Funding Fridays | A Research Newsletter 
Funding Fridays is the title of a bi-monthly newsletter aimed at amplifying and consolidating external funding opportunities shared with the faculty through various channels. This newsletter will highlight and foster funding opportunities that offer cross-unit, multidisciplinary, or unique collaborative opportunities. It will also highlight all limited-institution submissions or opportunities that are high risk / high reward. Below you will find links to standard funding search engines for those interested in exploring more available opportunities.
Featured Opportunity
Music and Health: Understanding And Developing Music Medicine
Notice for February 5, 2022
Music has a unique and remarkable ability to ameliorate the symptoms of a broad range of disorders that occur throughout the lifespan, deliver palliative care during serious advanced illness, improve recovery from a variety of neurological disorders, and improve health throughout all our lives. Music can clearly act as an effective medicine, but its means of action are poorly understood.

This Program Announcement with special Review (PAR) will accept R01 applications and is intended to support studies with a strong scientific foundation and potentially strong impact on advancing the science of music and health. All proposed projects must be within the mission and interests of the participating institutes, offices, and agencies.

The SVPR Office is supporting a joint effort for submissions to this program in 2022. Please contact Kimberly Eck, AVP for Research, ([email protected]) if you are interested in collaborating on this project.
New Funding Opportunities
National Telehealth Resource Center Program: Due January 21, 2021
This notice announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the National Telehealth Resource Center (NTRC) Program. The purpose of NTRCs is to support the delivery of telehealth technical assistance through Regional Telehealth Resource Centers (RTRCs).

Two NTRCs may be funded.

  1. Policy NTRC: One NTRC will focus on policy issues of telehealth, such as reimbursement and coverage, licensing, credentialing and privileging, regulation, standards, guidelines, and privacy. Many policy issues such as licensure and reimbursement may have state-specific considerations and the NTRC will work with each RTRC and with other national or policy specific organizations to insure that telehealth policies are accurately tracked or reported.
  2. Technology NTRC: One NTRC will focus on telehealth technology issues related to, for example, equipment or software, interfacing/integration with other systems, interoperability, technology support and upgrading, cybersecurity, technology alerts or recalls. Each NTRC will work to support RTRCs (HRSA-21-022) in their efforts to advance telehealth.

Global Perspectives on Race: Due January 22, 2021
Global Perspectives on Race” is a new grant offered by the Halle Institute for Global Research. Full-time, continuing, regular faculty from any of Emory’s nine schools are eligible to apply as Primary Investigators for innovative research projects from any disciplinary, interdisciplinary, or multi-disciplinary perspective. Student participation is encouraged but not required.

This grant supports research that examines race as broadly conceived in any country outside the United States. Projects might include, but are not limited to, the very construction of the category 'race'; inequalities/inequities and the egalitarian movements they foster; the interplay of race with imperialism and colonialism; the intersections of race with gender, sexuality, ethnicity, religion, education, labor, science, art, and/or health. Comparative projects that include some research in the United States will be considered. Outcomes may include publications, external funding, programmatic work, research capacity building, art exhibitions and/or other forms of research-based activity.

Please note that, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, all grant-related travel must adhere to Emory University policies as well as local restrictions, border controls, and sanitary procedures. 
Stephen I. Katz Early Stage Investigator Research Project Grant (R01 Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required): Due January 26, 2021

This Funding Opportunity Announcement is for basic science experimental studies involving humans, referred to in NOT-OD-18-212 as “prospective basic science studies involving human participants.” These studies fall within the NIH definition of a clinical trial and also meet the definition of basic research. Types of studies that should submit under this FOA include studies that prospectively assign human participants to conditions (i.e., experimentally manipulate independent variables) and that assess biomedical or behavioral outcomes in humans for the purpose of understanding the fundamental aspects of phenomena without specific application towards processes or products in mind. Studies that are NOT conducted with specific applications toward processes or products in mind and which also do not meet the clinical trial definition should submit under the appropriate ‘Clinical Trial Not Allowed’ FOA.

Stephen I. Katz Early Stage Investigator Research Project Grant (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed): Due January 26, 2021

The Stephen I. Katz Early Stage Investigator Research Project Grant supports an innovative project that represents a change in research direction for an early stage investigator (ESI) and for which no preliminary data exist. Applications submitted to this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) must not include preliminary data. Applications must include a separate attachment describing the change in research direction.

