(Training locations: Williamston, Kinston,
, Hickory, Winston-Salem, Research Triangle Park)
The Division of Water Infrastructure in the NC Department of Environmental Quality announces training for the Spring 2020 funding round. Funding offered this round is available through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF), the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF), and the Additional Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Act, 2019 (ASADRA). Funding through ASADRA will be administered through the CWSRF and DWSRF programs.
All applications must be received by the division no later than close of business on Thursday, Apr. 30, 2020. Application training for the following funding programs will be offered Feb. 19 through Feb. 28 at the locations indicated below.
Funding Programs Available in Spring 2020 Funding Round
Additional Supplementation Appropriations for Disaster Relief Act, 2019: This program offers supplemental funding to the State Revolving Fund (SRF) programs for wastewater treatment works and drinking water facilities impacted by Hurricanes Florence and Michael.
-A total of $105,364,800 will be offered between the CWSRF and the DWSRF.
-Up to $26,341,200 will be available in the form of principal forgiveness between the programs.
-ASADRA funds are available for the Spring 2020 funding round only.
Clean Water State Revolving Fund: This program funds wastewater and green projects. It is available to all Local Government Units (LGUs) and non-profit water corporations and offers low-interest loans up to $30 million per applicant. Approximately $70 million will be available for this round with up to $2million as principal forgiveness.
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund: This program funds drinking water projects. It is available to all LGUs, non-profit water corporations, and for-profit water corporations and offers low-interest loans up to $20 million per applicant. Approximately $50 million will be available for this round, with up to $12 as principal forgiveness.
If you are considering applying for funding related to any of the available programs listed above, the Division of Water Infrastructure encourages you to attend a training session.
If you cannot attend training, division staff will be available to meet on an individual basis.
Division of Water Infrastructure Application Training Sessions Statewide
for Spring 2020 Funding Round
-Space is limited at each location.
-Please RSVP to Jennifer Haynie at
jennifer.haynie@ncdenr.gov (919.707.9173) at least a week prior to the training event you plan to attend.
-Please provide your name, organization, e-mail, phone number, and the location you plan to attend.
Training times are:
Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2020, 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m., Williamston (40 seats available)
Martin County Telecenter
415 East Boulevard, #130
Williamston, NC, 27892
Thursday, Feb. 20, 2020, 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m., Kinston (50 seats available)
Kinston Public Utilities
2360 US Highway 258
Kinston, NC 28504
Friday, Feb. 21, 2020, 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m., Pembroke (30 seats available)
Lumber River Council of Governments
30 C.J. Walker Road, COMTech Park
Pembroke, NC 28372
Monday, Feb. 24, 2020, 1:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., Hickory (40 seats available)
Western Piedmont Council of Governments
1880 2nd Avenue NW
Hickory, NC 28601
Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2020, 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., Winston-Salem (25 seats available)
Manson Meads Complex
2799 Griffith Road
Winston-Salem, NC 27103
Friday, Feb. 28, 2020, 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., Research Triangle Park (25 seats available)
Triangle J Council of Governments
4307 Emperor Boulevard, Suite 110
Durham, NC 27703