Fundemonium is your local Joy Store! | |
Come Celebrate Our 20 Year Anniversary! | |
Twenty years ago this Summer Steven and Jean Elliott opened their family-focused toy, hobby, game, and activity store.
Along the way that store has grown from 6,000 square feet in Petaluma to a 14,000 square foot community hub in Rohnert Park.
Read about our journey on our website...
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Ultimate Party in a Toy Store
To celebrate twenty years in business, we are planning a 20-Year Anniversary Party for Saturday, August 31st.
Families are invited to enjoy free cake and hot dogs, receive gift bags, participate in prize give aways, and receive discounts on shopping and activities.
Read more about our party on our website...
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Total Toy Store Take Over!
Book a special party with access to all of our activities!
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Speaking of parties, do you know of a school, camp, youth group, or neighborhood that would like the Ultimate Fun Experience?
How about booking a Total Toy Store Takeover at Fundemonium!
We are hosting Rincon Valley Elementary this Summer where kids have full access to all of the activities at Fundemonium for four hours.
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We can also bring an activity on-site like we are doing for Steve & Kate's Camps and Petaluma Parks.
Email Jean at: for a quote.
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Summer Kids Parties
Don't Sweat Outside, Party in a Cool Toy Store!
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My kids were born in the Summer and I remember those hot backyard parties we had at home.
The ice cream was like water.
The cake melted into the table.
And the kids were wilting like lilies in the desert.
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Go to Summer Camp, Bring Home a Car!
Two Camps Left from June through August! Filling up fast.
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Send your kids to a Fundemonium Summer camp, to learn mechanical assembly, repair, racing techniques, and bring home a CAR!
Fundemonium is offering camps to fit all skill levels. In every camp kids build their car, race their car, fix their car, and bring home a quality radio controlled car they can play with for years.
2-day beginner Gorgon on August 8-9. 3 Spots Left!
Camp dates, kit details, and pricing are available on our website...
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Rancho Cotate High School RoboCamp
July 22-26
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Fundemonium is thrilled to be hosting the Rancho Cotate High School Robotics Club Summer Camp again!
Have fun, learn robotics, and support the RCHS Robotics Team!
In the weeklong RoboCamp for kids ages 7-12, students will learn to design, build, and program robots to solve a series of challenges, all culminating in a friendly competition at the end of the week!
No experience required!
Cost: $125 per student
Limited spots are available, so please register soon.
Click here To read more or to register.
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Yantra Robotics Presents STEM with ViNee
August 2nd, 10:00am to 3:00pm
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Join us for a fun-filled day creating different robot models using ViNee – an amazing, new and unique robot hub- and LEGO bricks!
Learn simple machine concepts like gears, cranks, levers etc.
Read more on our website...
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Gundam Build Night is on Tuesday
Tuesday July 9th, 6:00pm to 8:30pm
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Do you like to build Gundam models?
Join us on Tuesdays during June to enjoy building, discussing, and sharing techniques about Gundam models.
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Speed Building Puzzle Competition
THIS FRIDAY, July 12th, 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Only 4 spots left!
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A puzzle competition is FUN for adults and kids alike. Puzzle enthusiasts converge for the ultimate test of speed and skill.
Teams of puzzle builders race to see who can finish a jigsaw puzzle the fastest and compete for prizes!
Andrew has the secret puzzles wrapped and ready for the competition.
Read more on our website...
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Lorcana Ursula’s Return Set Championship
Sunday, July 28th, 12:00pm to 2:00pm
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Join us for a Lorcana Set Championship for Ursula’s Return.
We will be using the Core (constructed) format. Number of Swiss Rounds, Top Cut, and Prize Support is dependent on the number of entrants.
$15 Entry fee.
Read more on our website...
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LEGO Speed Building Competition
Friday, August 23rd, 6:00pm to 8:00pm
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A LEGO speed building competition is FUN for adults and kids alike. Adrenaline surges as seconds tick away. Cheers erupt as victors emerge!
