning, of a New Year!
Our worlds, handbell and the greater, have changed so much in the last year. And in a great many areas it has been difficult to manage those changes.
I try to maintain a ‘glass half full’ attitude in all things and, admittedly, this year has tested me I that regard...More
Carlene Rusenberg
Area 1 Event Chair
Happy New Year Everyone!
While in normal times, we would be announcing our schedule and registration information for Festival/Conference by now, I am confident that all of that information will be in the February 2022 issue of the Fundamental Tone. I’m glad we made the call to postpone when we did, because if you’re like me, I don’t think I’m ready to sign up now for a big event in June that will have lots of people in an enclosed space. I do see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I look forward to the day when we can all play together again...More

Notes from MAINE and VERMONT
Penobscot Bay Ringers enjoy a Facebook moment!
For the 2020 Advent Season, the Raleigh Ringers invited community choirs from all around the world to share their holiday handbell videos as a way to brighten the season amidst pandemic recommendations of no live concerts. A total of 39 videos were selected and posted daily (sometimes two per day) on the Raleigh Ringers Facebook page, from December 1 through December 24. 
Bells of Joy Quartet 
We had a Bells of Joy quartet that rehearsed and recorded several Christmas songs for our church services, and we were featured with many other musical small ensembles as part of the New England UMC Conference Christmas Eve service. It was fantastic to see what those excellent Bostonian techie folks could produce!
Need 2 Octave Repertoire?
AGEHR Published Titles – music with no bell changes
In these unique times, if you are looking for music with no bell changes, AGEHR has published some*. These pieces vary in difficulty and range of bells, (2 to 6 octaves). All can be played with ringers at music stands or at separated tables...More
Thank you to all of of advertisers!
Please support those who support Area 1!

Call for articles
Directors and Handbell Musicians are invited to submit articles for future publications.

Would you like to advertise in Fundamental Tone?
Full page ad (7.25" w x 9.625" h): $80.
Half page ad: $50
Quarter page ad: $30
Eighth page ad: $20
Discounts: Deduct 5% for prepayment of two issues;
deduct 10% for prepayment of four issues.

Next publication is scheduled for February 1
Articles must be submitted no later than March 18

Thank you!
If you have suggestions or questions regarding this or any other aspect of the Fundamental Tone,
please contact the editor:
Donna M. Horan, [email protected]
Fundamental Tone is a publication of the Handbell Musicians of America Area 1.
It is published six times a year: Feb. 1, Apr. 1, Jun. 1, Aug. 1, Oct. 1, Dec. 1.
Editorial copy and advertisements are due by the 18th of the month preceding publication.
Questions? Contact Donna M. Horan, Editor [email protected]