Frequently Asked Questions About Your IMRF Member Contributions
Q Can I borrow against my IMRF contributions?
A No, borrowing against your IMRF contributions is not an available option.
Q Can I withdraw my IMRF contributions?
A If you are currently employed by your IMRF employer, you cannot withdraw your regular IMRF contributions.

If you are no longer employed by an IMRF employer, you can apply for a refund of your contributions. However, by taking a refund, you will forfeit your service credit and your future pension. Therefore, if you are already vested or if you plan to work for another IMRF employer or reciprocal system employer in the future, you may want to leave your contributions on deposit.

To read more about refunds, clink the link for your plan below:

Q Can I withdraw my IMRF Voluntary Additional Contributions (VAC)?
A Yes, you can withdraw your VAC contributions if you are still participating in IMRF, even if you want to continue making future contributions to your VAC account.
You can also withdraw your VAC contributions if you stop working for your IMRF employer, and you leave your regular IMRF contributions on deposit. If you stop working for your IMRF employer, and you withdraw your regular IMRF contributions, you must also withdraw your VAC contributions.
If you are withdrawing from your VAC, you must withdraw all of the contributions you made—you cannot take a partial refund.
If you are still working for an IMRF employer, you will receive a refund of your VA contributions only. Your interest must remain on deposit with IMRF until you either retire from IMRF or stop working for your IMRF employer. Interest on deposit will continue to earn additional interest.

For more information on VAC, click the link for your plan below:

Why Does IMRF's 2023-2025 Strategic Plan Matter to IMRF Members?
IMRF’s Strategic Plan is an actionable way to reach our goals. The strategic plan provides specific targets we can aspire to over the next three years and a process for continuous evaluation and course correction when needed.
The four areas of focus in the plan are: Financial Health, Customer Engagement, Workforce Engagement, and Operational Excellence. Each of the four key result areas impacts and helps bolster the other 3 key result areas, and all of them together benefit our retirees in multiple ways.
Workforce engagement strategies empower and educate IMRF staff enabling them to be more effective in carrying out the customer engagement and operational excellence strategies to best meet the needs of our members. Workforce engagement strategies also enable IMRF to attract and retain highly skilled, successful investment services and financial services staff members to execute the strategies that ensure the financial health of the organization, which in turn guarantees the secure future retirement of our members.
IMRF first implemented its formal strategic planning process in 2005. Strategic planning is ongoing, with a formal 12-step process that results in a re-examined and adjusted version of the strategic plan being released every 3 years.
For more information about IMRF’s 2023-2025 Strategic Plan, click here
Webinar Now Available on the IMRF Website to Watch Whenever it's Convenient for You!
Your Glass is Half Full: Understanding Your IMRF Benefits
This webinar will explain how your pension is funded, your benefits as an IMRF member, and the importance of having more than one savings vehicle as you prepare for your eventual retirement.

The Your Glass is Half Full Workshop webinar is now offered online, on-demand on the IMRF website. You can view this recently recorded webinar at any time, when it is convenient for you. To watch the Your Glass is Half Full Workshop webinar, click here.
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