Teams of LEGO builders race to see who can finish a LEGO set the fastest and compete for prizes!
Read more on our website...
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New Items at Fundemonium!
Here are some of the featured new arrivals this week. Please visit Fundemonium and we will show you all the great new toys, games, and hobbies!
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Star Wars Bounty Hunters
Compete against other Bounty Hunters to be the best in the Outer Rim!
This card drafting game is designed for 2-6 players, there's no sitting around, as everyone plays at the same time! Pull contracts, complete bounties, repair droids, loot items, and sell your goods off to the Jawas at their market.
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Ascent 18 Mini-Crawler
The Ascent-18 mini-crawlers are coming back!
After months of being out of stock these super popular crawlers are on their way back to Fundemonium. We expect them this week.
We have all colors on order plus new brass and aluminum hop ups.
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Happy Salmon Party Game
Ever play a game in just under 90 seconds? Would you like to?
Happy Salmon does just that! Each card given to you has an action you need to complete with another person looking to do the same, high fives, seat switching, fist bumps, and handshakes, oh my!
First player to finish all their cards wins!
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Classic Fantastic Plastic
We received some new models and for once it was not all Gundam.
Come check out:
- 2 new P-47D kits from MiniArt
- Return of the Hilux Surf
- New Ukrainian APC
- and a Gundam too
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New Trucks at Fundemonium
Introducing the Narly and the Wikked! These new trucks from RC-Pro are FUN, tough, fast, and don't require a football field bash in.
The Narly is 1/16 scale and comes in both brushed and brushless models while the Wikked is 1/12 scale with a brushless motor and aluminum upgrades. Get your next RC at Fundemonium.
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Groms Come and Groms Go
I was planning to post that our Mojave Groms had arrived but we sold out. We will get more.
If you are experiencing FOMG (Fear Of Missing Groms) check out the Narly from RC-Pro shown above.
- Same size
- Same specs
- LED lights included
- Standard battery connector (T-plug)
- Lower price
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Got Crabs?
I'm A Little Crabby is a game of secret signals and suspicious friends.
Pick a partner, and establish a secret signal, all the while trying to collect four matching cards as they get passed around the table. Got the matching four? Give a signal to your partner, but be wary! If your signal is intercepted, your team will lose a point.
Crabs are points, and points are crabs, if you get the most, you win!
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Camera Drones Come Back
People have been asking about camera drones again so we have brought in a couple of easy to fly beginner drones.
The Pro-36 has an adjustable camera with 720p resolution.
The Pro-38 has powerful brushless motors, tilt-control on the camera with 1080p resolution.
Both are easy to fly with one-button take off and landing, live video to your phone app, and a handy carrying case.
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Item of the Week
RC-Pro Cartoon Planes
Model builders love super-deformed or cartoon-style models. RC pilots love warplanes.
Now you can have both!
Hey! You put radio control in my cartoon model! No, you made my radio control model into a cartoon!
Whether you call it cartoon-style, super-deformed, or a chibi-model it is our Item of the Week.
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Scheduled Events at Fundemonium!
Our FUN schedule of weekly and monthly events is continuing to grow. I invite you to Stay and Play at Fundemonium. View all of our events...
Daily Casual Activities: Race RC Cars, Race Slot Cars, Drive Rock Crawlers, or use our Game Tables.
Monday Mom's and Caregivers Play Time: 10am to 5pm
Tuesday Gundam Build Night: 6pm to 8:30pm
Wednesday Dungeons and Dragons: 6pm to 9pm
Wednesday UDi RC Racing: 7pm to 9pm
Thursday Board Game Night: 7pm to 9pm
Thursday Warhammer 40K: 7pm to 9pm
Thursday Digimon Tournaments: 7pm to 9pm
Friday Speed Puzzle Building Competition: 6pm to 8pm
Friday 1RC Race: 7pm to 9pm
Friday Magic the Gathering: 7pm to 9pm
Sunday Pokémon League: 2pm to 4pm
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Please Like our page on Facebook at:
Thank you,
Steven and Jean Elliott
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