This FOA is appropriate for ESIs who wish to initiate a research project in an area different from their previous research focus and/or training experience, and therefore have not produced preliminary data. PD/PI's who wish to proposed research projects consistent with their past work or training and/or supported by preliminary data, should apply to the Parent R01 or other FOAs allowing for preliminary data.

Human Networks and Data Science (HNDS): Due February 4, 2021

The Human Networks and Data Science program (HNDS) supports research that enhances understanding of human behavior and how humans interact with and are influenced by their environments by leveraging data science and network science research across a broad range of topics. HNDS research will identify ways in which dynamic, distributed, and heterogeneous data can provide novel answers to fundamental questions about individual and group behavior. HNDS is especially interested in proposals that provide data-rich insights about human networks to support improved health, prosperity, and security.

Mid-Career Advancement
(MCA): Due February 1, 2021

The MCA offers an opportunity for scientists and engineers at the Associate Professor rank (or equivalent) to substantively enhance and advance their research program through synergistic and mutually beneficial partnerships, typically at an institution other than their home institution. Projects that envision new insights on existing problems or identify new but related problems previously inaccessible without new methodology or expertise from other fields are encouraged.

CZI Visual Proteomics Imaging: Due February 17, 2021
The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative invites applications for challenge grants in the field of Visual Proteomics. This Request for Applications (RFA) aims to advance technology directed at the goal of obtaining near-atomic resolution readouts inside the cell. CZI seeks investigators who will contribute to a collaborative interdisciplinary network and the advancement of the visual proteomics field. Funding Amount will vary based on needs of project

Interested in this opportunity? Contact Connor Cook, Office of Foundation Relations at

Conducting Research to Inform Pandemic Response and Recovery of Emergency-Affected Populations by Determining Public Health Needs, Improving Methods, and Integrating Services to Mitigate Morbidity and Mortality: Due February 18, 2021
The purpose of this notice of funding opportunity is to understand the needs of emergency-affected and displaced populations by improving epidemiological methods, estimating morbidity and mortality of these populations during COVID-19, as well as understand the specific health sector needs of persons affected by humanitarian/public health emergencies and best practices for improving health outcomes.
Build and Broaden 2.0: Enhancing Social, Behavioral and Economic Science Research and Capacity at Minority-Serving Institutions: Due March 5, 2021
**To be eligible for this program, Emory faculty must collaborate with investigator(s) from minority-serving institution(s).**

Build and Broaden 2.0 encourages research collaborations between scholars at minority-serving institutions (MSIs) and scholars in other institutions or organizations. Growing the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce is a national priority. National forecasts of the impending shortage of science and engineering skills and essential research workforce underscore a need to expand opportunities to participate in STEM research (President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, 2012). NSF has taken steps to expand participation by focusing on research communities that are not well-represented in the federal research system. Through these steps, NSF is working to expand the volume and increasing the diversity, interconnectedness, and effectiveness of the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) workforce. 

Limited-Institution Submission Opportunities
Sept 2021 Deadline - NIH Neuroscience Development for Advancing the Careers of a Diverse Research Workforce (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Internal Submission Due February 8, 2021
This NIH Neuroscience Development for Advancing the Careers of a Diverse Research Workforce (R25) is a flexible and specialized program designed to foster the development of neuroscience researchers from diverse backgrounds, including from underrepresented groups across career stages. Thus, it encourages applications from applicant organizations that propose innovative mentoring and professional development activities in the mission area(s) of the NINDS and/or NIMH. This Neuroscience Diversity R25 initiative will focus on factors that have been shown to affect retention of underrepresented graduate students, postdoctoral trainees, and junior faculty in neuroscience research such as mentoring, scientific networks, professional development, and attention to the structural and institutional environment regarding inclusion

Finding Funding
Free access available with Emory Email address. Formally IRIS. Provides access to the University Community to conduct funding searches. The database is provides funding opportunities for the physical and life sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities. Link for More Information is a central storehouse for information on over 1,000 grant programs from over 27 federal agencies. Interested applicants can search for relevant funding opportunities by Keyword or Category or browse opportunities by agency. The portal is also a central source to apply for federal grants. Information on the processes for proposal submission through can be found in Proposal Submission.
Foundation Directory
Free access available through Databases@Emory. This database, produced by the nation's leading authority on philanthropy, includes extensive program details for thousands of leading foundations; detailed application guidelines for more than 7,000 grants; and a searchable file of approximately half a million grants.