Nevada NASA EPSCoR requests Letters of Intent (LOI)
Pre-Proposals for the National NASA EPSCoR Research CAN
Letter of Intent Due:
September 7, 2020, 5:00 pm PT
Pre-Proposal Due:
October 13, 2020, 5:00 pm PT
The National NASA EPSCoR Program has revised the schedule for the Research Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) once again. It is anticipated that the National NASA EPSCoR CAN solicitation will be released in late-November 2020 with a single full proposal submission due in early February 2021. To allow sufficient time to select and develop a single strong full proposal from Nevada, letters of intent and pre-proposals are being solicited in advance of the Federal CAN release. The LOIs will be used to select review panel members for pre-proposal competitive external review that will result in the selection of one pre-proposal that will advance to full proposal development. Note: the National NASA EPSCoR CAN will only permit one full proposal submission per EPSCoR state.
Faculty at NSHE institutions, particularly junior faculty, women, and members of other underrepresented populations are encouraged to apply. Faculty who have a current National NASA EPSCoR Research CAN project are not eligible to apply while their project is on-going. Pre-proposals must include Co-PIs from at least three NSHE institutions.
The NASA EPSCoR Research CAN will provide an award of $1,125,000 total for a three-year period with the expectation of a 2:1 match; i.e., $750K in Federal funds and $375K in state matching funds (contingent on matching fund availability) and/or institutional match.
Webinar about this solicitation will be held August 3, 2020 at 2 pm PT.