Funding Fridays | A Research Newsletter
Funding Fridays is the title of a bi-monthly newsletter aimed at amplifying and consolidating external funding opportunities shared with the faculty through various channels. This newsletter will highlight and foster funding opportunities that offer cross-unit, multidisciplinary, or unique collaborative opportunities. It will also highlight all limited-institution submissions or opportunities that are high risk / high reward. Below you will find links to standard funding search engines for those interested in exploring more available opportunities.
Emory Integrated Core Facilities
Emory Integrated Core Facilities is proud to share this brochure which illustrates our current offerings to support your research needs. The Integrated Core Facilities provide researchers with advanced tools and equipment paired with specialized expertise to advance multidisciplinary research excellence. The integrated core offerings with eighteen active centers continue to expand to support our scientists’ growing needs.
Learn more about the Emory Integrated Core System.
Understanding and Addressing the Impact of Structural Racism and Discrimination on Minority Health and Health Disparities - Letter of Intent Due: July 20, 2021
This initiative will support observational or intervention research to understand and address the impact of structural racism and discrimination (SRD )on minority health and health disparities.
Projects must address SRD in one or more NIH-designated populations with health disparities in the US and should address documented disparities in health outcomes. It is also expected that projects will collect data on SRD beyond individual self-reported perceptions and experiences to include data at organizational, community, or societal levels.
Projects are expected to involve collaborations with relevant organizations or groups of stakeholders, such as academic institutions, health service providers and systems, state and local public health agencies, or other government agencies such as housing and transportation, criminal justice systems, school systems, patient or consumer advocacy groups, community-based organizations, and faith-based organizations. Multidisciplinary research teams, including researchers from areas outside of the health sciences, such as economics, education, history, criminology, law, and political science, are encouraged.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please reach out to AVP for Research Kimberly Eck, [email protected]
"Predicting future pandemics to protect our health, communities and economy"
Predictive Intelligence for Pandemic Prevention Phase I: Development Grants: LOI Deadline: October 1, 2021
This initiative focuses on fundamental research and capabilities needed to tackle grand challenges in infectious disease pandemics through prediction and prevention.
The PIPP Phase I initiative intends to support planning activities encompassing (1) articulation of a grand challenge centered around a critical and broad question in pandemic predictive intelligence; (2) proposals of novel conceptual research and technology developments that aim to advance state-of-the-art forecasting, real-time monitoring, mitigation, and prevention of the spread of pathogens; and (3) multidisciplinary team formation. Successful Phase I proposals must identify an innovative interdisciplinary grand challenge that engages integrated computational, biological, engineering, and social/behavioral approaches to formulate and solve critical problems relating to predictive intelligence for pandemic prevention. PIs of Phase I Development Grants are strongly encouraged to develop research and technical approaches that start to address critical aspects of the identified grand challenge.
NSF’s PIPP activities place great emphasis on high-risk/high-payoff convergent research that has the potential for large societal impact. To that end, prospective principal investigators (PIs) must develop teams and proposals that work across scientific, disciplinary, geographic, and organizational divides, push conceptual boundaries, and build new theoretical framings of the understanding of pandemic predictive intelligence.
New Funding Opportunities
RADx-UP - Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Implications (SEBI) Research on Disparities in COVID-19 Testing among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations: LOI Deadline: July 7, 2021
High rates and disparities of COVID-19 infection, morbidity, and mortality continue among underserved and vulnerable populations across the United States. The overarching goal of the Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics for Underserved Populations (RADx-UP) initiative is to understand and ameliorate factors that have placed a disproportionate burden of the pandemic on underserved and/or vulnerable populations, specifically by implementing programs that expand the scope and reach of COVID-19 testing interventions to reduce these disparities. To address barriers to testing and vaccination, social, ethical, and behavioral research is urgently needed to inform related mitigation efforts. This Phase II RADx-UP Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is designed to expand research to understand and address the social, ethical, and behavioral implications (SEBI) of COVID-19 testing interventions among underserved and vulnerable populations.
