Funding Friday 10/15/2021 Edition 41
----- Division of Research -----
Next Friday - October 22, 2021 10:00 AM PT
Virtual Grant Series
Sponsored by Senator Jacky Rosen

Get help with federal grant opportunities for organizations. Representatives from the Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundations will be available.

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NASA EPSCoR RRR Research Topics - Appendix G

In preparation for the release of the 2022 National NASA EPSCoR Rapid Research Response (RRR) solicitation, the National NASA EPSCoR Project Manager has provided an advance copy of Appendix G listing specific research topics. We anticipate that the solicitation will be very similar to last year’s solicitation. Each jurisdiction will only be allowed to submit one proposal per NASA Office/Center, and each must address a different topic. Note: each office/center has multiple research topics.

Funding: Awards are $100K Federal with no match requirement for a one-year period of performance.

Approximate Due Dates:

  • Solicitation release from NASA: November 15, 2021
  • LOI’s due to NSHE: November 30, 2021
  • Decisions on LOIs to proceed to full proposal: December 6, 2021
  • Full proposals to NSHE: January 18, 2022

Interested faculty must communicate with the NASA point-of-contact for the topic area before submitting a LOI.
The Office of Sponsored Programs will be the submitting authorized official for these announcements. We strongly encourage Principal Investigators to utilize the UNLV Corporate & Foundation Relations assistance with the preparation of any narrative portions of the proposal(s). 
American Nurses Foundation Invites Applications for the Reimagining Nursing Initiative - $500,000 to $1.5 million over 3 years - To elevate the nursing profession's capability to match future health demands by investing in opportunities for transformative change that lie at the intersection of education, regulation, and practice. Applications due Oct. 25, 2021
BrightFocus Foundation Invites Applications for Glaucoma Research - Up to $200,000 over up to 2 years - To support basic, translational, and clinically oriented research on the causes of, or treatments for glaucoma. Applications due Oct. 26, 2021
American Association of Critical-Care Nurses Invites Applications for Impact Research Grants - Up to $50,000 - To support projects that support inquiry and systematic research that generates new knowledge. Applications due Oct. 29, 2021
Melanoma Research Alliance Invites Proposals for Research - Up to $85,000 per year for up to 3 years - To support innovative and original, preclinical, translational, and/or early clinical research projects. Applicant Eligibility Checklist due Nov. 3, 2021
Althea Sheets, Communications Manager for Research Development, Office of Sponsored Programs,, 702-895-1880