Unless otherwise noted, all proposals to funders outside of Harvard must be
sent for review to the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) at least five business days in advance of the sponsor deadline. We can help you navigate the routing process for your proposal.
Questions? Please contact Paige Belisle, Research Development Officer:
to interested colleagues. You are receiving
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, and you may unsubscribe at any time. Visit our
email archive to see our past newsletters.
The Research Development team will continue to monitor news from Washington regarding Federal research funding. We will share confirmed, substantive information that affects funding for the arts, humanities, and humanistic social sciences.
UPDATE: The President's FY 2020 budget request has, for the third year, called for the elimination of the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), and the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS); however, these agencies continue normal grantmaking operations with allocated FY 2019 funds and they continue to have strong Congressional support. See statements from the
; the
; and the
for more information. Please send any questions or concerns about federal research funding to Jen Corby at
Visit our
Resources for New Faculty
page to learn more about the services and support we provide to help faculty find and apply for funding.
To request a customized funding search or one-on-one consultation, please contact Paige Belisle.
Indicates an UPDATED or NEW opportunity added this month.
For a robust list of Harvard's internal funding opportunities, please see
Match your project to a grant program:
I am looking for research support for my project.
I want to visit an archive or library and/or fund my sabbatical leave.
Fellowships or grants that are portable and tenable anywhere.
Fellowships with a residency requirement within the greater Boston area.
Fellowships with a residency requirement at an institution in the United States.
Fellowships that support or require international travel and/or residency.
I want to host a program or develop curriculum for faculty, scholars, students, or practitioners to expand their knowledge of a topic.
I want to combine digital technology with the humanities, create a website with humanities content, or preserve a collection and/or make it easier for people to access.
I want to develop or put on an exhibition or cultural program for the public or engage in community revitalization.
I want to complete and/or publish a scholarly work.
I am an artist looking for support to create original works of art.
I am a recent PhD looking for a fellowship opportunity.
Indicates an UPDATED or NEW opportunity added this month.
Deadline: last day of August, November, February, and May
Award Amount: $40,000 for ladder faculty; $5,000 for doctoral students and postdocs
The FHBI provides seed grants to support transformative research in the social and behavioral sciences. Successful proposals will be those that promise to advance understanding of the social, institutional and biological mechanisms shaping human beliefs and behavior. Funds will be used to support interdisciplinary social science research projects based on innovative experimental or observational designs that make use of sophisticated quantitative methods. The fund also supports seminars, conferences, and other research-related activities. Harvard
full time doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows, and ladder faculty are eligible to apply.
Special Projects Fund
Deadline: Rolling
Award Amount: up to $5,000
The Harvard Data Science Initiative Faculty Special Projects Fund is intended to support one-time data science opportunities for which other funding is not readily available. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, and funding will be awarded throughout the year until available funding is exhausted. Applicants may request funding of up to $5,000 to support research, community-building, outreach, and educational activities. Examples of projects that the Fund is intended to support include offsetting the cost of running workshops or seminars, data visualization or research dissemination, and video production. The HDSI welcomes applications from all fields of scholarship.

Course Development Funds
Deadline: The OUE reviews applications twice a semester, just after spring break and again at the end of term.
Award Amount: unspecified
The Office of Undergraduate Education has Course Development Funds to "strengthen undergraduate education...through the improvement of instruction and curriculum." These funds are meant for limited experiments or one-time investments that improve individual courses or whole concentrations. Recent awards have funded the purchase of cameras for art studios, the creation of manipulables to teach concepts in calculus, and research assistants to review tutorial syllabi with the view of making them more inclusive. To apply for Discretionary Funds, please send the OUE an
outlining the initiatives you would like to undertake and how these funds would help you achieve them.
Deadline: Rolling
Award Amount: up to $5,000
The FAS Tenure-Track Publication Fund
assists assistant and associate professors in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences with costs related to scholarly publications, broadly defined. For example, this might include expenses associated with research assistance, publication subsidies, copying, word processing, obtaining translations or illustrations, or creating footnotes or indices.