Cures Within Reach Issues RFP for Repurposing Research Led by a US-Based Racial/Ethnic Minority Principal Investigator: Application Deadline: July 9, 2021
Cures Within Reach (CWR) works to improve patient quality and lifespan by leveraging the speed, safety, and cost-effectiveness of medical repurposing research, driving more treatments to more patients more quickly. To that end, CWR has issued a Request for Proposals seeking clinical repurposing trials in any disease led by a racial/ethnic minority that is underrepresented in biomedical research (as defined by the NIH): Blacks or African Americans, Hispanics or Latinx, American Indians or Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders.
CWR is interested in approved generic or proprietary drugs, devices, nutraceuticals, or diagnostics that could be repurposed to create "new" treatments to reduce the symptoms, progression, or incidence of; restore function lost to; reduce or eliminate severe side effects of currently used therapies for any unmet medical need. Repurposed therapies can be used alone or in combination with other therapies or repurposed from an approved adult indication into a pediatric indication. Therapies must already be approved by the FDA, EMA, or any other regulatory agency or otherwise readily available for human use.
CWR is interested in both previously funded minority PIs and supporting minority PIs who are early-stage investigators and have received little or no extramural research funding to date. PIs who have not received extramural funding previously and/or do not currently have their own lab should include a Letter of Support from a funded, senior researcher who will act as a mentor for the proposed clinical trial and the PI.
Facebook Research - Instagram Request for Proposals on Safety and Community Health: Application Deadline: July 13, 2021
In 2021, Instagram requests research proposals to help us better understand experiences on Instagram that may or may not contribute to the safety and health of our community. This includes, but is not limited to, research that will help us better understand equity and fairness issues facing our communities, develop better policies, assess possible improvements to protect our younger community, or better understand the mechanisms (e.g., social support, social comparison) through which Instagram usage would directly impact the people that use our service. We especially encourage researchers investigating topics that may affect teen communities or underserved or vulnerable communities to apply.
- Projects can focus on safety and community health in online platforms more broadly, though the findings should be scalable/relevant for Instagram.
- We encourage applications from and proposals focusing on people across the globe.
Deadline for LOIs (Phase 1): July 16, 2021
PATH is a highly competitive award program that provides $500,000 over a period of five years to support accomplished investigators at the assistant professor level to study pathogenesis, with a focus on the interplay between infectious agents and their hosts, shedding light on how both are affected by their encounters. The awards are intended to give recipients the freedom and flexibility to pursue new avenues of inquiry, stimulating higher-risk research projects that hold potential for significantly advancing understanding of how infectious diseases work and how health is maintained.
The ideal candidate is an accomplished investigator at the mid-to-late assistant professor level with an established record of independent research in a tenure-track position.
- Candidates who will be promoted to Associate Professor by November 15, 2021 are not eligible to apply.
- Microbiome-related proposals must be infectious disease-focused to compete well in this program.
- BWF encourages submissions from those working in protozoan and metazoan parasites, protists, and fungi. Viral, bacterial, immune, and multi-species work is likewise encouraged. Work-related to malaria, tuberculosis, and AIDs is appropriate for this program.
- BWF encourages submissions focusing on climate change and its impact on the pathogenesis of infectious disease and human health.
Halle Institute for Global Research - Emory Fulbright Distinguished Chair Programs: Application Deadline: Dates Vary
The Halle Institute has established four Emory Fulbright Distinguished Chair programs in collaboration with Fulbright offices and commissions in Brazil, India, Korea, and South Africa. Distinguished Chairs are innovative and dynamic scholars who spend a semester at Emory to conduct research, teach courses or workshops, and engage with Emory’s academic community. Hosted by appropriate schools, departments and programs in any discipline, Distinguished Chairs offer rich engagement with faculty and students. Their contributions strengthen international cooperation between their home institution and Emory, and they support Emory as a global academic community of choice for researchers across a wide array of disciplines.
Fulbright Brazil Distinguished Chair
Submission Deadline: August 2, 2021
- Fulbright-Nehru Visiting Chair
Submission Deadline: July 30, 2021
- Fulbright Korea Distinguished Chair
Submission Deadline: September 30, 2021
- Fulbright South Africa Distinguished Chair
Application Closed. Stay tuned for more details in Spring 2022.
