Limited Submissions Opportunity | |
NIH Health’s Research Evaluation and Commercialization Hubs (REACH) Awards (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) (RFA-OD-23-005)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) announces the renewal of the NIH Research Evaluation and Commercialization Hub (REACH) program, established to facilitate and accelerate the translation of academic biomedical discoveries into products that improve patient care and public health.
Through this program, NIH will provide the qualifying institutions with the funds to seed the creation of academic entrepreneurship Hubs. Hubs will be responsible for providing innovators with both the initial investment and resources to support the proof-of-concept work and the mentorship in product development and commercialization needed to develop high priority technologies within the NIH’s mission.
Application Deadline: 1/4/2023
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Transatlantic Research Partnership
The 2023 Transatlantic Research Partnership has announced its call for applications.
This program, jointly launched by the French Embassy in the United States and the FACE Foundation, aims to foster forward-looking collaborative research that engages with pressing global challenges. It offers $20,000 grants to support two-year projects led by two outstanding researchers at the beginning of their careers –– one based in the United States, the other in France. These funds will support transatlantic mobilities of researchers and PhD students, collaborative research activities such as the organization of international workshops or conferences, and the publication of joint articles.
Projects can span or combine Humanities, Social Sciences, and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), and their research topics should be related to one or several United Nations Sustainable Goals.
- Projects must be jointly submitted by two researchers at the beginning of their careers (less than 15 years after obtaining their PhD);
- Applicants must provide proof that they are employed at either a U.S. or French institution for the duration of the partnership, i.e. minimum 2 years;
- U.S. or French citizenship is not required;
- PhD candidates are not eligible to be project leaders, but each project should include PhD students.
December 6th 2022: the call for applications opens
February 24th 2023: the call for applications closes
- June 2023: selection of the 2023 grantees
- July 2023: estimated official announcement of the 2023 laureates
- September 2023: estimated launch of the selected projects
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REASON (Rapid Explanation, Analysis and Sourcing Online) Proposers Day Event
IARPA has just announced the REASON (Rapid Explanation, Analysis and Sourcing Online) Program, which aims to develop technology to provide automated suggestions to intelligence analysts to help them improve the evidence and reasoning in their analytic reports in much the same way that automated grammar checkers provide suggestions to writers. This research will benefit from contributions of computer scientists, social scientists, and experts in philosophy, argumentation and logic.
IARPA will hold a “Proposers’ Day” event on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 for people interested in learning more about the program. The event will include a presentation about REASON, a Q&A session, lightning talks, and opportunities to identify teaming partners. This will be a hybrid virtual/in-person event (in Northern Virginia) with a registration deadline of January 6, 2023.
For more information about REASON, please visit
To register for the Proposers’ Day, please visit
Registration Deadline: 1/6/2023
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Annual Request for Proposals
Biolocity provides funding and mentorship to advance innovations that impact human health and are seeking proposals for their current $1.5M funding cycle. Commercialization funding is available for a broad range of technology types including device, drug delivery, therapeutic, and health IT. Applications are by invite only. If selected to move forward, the pre-proposal is due Jan. 3, 2023.
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Applied Research Projects
The Partnership for Inclusive Innovation is looking to support applied research projects that have a meaningful impact on Georgians! Grantees will be expected to work closely with community stakeholders over a period of 12 – 16 months to advance their research, including their proposed scope of work.
Deadline for Applications: Proposal accepted anytime and reviewed twice per year (April and September).
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Racial Justice/Racial Equity Seed Funding (Provost Office)
Societal inequities along racial lines have deep historical and systemic roots and span many areas, including but not limited to education, housing, health, economic security, voting and political participation, and the criminal justice system. Understanding racial inequalities that exist in our society and identifying mechanisms to address them is critical to achieving a more equitable society.
This funding opportunity seeks to identify and support research proposals from current, full-time members of the Emory faculty whose research, scholarly efforts, and creative activities address racial justice/racial equity. At Emory University, racial justice means making sure our society works for every citizen. Specifically, it is about working toward equity for individuals and groups systematically excluded and disadvantaged in the United States, whether that exclusion has historic origins or stems from current biased practices.
Deadline: 1/31/2023
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The Halle Institute for Global Research: Global Perspectives on Race+, Ethnicity+, and Nation+
“Global Perspectives on Race+, Ethnicity+, and Nation+” is a new grant offered by the Halle Institute for Global Research. Full-time, continuing, regular faculty from any of Emory’s nine schools are eligible to apply as Primary Investigators for innovative research projects from any disciplinary, interdisciplinary, or multi-disciplinary perspective. Student participation is encouraged but not required.
