Pre-Retirement Workshop Webinar Dates for 2022
IMRF's Pre-Retirement Workshops are for IMRF members who are within five years of retirement. They will address the steps you must take before and during the IMRF retirement application process.
Pre-Retirement Workshop webinar dates:
- Saturday, January 29, 9 - 10 AM
- Thursday, February 3, noon - 1 PM
- Wednesday, February 16, 5 - 6 PM
- Wednesday, March 2, 5 - 6 PM
- Thursday, March 31, noon - 1 PM
- Saturday, April 9, 9 - 10 AM
- Tuesday, April 26, noon - 1 PM
Register today! For more information, or to register for a Pre-Retirement Workshop webinar, click here.
Not Participating in IMRF's Voluntary Additional Contributions (VAC) Program Yet?
Here's What VAC Can Do For You
The no-risk, high interest rate of VAC make it a unique and highly effective savings opportunity available to IMRF members only, to help supplement your retirement savings. The compounding interest can help your money grow more substantially than with most other savings options.
VAC participants recently received their 2021 interest, which was 7.25% of their 2021 start-of-the-year balance.
To learn more about what Voluntary Additional Contributions can do for you, click here.
To sign up for VAC, complete this form and submit it to your Employer's Authorized Agent. After the Authorized Agent signs it, he or she can submit it to IMRF through Employer Access, or you can submit it to IMRF through Member Access.
To submit the form in Member Access, sign into your Member Access account, click on Secure Message in the Quick Links column on the right side of the page. Click on Compose New Message. You can then attach the form to your Secure Message.
* The interest rate may change in the future.
Participants of VAC (Voluntary Additional Contributions): Re-evaluate Your Contribution Rate for 2022
Re-evaluating your Voluntary Additional Contributions (VAC) amount at the beginning of each year is a good habit to get into. Whether you received a pay increase and are interested in putting more into your VAC or you want to reduce your VAC to help make ends meet, January is the perfect time to take a look at your VAC and decide whether you want to adjust your contribution rate. Even a small increase of 1% or 2% to your contribution rate can make a very significant difference to your VAC total over a 20-year or 30-year career.
To change your VAC amount, complete this form and submit it to your Employer's Authorized Agent. After the Authorized Agent signs it, he or she can submit it to IMRF through Employer Access, or you can submit it to IMRF through Member Access.
To submit the form in Member Access, sign into your Member Access account, click on Secure Message in the Quick Links column on the right side of the page. Click on Compose New Message. You can then attach the form to your Secure Message.
For information on how to view your current contribution rate, VAC total, and interest, see the Member Access article at the bottom of this newsletter.
In Member Access, you can...
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