Limited-Institution Submission Opportunities
Centers for HIV Structural Biology:
Internal Submission Due June 22, 2021
The goal of the Centers for HIV Structural Biology program will be to support teams of scientists to develop and utilize cutting-edge technologies and methodologies to address the most challenging scientific questions involving the structures and functions of HIV-related macromolecular complexes. Centers are expected to move beyond the determination of static structures and into an understanding of the dynamics of complexes with an eye toward informing mechanistically based discovery and/or design of interventions for the prevention, treatment, and cure of HIV. The development of specific interventions is not the purpose of the FOA; rather, the goal is to establish new technologies and methodologies to facilitate the discovery of new therapeutic targets, elucidate the mechanisms of action of interventions, or determine the structural basis for interventional failures.
NEH Summer Stipends call for submissions FY2022:
Internal Submission Due July 22, 2021
The purpose of this program is to stimulate new research in the humanities and its publication. Summer Stipends support continuous full-time work on a humanities project for a period of two consecutive months. NEH funds may support recipients’ compensation, travel, and other costs related to the proposed scholarly research. (Note: NEH Summer Stipends are awarded to individuals, not to institutions. They do not require cost sharing and do not include indirect costs. Nominees selected to move forward will submit individual applications through, as described in the NEH program guidelines. Applications will not be submitted via OSP.)
Individuals who have completed their formal education and are U.S. citizens or foreign nationals who have been living in the United States or its jurisdictions for at least the three years immediately preceding the application deadline. Applicants may submit only one application to the Summer Stipends program per year. See Section C. Eligibility Information of the sponsor's solicitation.
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation—Fall 2021 New Directions Fellowship internal competition:
Internal Submission Due September 24, 2021
The Mellon New Directions Fellowship is intended to support outstanding faculty members who were awarded a doctorate in the humanities or humanistic social sciences within the last six to twelve years (between 2009 and 2015) and whose research interests call for formal training in a discipline other than the one in which they are expert.
Fellows will be expected to pursue systematic training and academic competencies outside their own distinctive fields in order to advance a cross-disciplinary research agenda. Such training may consist of coursework or other programs of organized study. It may take place either at fellows' home institutions or elsewhere, as appropriate.
This fellowship does not aim to facilitate short-term outcomes, such as the completion of a book. Rather, it is a longer-term investment in the scholar’s intellectual range and productivity.
Important Notes:
- Priority will be given to applications that manifest: (1) a strong focus on issues of race, ethnicity, and migration; or (2) a focus on filling in the gaps left by more traditional narratives in the history of the Americas.
- The second field of study must be a foray into a new area of intellectual inquiry/subject and not just an enhancement of skills to go further in the primary field. Language study, technical training, or skills acquisition such as GIS mapping do not, by themselves, constitute a new direction.
Nutrition Obesity Research Centers (P30 Clinical Trial Optional):
Internal Submission Due August 2, 2021
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites applications from institutions/organizations that propose to establish core centers that are part of an integrated and existing program of nutrition and/or obesity research. The Nutrition Obesity Research Centers (NORC) program is designed to support and enhance the national research effort in nutrition and obesity. NORCs support three primary research-related activities: Research Core services, a Pilot and Feasibility (P and F) program, and an Enrichment program. All activities pursued by Nutrition Obesity Research Centers are designed to enhance the efficiency, productivity, effectiveness and multidisciplinary nature of research in nutrition and obesity.
Search Tool for Corporate and Foundation Funding Opportunities
The Office of Corporate Relations and the Office of Foundation Relations have teamed up to create this resource site to provide a curated list of current funding opportunities and other resources. This site will help promote connections between Emory colleagues and corporate/foundation partners.
Free access available through Databases@Emory. This database, produced by the nation's leading authority on philanthropy, includes extensive program details for thousands of leading foundations; detailed application guidelines for more than 7,000 grants; and a searchable file of approximately half a million grants.