Applications Due: 3/1/2023
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The Halle Institute for Global Research/URC: URC-Halle Institute Global Research Award
The Halle Institute for Global Research has partnered with the University Research Committee (URC) to award up to eight grants in any of the following six URC categories for individual or collaborative research with an international dimension.
Applications Due: 1/17/2023
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NIDDK Information Network Coordinating Unit: dkNET-CU (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to continue development and expansion of the NIDDK Information Network (dkNET) under the direction of the dkNET Coordinating Unit (dkNET-CU).
dkNET supports the NIDDK community’s needs in data science by providing an information portal that connects users to data, analytical tools, and other biomedical research resources.
Additionally, dkNET supports researchers by providing a hub for data-driven hypothesis generation; a suite of tools that assist users in FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) practice, and in improving rigor and reproducibility in research; and a variety of programs to enhance community engagement and workforce development.
The dkNET-CU will be responsible for providing the scientific direction, vision, and administrative management to advance dkNET goals.
Deadline: 3/31/2023
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Science and Technology Studies (STS)
Science and Technology Studies (STS) is an interdisciplinary field that investigates the conceptual foundations, historical developments and social contexts of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), including medical science.
The STS program supports proposals across a broad spectrum of research that uses historical, philosophical and social scientific methods to investigate STEM theory and practice.
STS research may be empirical or conceptual; specifically, it may focus on the intellectual, material or social facets of STEM including interdisciplinary studies of ethics, equity, governance and policy issues.
Deadline: 2/2/2023
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Biological Basis for how Environmental Exposures Impact Risk for Psychiatric Disorders (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
The objective of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to solicit applications that propose to better understand the biological basis by which environmental exposures alter brain and behavioral functioning to increase risk for psychiatric disorders with onset in late-childhood, adolescence, or early adulthood.
The R21 grant mechanism is intended to encourage exploratory and developmental research projects that are high-risk and/or use novel approaches with potential for significant impact. Investigations that further advance our understanding of psychiatric conditions where there is less evidence of an environmental exposure link are of particular interest.
Deadline: 2/2/2023
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Accelerating the Pace of Child Health Research Using Existing Data from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study (R21-Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study is collecting data on health and mental health, cognitive function, substance use, cultural and environmental factors, and brain structure and function from youth starting when they are 9-10 years-old and following them longitudinally to early adulthood.
These data will be made available to the scientific community through the NIMH Data Archive. The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to encourage applications proposing the analysis of this public use dataset to increase knowledge of adolescent health and development.
More information about the ABCD Study may be found on the ABCD Study web page ( This FOA seeks shorter, higher-risk R21 grant applications, whereas its companion funding opportunity PAR-22-137 seeks R01 grant applications.
Deadline: 2/16/2023
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Fostering Research With Additional Resources and Development (FORWARD) Urology Centers (P20 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
The overall goal of the Fostering Research with Additional Resources and Development (FORWARD) Urology Centers program is to foster and expand the urology (excluding cancer) research community.
The objective of each FORWARD Urology Center will be to support a Research Project designed and conducted by a collaborative, multidisciplinary team comprising primarily of junior investigators with at least one Early Stage Investigator (ESI) and/or researcher new to urology. Research Project data are expected to support one or more follow-on independent grant applications (e.g., R01s) submitted by Research Project Team investigators.
The Center PD(s)/PI(s) will lead an Administrative (Project Support) Core to provide guidance to the Research Project Team to help ensure the research aims are met and to aid them in their successful integration into the broader urologic research field.
Deadline: 3/8/2023
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Precompetitive Collaboration on Liquid Biopsy for Early Cancer Assessment: Liquid Biopsy Research Laboratories (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
The purpose of this FOA is to solicit applications for Liquid Biopsy Research Laboratories (LBRLs), one of the two components of the Precompetitive Collaboration on Liquid Biopsy for Early-Cancer Assessment Consortium (LBC).
LBC is an Academic-Industrial Partnership program to develop and validate liquid biopsy technologies for early-cancer detection, risk assessment, and/or for distinguishing cancer from benign disease or aggressive from indolent cancers.
The LBRLs will conduct research on the development of liquid biopsy technologies, assays and/or methods for the capture and analysis of tumor associated cells, DNA, RNA, or exosomes in body fluids of individuals with early-stage cancer or at high risk of developing the disease.
Precompetitive alliances between academic and industry research teams must be integral to the LBRLs for more effective harmonization and successful validation of the developed liquid biopsy technologies, methods, and assays.
The other component of LBC is the Data Management and Coordination Unit (DMCU).
Deadline: 1/10/2023
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Climate Program Office (CPO), Earth System Science and Modeling Research in support of the Disaster
Climate variability and change present society with significant economic, health, safety, and security challenges.