The Tenured Publication Fund aids tenured FAS faculty members in bringing scholarly book projects to timely completion. Funds will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, to help defray eligible expenses. The Fund is meant to supplement other available means of support; faculty are expected to seek departmental, center-based, and external funds before applying to this Fund.
Canada Program Faculty Funding
Deadline: Rolling
Award Amount: unspecified; budget required with application
The Canada Program invites proposals from Harvard faculty, departments, and schools across the University, for research funding, or for support in hosting short-term visiting scholars, policy practitioners, and public figures who are engaged in Canadian comparative topics. Visiting Canadianists are welcome to present at Harvard faculty workshops or conferences, or to offer guest lectures for Harvard undergraduate and graduate students.
Public Understanding of Science, Technology & Economics
FAS/OSP Deadline: 5 business days prior to submission
Sponsor Deadline: Rolling
Award Amount: varies
This program aims to give people a keener appreciation for the increasingly scientific and technological world in which we live and to convey some of the challenges and rewards of the scientific and technological enterprise.
The program's primary aim is to build bridges between the two cultures of science and the humanities and to develop a common language so that they can better understand and speak to one another--and ultimately to grasp that they belong to a single common culture.
The Foundation has established a nationwide strategy that focuses on books, theater, film, television, radio, and new media to commission, develop, produce, and distribute new work mainstreaming science and technology for the lay public.
Hans Arnhold Center Berlin Prize Fellowships
FAS/OSP Deadline: not required for grants awarded directly to individuals
Sponsor Deadline: September 23, 2019
Award Amount: Fellowship benefits include round-trip airfare, housing at the Hans Arnhold Center, partial board, and a stipend of $5,000 per month.
The American Academy in Berlin seeks to enrich transatlantic dialogue in the arts, humanities, and public policy through the development and communication of projects of the highest scholarly merit. Past recipients have included anthropologists, art historians, literary scholars, philosophers, historians, musicologists, journalists, writers, filmmakers, sociologists, legal scholars, economists, and public policy experts, among others. For 2020/21, the Academy will also award three specially designated fellowships: two Andrew W. Mellon Fellowships in the Humanities, for work that demonstrates an interest in the topics of migration and social integration, race in comparative perspective, or exile and return. In addition, in memory of its founder, the Academy will name a Richard C. Holbrooke Fellow for a project that looks at diplomatic approaches to resolving major global issues, from armed conflicts to environmental challenges to the impact of new technologies.
For all projects, the Academy asks that candidates explain the relevance of a stay in Berlin to the development of their work. Fellowships are restricted to candidates based permanently in the United States, but U.S. citizenship is not required. Fellows are expected to be in residence at the Academy during the entire term of the award, generally one academic semester.
Collaborative Research Grants
FAS/OSP Deadline: July 25, 2019
Sponsor Deadline: August 1, 2019
Award Amount: $500 - $5,000
Collaborative grants are intended to stimulate cooperative research among scholars who have a focus on a clearly identified research project. They may also be used for interdisciplinary work with scholars outside the field of religion, especially when such work shows promise of continuing beyond the year funded. Collaborative project proposals are expected to describe plans for having the results of the research published.
Grants can provide funds for networking and communication. Funds may also be used to support small research conferences. Conference proposals will be considered only if they are designed primarily to advance research. Conferences presenting papers that report on previous research will not be considered.
A group must apply through an AAR member designated as the Project Director. Not all participants need to hold AAR membership.
FAS/OSP Deadline: not required for grants awarded directly to individuals
Sponsor Deadline: September 25, 2019
Award Amount: $40,000 (Assistant Professors); $50,000 (Associate Professors); $75,000 (Full Professors)
ACLS invites research applications from scholars in all disciplines of the
humanities and related social sciences
. The ultimate goal of the project should be a major piece of scholarly work by the applicant, which can take the form of a monograph, articles, digital publication(s), critical edition, or other scholarly resources. The ACLS Fellowship program does not fund creative work (e.g., novels or films), textbooks, straightforward translation, or pedagogical projects. ACLS Fellowships are intended as salary replacement to help scholars devote six to twelve continuous months to full-time research and writing. The awards are portable and are tenable at the fellow's home institution, abroad, or at another appropriate site for research.
