January 3, 2018
Business Advancement InFusion: Impact of International Tax Reform
January 9th
Technology InFusion: Converting Information Overload to Data Excellence
January 23rd

For More Best Practices

Don't buy - build your workforce. Hosting an intern is a step you can take to reshape the image of manufacturing for today's youth while also developing an employee who will stay loyal to your company.  

In 2015, CAMA worked with Representative Pete Lee to create a $450,000 fund to help manufacturers offset the cost of hosting an intern.
The 2018 application for this funding opened on January 1st and will close on February 15th. 
Don't delay!

Get started with two simple steps:
  1. Follow this link.
  2. Complete the Business Application which includes general eligibility information about the type and size of your business, availability of a mentor or supervisor, and the location and projected start date for the intern.
Your application will be reviewed within 5 business days.
The program will reimburse 50% of internship costs
(up to $5,000) for interns with a minimum of 130 on-the-job training hours completed in 6 months. As created by the legislature, 80% of the intern funding will go to businesses with fewer than 100 employees.
If you have questions, please contact Wendy Corley, Industry Partnership Coordinator, at [email protected].
May 2018 be prosperous for you and your business,
Tim Heaton