News for Handbell Musicians in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts,
New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont
K. Joy Toll-Chandler
Chair, Area 1
I have to admit that I set alarms on my phone or my watch - to tell me “It’s almost time!” It might be almost time for a meeting or an appointment or an assignment that is due (like writing my article for Fundamental Tone!). Sometimes then I have to look at my calendar to see WHAT it was almost time for – but it’s so helpful to have those little reminders.
So, here you go – it’s your “little reminder alarm” going off! (hear the little bell go ding?)
It’s ALMOST TIME for… More
"IF someone were to recommend you as the (Area1) newsletter editor, would you shoot that person, or consider and /or embrace the challenge?"
That was the question posed to me in July 2016.
I guess I embraced the challenge.
It has been my honor and privilege to have served my fellow handbell musicians as the editor of the FT, but now, I feel it is time to step down. I have met the goals I set for myself and along the way worked with some great folks both in Area 1 and beyond - Thank you to all who have contributed articles and supported Area 1 with their ads.
My hope is that someone reading this note will 'consider and / or embrace the challenge' and contact Amy Rollins, Area 1's Communication Director, expressing their interest in becoming the next FT Editor.
~Donna M. Horan
Editor, Fundamental Tone
Dear Area 1 handbell musicians,
Thanks to so many of you who responded to our early bird deposit for Festival Conference this June in Connecticut. Your advance commitment allows us to forge ahead with our plans to make Festival Conference 2022 THE handbell event of the summer.
If you were not able to put down an early bird deposit by January 31, don’t worry! Your opportunity to register starts on March 1st, so mark your calendar now.
This year’s Festival Conference has some exciting new courses, top-notch clinicians, and outstanding guest conductors, Brian Childers and Stephanie Rhoades. We return to the University of Hartford with some great new dormitory choices, delicious food, and the super helpful and friendly campus staff we appreciated in 2019. All that’s needed is you!
Carlene Ruesenberg, Festival Chair
Happy (belated) New Year fellow Connecticut Ringers –
While some of us had ringing opportunities curtailed at the beginning of the year, I just returned from a very exciting and enjoyable time at Winter Workshop. It was great to meet and ring with some of my fellow Connecticut Ringers.
In the upcoming months, there are 2 other group ringing events that will take place here in CT...More
Hello Maine Ringers!
Connections… magical connections. That’s what’s I’m thinking about as we move through January. Many of us – likely most of us – are missing connections with our music communities as rehearsals and performances are suspended for a time. I deeply miss the sound and feel of ringing bells with others, all of us under its spell. But I do believe we will wish on a morning star and, by the end of March, we will be enjoying the camaraderie of playing bells together at Spring Ring. By the time you read Fundamental Tone, the event registration will be open....More
Greetings from Massachusetts!
Registration for our Spring Ring (April 2 in Tewksbury) is now open: please see:
It has been so long since we have all been able to make music together, so I hope many of you will join us! Lots more details are below, including answers to some specific questions that different people have asked in recent weeks.
Date: April 2, 2022, 10 AM to 5 PM
Location: Tewksbury Memorial High School, Tewksbury, MA
Clinician: Diane Burke
Registration: $15 per ringer
Registration Deadline: March 20...More
Happy New Year, bell friends!
We’re hoping that everyone’s holiday ringing season went well, brough cheer, and moved people’s hearts with the wonder of seasonal music.
After over a year of having to say no, this holiday season was a festival of finally being able to say yes, and it seems like everyone wanted handbell music! (Yahoo!)
The Granite State Ringers Holiday Ensemble performed several times this season – at St. Joseph Hospital in Nashua, RiverWoods retirement community in Durham, the Hampton Falls town tree lighting, and the Brookside festival of lights in Manchester.....More
Check out the Festival Conference Articles
join us at UHART in June. Check out the ME, MA, and CT Notes for dates of Spring Rings!
Remember the Holiday Handbell Spectacular(s) (HHS) held the Saturday before Thanksgiving? I will be polling past participating ensembles in hopes of planning our 5th annual (with a pause).
Dock to Dessert Concert by Shoreline Ringers
HMA National Seminar July 13th-17th 2021
Phoenix, Arizona
The decision to audition to perform at National Seminar was made in the summer of 2019. We submitted the tape in September and were chosen to be the opening concert for the event in Tampa, Florida in July 2020. Enter Covid-19. The event became virtual, and we were asked to submit a taped performance that could be live streamed, which we did. We were then invited to perform live at the next seminar in Phoenix, Arizona in July 2021, and once again, we were to be the opening concert for the event.
Then we had to figure out how to get everyone and everything to Arizona... More
Editor's Note: Congratulations SLR!
Shoreline Ringers Receives
CT Cultural Fund Operating Support Grant from CT Humanities
Montville, CT (January 2021) — Connecticut Humanities, the statewide, nonprofit affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), has awarded Shoreline Ringers a $6,200 CT Cultural Fund Operating Support Grant (CTCFOSG).
Shoreline Ringers is a nonprofit community handbell ensemble whose goals are to support the continued development of the art of handbell ringing, educate the wider public about the history of handbells and the musicality of the instrument, and foster musical growth within its membership. The organization will use the funds to recoup lost concert revenue due to COVID and to continue to increase its community outreach and engagement. This grant will support Shoreline Ringers operational expenses, allowing the all-volunteer organization to focus on musical excellence and spreading the beauty of handbells.
Ringing Member and Grant Writing Volunteer Emilie Steinnagel stated “with the support of Connecticut Humanities, we will be able to improve the group’s marketing, increase our audience, and grow our reach in the community this year. We are thrilled to have this opportunity to improve our financial sustainability and are looking forward to how it will open up possibilities for us to share our love of handbells with a wider audience.”
This grant was administered by CT Humanities (CTH), with funding provided by the Connecticut State Department of Economic and Community
Thank you to all of of advertisers!
Please support those who support Area 1!
Call for articles
Directors and Handbell Musicians are invited to submit articles for future publications.
Would you like to advertise in Fundamental Tone?
Full page ad (7.25" w x 9.625" h): $80.
Half page ad: $50
Quarter page ad: $30
Eighth page ad: $20
Discounts: Deduct 5% for prepayment of two issues;
deduct 10% for prepayment of four issues.
Next publication is scheduled for April 1
Articles must be submitted no later than March 18
Thank you!
If you have suggestions or questions regarding this or any other aspect of the Fundamental Tone,
Fundamental Tone is a publication of the Handbell Musicians of America Area 1.
It is published six times a year: Feb. 1, Apr. 1, Jun. 1, Aug. 1, Oct. 1, Dec. 1.
Editorial copy and advertisements are due by the 18th of the month preceding publication.