An ACLS Fellowship may be held concurrently with other fellowships and grants and any sabbatical pay, up to an amount equal to the candidate's current academic year salary. Tenure of the fellowship may begin no earlier than July 1, 2020 and no later than February 1, 2021. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
Frederick Burkhardt Residential Fellowships for Recently Tenured Scholars
FAS/OSP Deadline: not required for grants awarded directly to individuals
Sponsor Deadline: September 25, 2019
Award Amount: $95,000, plus funds for research costs and related scholarly activities of up to $7,500 and for relocation up to $3,000
These fellowships support long-term, unusually ambitious projects in the
humanities and related social sciences. The ultimate goal of the project should be a major piece of scholarly work by the applicant. ACLS does not fund creative work (e.g., novels or films), textbooks, straightforward translation, or pedagogical projects. Fellowships support an academic year (nine months) of residence at any one of
12 participating residential research centers, and are open to faculty at any degree-granting academic institution in the United States. US citizenship or permanent residency is not required, and previous supported research leaves do not affect eligibility for the Burkhardt Fellowship.
Title VIII Combined Research and Language Training Program and Title VIII Research Scholar Program
FAS/OSP Deadline: not required for grants awarded directly to individuals
Sponsor Deadline: October 1, 2019
Award Amount: $7,000 - $25,000
American Councils administers grants in support of research in a range of disciplines and geographies. Through the Councils' strong presence overseas and network of scholars and institutional partners, grantees are connected with the resources they need to achieve their research goals.
- Title VIII Combined Research & Language Training (CRLT) Program: CRLT provides full fellowship support to researchers seeking to conduct in-country, U.S. policy-relevant research for three to nine consecutive months. Additionally, researchers receive supplemental language instruction during their fellowships.
- Location(s): Caucasus, Central Asia, Eastern Europe, Russia, Southeast Europe
- Academic Focus: U.S. policy-relevant research; language immersion
- Prerequisite: Must be a graduate student, Ph.D. candidate, faculty member, or post-doctorate/independent scholar and a U.S. citizen
- Title VIII Research Scholar Program: The Research Scholar Program provides full fellowship support to researchers seeking to conduct in-country, U.S. policy-relevant research for three to nine months in the countries of Eastern Europe, Eurasia, and the Balkans.
- Location(s): Caucasus, Central Asia, Eastern Europe, Russia, Southeast Europe
- Academic Focus: U.S. policy-relevant research
- Prerequisite: Must be a graduate student, Ph.D. candidate, faculty member, or post-doctorate/independent scholar and a U.S. citizen
Subventions for Publications
FAS/OSP Deadline: August 8, 2019
Sponsor Deadline: August 15, 2019
Award Amount: up to $2,500
The American Musicological Society makes available funds to help with expenses involved in the publication of works of musical scholarship, including books, essay collections, articles, chapters in essay collections, special issues of journals, and works in non-print media. Individual authors or editors, or their sponsoring organization, society, or department, may apply for assistance to defray costs not normally covered by publishers. Examples include costs related to illustrations, musical examples, facsimiles, accompanying audio or video examples, and permissions. Subventions are not given to defray costs associated with indexing. Author subventions required by publishers are not eligible for reimbursement. Subventions are granted for any topic of musicological research.
FAS/OSP Deadline: August 23, 2019
Sponsor Deadline: September 1, 2019
Award Amount: varies by project
Grants are made on a project basis to curatorial programs at museums, artists' organizations, and other cultural institutions to originate innovative and scholarly presentations of contemporary visual arts. Projects may include exhibitions, catalogues, and other organizational activities directly related to these areas. The foundation values the contributions of all artists, reflecting the true diversity of the contemporary art field, and encourages proposals that highlight women, artists of color, and under-represented practitioners.
