IMRF Board of Trustees News
Thank You Tracie Mitchell for Serving on the IMRF Board of Trustees
IMRF would like to thank former Trustee Tracie Mitchell for her service on the IMRF Board of Trustees. Mitchell served as Employee Trustee from January 2021 to April 2023. She became ineligible to serve as Trustee after recently resigning from her position with her IMRF-participating employer.

“We appreciate Tracie’s investment of time and energy and her dedication during her term on the Board,” said Brian Collins, IMRF Executive Director. “We wish Tracie well in her new position.”

During her time on the Board, Mitchell was Vice Chair of the Benefit Review Committee and served on the Investment, Audit, and Legislative Committees. She took part in the approval of the new 2023 - 2025 IMRF Strategic Plan. During Mitchell’s tenure, IMRF’s actuarial funded status increased from about 94% to more than 98%.
Jeffrey A. Stulir Appointed to Fill Vacant Employee Trustee Position
The IMRF Board of Trustees appointed Jeffrey A. Stulir as Employee Trustee, filling the vacancy created by Tracie Mitchell's resignation.
Stulir is a former IMRF Employee Trustee (2012-2015). During his tenure, Stulir served on multiple committees and served as Board Secretary in 2015.

After the vote appointing Stulir, Board President Tom Kuehne thanked him for his service. “Jeff will hit the ground running,” Kuehne said, “And we are happy to have him back on the Board.”

Stulir has been an Inmate Services Officer for the Rock Island County Sheriff’s Department since 1989. He has also served as a member of the East Moline City Council.

Stulir’s appointment as IMRF Employee Trustee runs through December 31, 2023.
This fall, IMRF will hold an election for one Employee Trustee for a two-year term running January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2025, to fill the remainder of the term vacated by Tracie Mitchell.

There will also be an election for one Executive Trustee for a five-year term running January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2028. For more election information, visit the IMRF website after June 30.
Webinar Available on the IMRF Website to Watch Whenever it's Convenient for You!
IMRF's Pre-Retirement Workshop webinar is for IMRF members who are within five years of retirement. It will address the steps you must take before and during the IMRF retirement application process.

The Pre-Retirement Workshop webinar is now offered online, on-demand on the IMRF website. You can view this recently recorded webinar at any time, when it is convenient for you. To watch the Pre-Retirement Workshop webinar, click here.
2022 IMRF Popular Annual Financial Report

IMRF invites you to read our 2022 Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR). Derived from IMRF’s 2022 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report, the PAFR shares a summary of our financial condition and highlights key insights, making the information accessible to a broader audience, in a less technical manner.

Click here to read more.
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