January 13, 2023

Limited Opportunities

NIH Biomedical Research Facilities (C06) PAR-23-045

This program supports projects to modernize and improve existing shared-use research facilities (e.g., core laboratories, animal research facilities, or other collaborative research spaces), or to construct new biomedical research space that will be furnished with necessary casework or other essential infrastructure and eligible integrated equipment (subject to the requirements described below under Funding Restrictions).

The objective of this program is to support the development of modern facilities that will enable and enhance the conduct of high impact, cutting-edge biomedical research with national or regional significance. 

Deadline: 1/20/2023


Featured Opportunities

Transatlantic Research Partnership

The 2023 Transatlantic Research Partnership has announced its call for applications.


This program, jointly launched by the French Embassy in the United States and the FACE Foundation, aims to foster forward-looking collaborative research that engages with pressing global challenges. It offers $20,000 grants to support two-year projects led by two outstanding researchers at the beginning of their careers –– one based in the United States, the other in France. These funds will support transatlantic mobilities of researchers and PhD students, collaborative research activities such as the organization of international workshops or conferences, and the publication of joint articles. 


Projects can span or combine Humanities, Social Sciences, and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), and their research topics should be related to one or several United Nations Sustainable Goals.



  • Projects must be jointly submitted by two researchers at the beginning of their careers (less than 15 years after obtaining their PhD); 
  • Applicants must provide proof that they are employed at either a U.S. or French institution for the duration of the partnership, i.e. minimum 2 years;  
  • U.S. or French citizenship is not required; 
  • PhD candidates are not eligible to be project leaders, but each project should include PhD students. 



  • December 6th 2022: the call for applications opens 
  • February 24th 2023: the call for applications closes 
  • June 2023: selection of the 2023 grantees 
  • July 2023: estimated official announcement of the 2023 laureates  
  • September 2023: estimated launch of the selected projects 

The Sontag Foundation - Distinguished Scientist Award - $750,000

This opportunity is open to early career investigators throughout the United States and Canada.

The Sontag Foundation is soliciting applications for its Distinguished Scientist Award. The goal of this funding initiative is to change the paradigm of brain cancer research by building a community of outstanding scientists whose pioneering approaches have the potential to make significant advances in the field of brain cancer/brain tumors. The Foundation believes that multi-disciplinary collaborations are critical to advancing research. Researchers from various scientific backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply.


“We established the Distinguished Scientist Award 20 years ago to aid the career development of young researchers and help them grow into leaders in the field,” said Sontag Foundation President and Founder Rick Sontag.


New in 2023, The Sontag Foundation is increasing the Award from $600,000 over four years to $750,000 over five years.

You can read about the former award winners, scientific advisors, and the grant guidelines on the Foundation’s website, www.sontagfoundation.org.



  • Applicants are required to have an advanced degree (Ph.D., and/or M.D.).
  • Applicants must have received their first independent faculty appointment no earlier than March 1, 2018 at a tax-exempt academic, research, or medical institution within the United States or an equivalent institution in Canada.
  • If the institution grants tenure, the qualifying appointment must be on tenure track.
  • More than one individual from the same institution may apply for this award.

About The Sontag Foundation

The Sontag Foundation, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, is one of the largest private funders of brain cancer research in North America. The Foundation was established in 2002 by Frederick and Susan Sontag following Susan’s battle with a normally lethal form of brain cancer. To date, the Foundation has granted over $55 million in funding to support brain cancer research.

In 2014, the Sontags established The Brain Tumor Network, to provide free navigation services for patients with brain tumors, helping to connect them to brain cancer specialists, second opinions and clinical trials. To date, the Sontags have contributed over $20 million in support of the critical services The Brain Tumor Network provides to patients with a brain tumor diagnosis and their caregivers.

To learn more about The Sontag Foundation, visit the website at www.sontagfoundation.org.


Shandra Koler, Senior Program Officer

Email: skoler@sontagfoundation.org

Phone: 904-273-8755

Note: the portal opens 2/1/23

Applications Due: 3/15/2023


Applied Research Projects

The Partnership for Inclusive Innovation is looking to support applied research projects that have a meaningful impact on Georgians! Grantees will be expected to work closely with community stakeholders over a period of 12 – 16 months to advance their research, including their proposed scope of work.

Deadline for Applications: Proposal accepted anytime and reviewed twice per year (April and September).

View Guidelines

Internal Opportunities

The Halle Institute for Global Research/URC: URC-Halle Institute Global Research Award

The Halle Institute for Global Research has partnered with the University Research Committee (URC) to award up to eight grants in any of the following six URC categories for individual or collaborative research with an international dimension.

Applications Due: 1/17/2023

View RFP

Racial Justice/Racial Equity Seed Funding (Provost Office)

Societal inequities along racial lines have deep historical and systemic roots and span many areas, including but not limited to education, housing, health, economic security, voting and political participation, and the criminal justice system. Understanding racial inequalities that exist in our society and identifying mechanisms to address them is critical to achieving a more equitable society. 