Deadline to Request Harvard Institutional Endorsement: September 9, 2019 by 12:00 PM
Sponsor Deadline: September 18, 2019
Award Amount: $70,000 per year for two years (taxable)
The objective of the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships Program, offered by the Government of Canada, is to attract and retain top-tier postdoctoral talent, to develop Fellows' leadership potential and to position them for success as research leaders of tomorrow, positively contributing to Canada's economic, social and research-based growth through a research-intensive career. Applications are accepted from all fields in the humanities, social sciences, health research, natural sciences and engineering.
This program is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada and non-Canadian citizens. Candidates to be hosted by Harvard must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada who have obtained or will obtain their PhD or equivalent from a Canadian university. Applicants must fulfill or have fulfilled all degree requirements for a PhD, PhD-equivalent or health professional degree between September 15, 2016 and September 30, 2020 (inclusively), and before the start date of their award. Applicants who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada may apply to hold a Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship at a Canadian institution. Applicants who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada and who obtained their PhD, PhD-equivalent or health professional degree from a non-Canadian university may also apply to hold a Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship at a Canadian institution. The program's full eligibility criteria can be viewed
Please Note: There are no limits to the number of applicants that may apply to the Banting Fellowship opportunity, but those who wish to be hosted by Harvard University must include with their application an
Institutional Letter of Endorsement
igned by the Vice Provost for Research.
To request this endorsement letter, candidates must submit their contact information and a copy of their proposed supervisor's statement
FAS/OSP Deadline for Concept Paper: August 23, 2019
Sponsor Deadline for Concept Paper: September 1, 2019
Award Amount: $5,000 to $50,000 over a one-year period
Grants are awarded in the areas of arts and culture, education and youth development, environment and conservation, health and human services, and for civic and public benefit. Within these fields, as appropriate, the trustees prefer programs mainly serving youth and young adults, with a special interest in programs focused on insuring the healthy growth and development of infants and young children, as a foundation for their future success. The Trust makes grant awards twice a year to nonprofit organizations in the city of Boston and contiguous communities, as well as to organizations in which Cabot family members maintain philanthropic interest.
Scholar Grants
FAS/OSP Deadline: October 7, 2019
Sponsor Deadline: October 15, 2019
Award Amount: $20,000 - $35,000
Professors may apply for a CCK Scholar Grant to help replace half of their salary while they're on sabbatical, or for time off for research and writing. If grants from other sources are also awarded to the applicant, the Foundation's grant, when added to these other grants, must not exceed the recipient's annual salary. This grant will be for one year.
The Foundation's grants provide support for research on Chinese Studies in the humanities and social sciences. Priority will be given to collaborative projects involving institutions in Taiwan. Projects on Taiwan Studies are especially encouraged.
FAS/OSP Deadline: not required for grants awarded directly to individuals
Sponsor Deadline: October 15, 2019
Award Amount: Stipends are dependent on salary and sabbatical replacement needs. Housing in the Clark's Scholars' Residence, located across the street from the campus, is also provided.
The Clark in Williamstown, MA offers between eleven and sixteen fellowships each year, ranging in duration from one to ten months, the majority awarded for one academic semester. National and international scholars, critics, curators, and museum professionals are welcome to propose projects that extend and enhance the understanding of the visual arts and their role in culture. Scholars may propose topics that relate to the visual arts, their history, practice, theory, or interpretation. Any proposal that contributes to understanding the nature of artistic activity and the intellectual, social, and cultural worlds with which it is connected is welcome.
Millard Meiss Publication Fund
FAS/OSP Deadline: Applications must be submitted by the publisher of the manuscript.
Sponsor Deadline: September 15, 2019
Award Amount:
The grant sum is intended to be less than the total cost of production; that is, a substantial portion of production costs must be met by the publisher or be from other sources.