As part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) climate portfolio within the Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR), Climate Program Office (CPO), the Earth System Science and Modeling (ESSM) Division programs address climate challenges by managing competitive research programs that support high-priority science initiatives.
CPO/ESSM Programs advance our understanding of the Earth’s climate system and foster the application and use of this knowledge to improve the resilience of our Nation and its partners.
Through this announcement, CPO/ESSM is seeking applications for two individual competitions in FY23.
Deadline: 1/26/2023
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Center for Early Lifestage Vulnerabilities to Environmental Stressors - Cumulative Health Impacts for Children in Underserved Rural Agricultural Communities in the United States
Protecting children’s health is one of the most important responsibilities of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
"It is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's policy to protect children from environmental exposures by consistently and explicitly considering early life exposures and lifelong health in all human health decisions.
Children's environmental health refers to the effect of environmental exposure during early life: from conception, infancy, early childhood and through adolescence until 21 years of age.
The EPA' s policy is informed by the scientific understanding that children may be at greater risk to environmental contaminants than adults due to differences in behavior and biology and that the effects of early life exposures may also arise in adulthood or in later generations (1).”
Deadline: 1/11/2023
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Autism Secondary Data Analysis Research (Autism SDAR)
The purpose of the SDAR program is to support research that analyzes existing national data sets and/or administrative records to answer questions that can improve the health and well-being of MCH populations, including children and teenagers with autism spectrum disorders and other developmental disabilities (ASD/DD).
The SDAR program helps researchers use existing data sets to identify new issues, study new research questions, test hypotheses, and determine pathways for intervention.
Existing and new public health challenges affecting MCH populations, including children with special health care needs (MCH SDAR) and children and adolescents with ASD/DD (Autism SDAR), require timely, evidence-based responses from programs, policy, and practice. Without sufficient evidence or data, it is hard to develop interventions addressing both existing and new issues.
Deadline: 2/13/2023
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NINR Areas of Emphasis for Research to Optimize Health and Advance Health Equity (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
This funding announcement solicits R01 grant applications that propose independent research projects that are consistent with the scientific framework detailed in the 2022-2026 National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) Strategic Plan.
This research will be rooted in nursing's holistic, contextualized approach to understanding people and their health, address the nation's most pressing and persistent health challenges with a solutions orientation, and employ innovative and rigorous study designs to inform practice and policy.
Deadline: 2/5/2023
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University Research Committee | |
URC 2022-23 Call for Proposals - now open!
The University Research Committee (URC) announces the annual Call for Proposals for funding to be used during 2023-2024 in the following categories:
- URC Regular Award
- URC Interdisciplinary Award
URC-Halle Institute Global Research Award (For those conducting research primarily outside of the United States)
All regular, full-time Emory faculty, of all ranks, are welcome to apply. URC eligibility follows criteria for “full-time faculty” as defined within each school. Postdocs, Fellows, Adjuncts, Research Track lines in some schools, and part-time faculty are not eligible.
Please see the full RFP document below for more information.
Deadline: January 17, 2023
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Funding Opportunities Calendar |
A comprehensive archive of past, present, and upcoming opportunities can be found on the SVPR funding calendar. Click the link below to view.
Link to SVPR Funding Calendar
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Limited and Internal Competitions through InfoReady |
Universities involved in research often need to run competitions for grant funding, whether for internal grant dollars or limited submission opportunities through external sponsors.
If you are interested in submitting a proposal to a funding opportunity with an institutional limitation, please check InfoReady to see if it is listed first. If it is not there, please email and include the funding opportunity number, title, and due date.
Link to InfoReady
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Search Tool for Corporate and Foundation Funding Opportunities |
The Office of Corporate Relations and the Office of Foundation Relations have teamed up to create this resource site to provide a curated list of current funding opportunities and other resources. This site will help promote connections between Emory colleagues and corporate/foundation partners.
Link to SharePoint Search Tool
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Free access available with Emory Email address. Formally IRIS. Provides access to the University Community to conduct funding searches. The database is provides funding opportunities for the physical and life sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities.
Link for More Information
| | | is a central storehouse for information on over 1,000 grant programs from over 27 federal agencies. Interested applicants can search for relevant funding opportunities by Keyword or Category or browse opportunities by agency. The portal is also a central source to apply for federal grants. Information on the processes for proposal submission through can be found in Proposal Submission. | | |
Free access available through Databases@Emory. This database, produced by the nation's leading authority on philanthropy, includes extensive program details for thousands of leading foundations; detailed application guidelines for more than 7,000 grants; and a searchable file of approximately half a million grants.
Link for More Information
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