This funding opportunity seeks to identify and support research proposals from current, full-time members of the Emory faculty whose research, scholarly efforts, and creative activities address racial justice/racial equity. At Emory University, racial justice means making sure our society works for every citizen. Specifically, it is about working toward equity for individuals and groups systematically excluded and disadvantaged in the United States, whether that exclusion has historic origins or stems from current biased practices.

Deadline: 1/31/2023

View RFP

The Halle Institute for Global Research: Global Perspectives on Race+, Ethnicity+, and Nation+

“Global Perspectives on Race+, Ethnicity+, and Nation+” is a new grant offered by the Halle Institute for Global Research. Full-time, continuing, regular faculty from any of Emory’s nine schools are eligible to apply as Primary Investigators for innovative research projects from any disciplinary, interdisciplinary, or multi-disciplinary perspective. Student participation is encouraged but not required.

Applications Due: 3/1/2023

View Program Description


Laboratories to Optimize Digital Health (R01 Clinical Trial Required)

NIMH seeks applications for innovative research projects to test strategies to increase the reach, efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of digital mental health interventions which may impact mental health outcomes, including suicide behaviors and serious mental illness.

This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is intended to support the development of digital health test beds that leverage well-established digital mental health platforms and infrastructure to rapidly refine and optimize existing evidence-based digital health interventions and to conduct clinical research testing digital mental health interventions that are statistically powered to provide a definitive answer regarding the intervention's effectiveness particularly in populations who experience health disparities and vulnerable populations.

Deadline: 2/5/2023

Leveraging Health Information Technology (Health IT) to Address and Reduce Health Care Disparities (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)

This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) seeks to support research that examines the impact of leveraging health information technology (health IT) to reduce disparities in access to and utilization of health care services, patient-clinician communication, and health outcomes for populations that experience health disparities in the U.S.

Deadline: 2/5/2023

Infectious Diseases

Therapeutics for Eliminating Hepatitis B Virus cccDNA (R21/R33 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement is to invite applications aimed at discovery of new antivirals that result in the transcriptional suppression and elimination of HBV cccDNA from infected cells.

Deadline: 2/14/2023

Innovations to Optimize HIV Prevention and Care Continuum Outcomes (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)

The NIMH invites applications for Research Project Grants (R01) that propose to advance innovative research to optimize HIV prevention, treatment, and care.

Applications may include formative basic behavioral and social science to better understand a step or steps in the HIV prevention or care continuum, large-scale intervention efficacy or effectiveness trials, implementation science studies, or data science approaches to optimize HIV prevention, treatment, and care.

Applicants are encouraged to read current Notice of Special Interest (NOSIs) from NIMH Division of AIDS Research (DAR) for further information about the Division’s research priorities:


NIH Strategic Plan for HIV and HIV-Related Research by NIH Office of AIDS Research (NIH OAR)

AIDS Deadline: 5/9/2023

Brain Health

Building in vivo Preclinical Assays of Circuit Engagement for Application in Therapeutic Development (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

The goal of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to identify, in animals, in vivo neurophysiological and behavioral measures for use as assays in the early screening phase of treatment development.

This FOA will support efforts to optimize and evaluate measures of neurophysiological and behavioral processes that may serve as pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) markers of neural processes of clinical interest based on available knowledge of the neurobiology of mental illnesses.

The screening assays developed from this FOA are expected to build upon systems neurobiology and clinical neuroscience to enhance the scientific value of preclinical animal data contributing to a therapeutic development pipeline in which treatment candidates and therapeutic targets can be evaluated for their ability to impact neurobiological mechanisms of potential clinical relevance to mental illnesses.

Deadline: 2/5/2023

Utilizing Invasive Recording and Stimulating Opportunities in Humans to Advance Neural Circuitry Understanding of Mental Health Disorders (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)

The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to encourage applications to pursue invasive neural recording studies focused on mental health-relevant questions. Invasive neural recordings provide an unparalleled window into the human brain to explore the neural circuitry and neural dynamics underlying complex moods, emotions, cognitive functions, and behaviors with high spatial and temporal resolution.

Additionally, the ability to stimulate, via the same electrodes, allows for direct causal tests by modulating network dynamics. This FOA aims to target a gap in the scientific knowledge of neural circuit function related to mental health disorders. Researchers should target specific questions suited to invasive recording modalities that have high translational potential. Development of new therapies is outside the scope of this FOA, though development of novel tools/methods to enable relevant mental health studies is encouraged.

Deadline: 2/5/2023


Precision Approaches in Radiation Synthetic Combinations (PAIRS) (R01)

NCI solicits R01 research projects that seek to investigate actionable synthetic vulnerabilities that can be conditionally paired with tumor responses to radiation therapy.

The goal of the Precision Approaches in Radiation Synthetic Combinations (PAIRS) program is to develop radiation-synthetic combination strategies and facilitate their adoption into the precision medicine toolkit toward building new and effective anticancer treatments.

Deadline: 2/5/2023

Biology of Bladder Cancer (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)

This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages applications that investigate the biology and underlying mechanisms of bladder cancer.