Applications for publication grants will be considered only for book-length scholarly manuscripts in the history of art, visual studies, and related subjects that have been accepted by a publisher on their merits, but cannot be published in the most desirable form without a subsidy. Applications are judged in relation to two criteria: (1) the quality of the project; and (2) the need for financial assistance. Although the quality of the manuscript is the sine qua non for a grant, an excellent manuscript may not be funded if it is financially self-supporting.
In general, the purpose of the grant is to support presses in the publication of projects of the highest scholarly and intellectual merit that may not generate adequate financial return. The jury is particularly sympathetic to applications that propose enhancing the visual component of the study through the inclusion of color plates or an expanded component of black-and-white illustrations. Expenses generated by exceptional design requirements (maps, line drawings, charts, and tables) are also suitable for consideration. Permission and rental fees/reproduction rights, especially in cases where they are burdensome, are also appropriate.
Terra Foundation for American Art International Publication Grant
FAS/OSP Deadline: Applications must be submitted by the publisher of the manuscript.
Sponsor Deadline for Letter of Intent: September 15, 2019
Award Amount: up to $15,000
The Terra Foundation for American Art International Publication Grant supports book-length scholarly manuscripts in the history of American art, visual studies, and related subjects that are under contract with a publisher. For this grant program, "American art" is defined as art (circa 1500-1980) of what is now the geographic United States. Awards will be made in three distinct categories:
- Grants to US publishers for manuscripts considering American art in an international context
- Grants to non-US publishers for manuscripts on topics in American art
- Grants for the translation of books on topics in American art to or from English.
Wyeth Foundation for American Art Publication Grant
FAS/OSP Deadline: Applications must be submitted by the publisher of the manuscript.
Sponsor Deadline: September 15, 2019
Award Amount: unspecified; grants require a budget and cost estimate
This program supports the publication of books on American art. For this grant program, "American art" is defined as art created in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Eligible for the grant are book-length scholarly manuscripts in the history of American art, visual studies, and related subjects that have been accepted by a publisher on their merits but cannot be published in the most desirable form without a subsidy.
Excluded from consideration are excavation or other technical reports, articles, previously published works (including collections of previously published essays), and congress proceedings. Museum exhibition or collection catalogues containing substantial scholarship are eligible. High scholarly and intellectual merit is the
sine qua non for an award; however, the jury is also attentive to the following criteria:
- Topics with a naturally small market or unusually high expenses;
- Works by disadvantaged scholars, including those at the earlier stages of a career, or by younger scholars or curators; or issued by smaller museums; or by or about underserved constituencies;
- Books that break new ground, contribute new scholarship, or publish important primary-source material; and
- Beautiful books that increase the audience for American art.
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships
FAS/OSP Deadline: not required; grant is awarded to the European institution
Sponsor Deadline: September 11, 2019
Award Amount: varies
The goal of the Individual Fellowships is to enhance the creative and innovative potential of experienced researchers, wishing to diversify their individual competence in terms of skill acquisition through advanced training, international and intersectoral mobility. Individual Fellowships provide opportunities to researchers of any nationality to acquire and transfer new knowledge and to work on research and innovation in Europe (EU Member States and Horizon 2020 Associated Countries) and beyond. The scheme particularly supports the return and (re)integration of European researchers from outside Europe and those who have previously worked here, as well as researchers displaced by conflict outside the EU and Horizon 2020 Associated Countries. It also promotes the career restart of individual researchers who show great potential.
FAS/OSP Deadline: August 23, 2019
Sponsor Deadline: August 31, 2019
Award Amount: detailed budget required
The Fritz Thyssen Foundation supports scholarly events, in particular national and international conferences with the aim of facilitating the discussion and analysis of specific scholarly questions as well as fostering cooperation and networking of scholars working in the same field or on interdisciplinary topics.
An application can be filed in the following areas of support:
Funding is basically reserved for projects that are related to the promotion areas of the Foundation and have a clear connection to the German research system. This connection can be established either at a personal level through German scientists working on the project, at an institutional level through non-German scientists being affiliated to German research institutes or through studies on topics related thematically to German research interests.