Bladder cancer is a significant health problem both in the United States and globally. Because of the high incidence and frequent tumor recurrence, bladder cancer exacts an outsized medical burden.

While recent progress has been made in the molecular profiling of bladder cancers and identification of mutated genes, relatively little is known regarding the molecular mechanisms driving initiation, progression and malignancy of bladder cancer.

Furthermore, our understanding of the biological processes of the normal bladder at the molecular, cell and organ levels is limited. Fundamental knowledge of how molecular and cellular functions of the bladder are altered in cancer will aid our understanding of bladder cancer biology and contribute to the future development of new interventions.

Deadline: 2/5/2023

Global Health

Climate and Large-Scale Dynamics (CLD)

The goals of the Program are to: (i) advance knowledge about the processes that force and regulate the atmosphere’s synoptic and planetary circulation, weather and climate, and (ii) sustain the pool of human resources required for excellence in synoptic and global atmospheric dynamics and climate research.

Applications accepted anytime

Biodiversity on a Changing Planet (BoCP)

The biodiversity found in nature is essential for healthy ecosystems and human well-being. However, the disruption and decline of Earth’s biodiversity is currently occurring at an unprecedented rate.

The resulting shifts in biodiversity dynamics-- including changes in the scope and structure of biodiversity-- are increasingly significant but not well-understood. Shifting biodiversity dynamics in turn influence functional biodiversity, which includes the roles of traits, organisms, species, communities, and ecosystem processes in natural systems.

Changes in biodiversity dynamics and functional biodiversity are essential factors for future planetary resilience under environmental change, including climate change.

Deadline: 3/29/2023

Social Justice / DEI

Research to Action: Assessing and Addressing Community Exposures to Environmental Contaminants (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)

This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages multidisciplinary projects to investigate the potential health risks of environmental exposures of concern to a community and to develop and implement an environmental public health action plan based on research findings.

Projects supported under this program will employ community-engaged research methods to conduct research and to translate research findings into public health action. This announcement reflects NIEHS’ and NIMHD's commitment to environmental health disparities and environmental justice research.

Deadline: 2/5/2023

Effectiveness of Implementing Sustainable Evidence-Based Mental Health Practices in Low-Resource Settings to Achieve Mental Health Equity for Traditionally Underserved Populations (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)

This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages studies that develop and test the effectiveness of strategies for implementation and sustainable delivery of evidence-based mental health treatments and services to improve mental health outcomes for underserved populations in low-resourced settings in the United States.

Studies should identify and use innovative approaches to remediate barriers to provision, receipt, and/or benefit from evidence-based practices (EBPs) and generate new information about factors integral to achieving equity in mental health outcomes for underserved populations.

Research generating new information about factors causing/reducing disparities are strongly encouraged, including due consideration of the needs of individuals across the life span.

Deadline: 2/5/2023

University Research Committee

URC 2022-23 Call for Proposals - now open!

The University Research Committee (URC) announces the annual Call for Proposals for funding to be used during 2023-2024 in the following categories:


  • URC Regular Award
  • URC Interdisciplinary Award
  • URC-Halle Institute Global Research Award (For those conducting research primarily outside of the United States)

All regular, full-time Emory faculty, of all ranks, are welcome to apply. URC eligibility follows criteria for “full-time faculty” as defined within each school. Postdocs, Fellows, Adjuncts, Research Track lines in some schools, and part-time faculty are not eligible.

Please see the full RFP document below for more information.

Deadline: January 17, 2023

View RFP
Finding Funding

Funding Opportunities Calendar 

A comprehensive archive of past, present, and upcoming opportunities can be found on the SVPR funding calendar. Click the link below to view.

Link to SVPR Funding Calendar

Limited and Internal Competitions through InfoReady

Universities involved in research often need to run competitions for grant funding, whether for internal grant dollars or limited submission opportunities through external sponsors.

If you are interested in submitting a proposal to a funding opportunity with an institutional limitation, please check InfoReady to see if it is listed first. If it is not there, please email limited-opps@emory.edu and include the funding opportunity number, title, and due date.

Link to InfoReady

Search Tool for Corporate and Foundation Funding Opportunities

The Office of Corporate Relations and the Office of Foundation Relations have teamed up to create this resource site to provide a curated list of current funding opportunities and other resources. This site will help promote connections between Emory colleagues and corporate/foundation partners.

Link to SharePoint Search Tool


Free access available with Emory Email address. Formally IRIS. Provides access to the University Community to conduct funding searches. The database is provides funding opportunities for the physical and life sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities.

Link for More Information


Grants.gov is a central storehouse for information on over 1,000 grant programs from over 27 federal agencies. Interested applicants can search for relevant funding opportunities by Keyword or Category or browse opportunities by agency. The portal is also a central source to apply for federal grants. Information on the processes for proposal submission through Grants.gov can be found in Proposal Submission.

Foundation Directory

Free access available through Databases@Emory. This database, produced by the nation's leading authority on philanthropy, includes extensive program details for thousands of leading foundations; detailed application guidelines for more than 7,000 grants; and a searchable file of approximately half a million grants.

Link for More Information

Visit our website