FAS/OSP Deadline: September 27, 2019
Sponsor Deadline: October 4, 2019
Award Amount: $20,000 - $40,000
The Henderson Foundation's grants provide support for projects focused on the enhancement of the appearance and preservation of outdoor elements in the city of Boston. The Foundation encourages applications for projects in all neighborhoods of the city of Boston that concerns parks, city streets, buildings, monuments, and architectural and sculptural works.Through past grants, the Foundation has supported capital projects such as the restoration of historic buildings; creation of new public sculpture and gardens; restoration of historic monuments; and other projects that enhance quality of life and sense of place, while demonstrating design excellence. Grants are made only for projects within Boston city limits and to projects that are accessible and visible to the public. Grants are made for restoration and preservation activities, but not for routine care or maintenance (as defined by National Park Service technical standards.)
New Arts Education Initiatives
FAS/OSP Deadline for Letter of Interest: September 24, 2019
Sponsor Deadline for Letter of Interest: October 1, 2019
Award Amount: $10,000 - $50,000
The objective of the GKV Foundation is to support individual development and related community impact through the use of a range of artistic media such as the visual arts, music, and dance. The targeted programs will be on the wish lists of established not-for-profits; big ideas with great potential but as of yet, unfunded and, by consequence, untested. The goal is that with GKV first-year funding enough measurable results will be achieved to attract sustaining funding from other sources.
Humanities Program
FAS/OSP Deadline: 5 business days prior to submission
Sponsor Deadline: Rolling
Award Amount: unspecified; past grants range from $2,000 to $50,000+
The Foundation intends to further the humanities along a broad front, supporting projects which address the concerns of the historical
studia humanitatis
: a humanistic education rooted in the great traditions of the past; the formation of human beings according to cultural, moral, and aesthetic ideals derived from that past; and the ongoing debate over how these ideals may best be conceived and realized. Programs in the following areas are eligible: history; archaeology; literature; languages, both classical and modern; philosophy; ethics; comparative religion; the history, criticism, and theory of the arts; and those aspects of the social sciences which share the content and methods of humanistic disciplines. The Foundation welcomes projects that cross the boundaries between humanistic disciplines and explore the connection between the humanities and other areas of scholarship.
Grants to Individuals
FAS/OSP Deadline for Letter of Inquiry: not required for grants awarded directly to individuals
Sponsor Deadline for Letter of Inquiry: September 15, 2019
Award Amount: up to $20,000 (Production and Presentation Grants); up to $10,000 (Research and Development Grants)
The Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts provides opportunities to create, develop, and communicate a project about architecture and the designed environment that will contribute to their creative, intellectual, and professional growth at crucial or potentially transformative stages in their careers.
- Production and Presentation Grants assist individuals with the production-related expenses that are necessary to take a project from conceptualization to realization and public presentation. These projects include, but are not limited to, publications, exhibitions, installations, films, and new media projects.
- Research and Development Grants assist individuals with seed money for research-related expenses such as travel, documentation, materials, supplies, and other development costs.
Research Grants on Understanding Violence, Aggression, and Dominance
FAS/OSP Deadline: July 25, 2019
Sponsor Deadline: August 1, 2019
Award Amount:
$15,000 to $40,000 per year for periods of one or two years
The foundation welcomes proposals from any of the natural and social sciences and the humanities that promise to increase understanding of the causes, manifestations, and control of violence and aggression. Highest priority is given to research that can increase understanding and amelioration of urgent problems of violence and aggression in the modern world. Questions that interest the foundation concern violence and aggression in relation to social change, intergroup conflict, war, terrorism, crime, and family relationships, among other subjects. Research with no relevance to understanding human problems will not be supported, nor will proposals to investigate urgent social problems where the foundation cannot be assured that useful, sound research can be done. Priority will also be given to areas and methodologies not receiving adequate attention and support from other funding sources.
FAS/OSP Deadline: not required for grants awarded directly to individuals
Sponsor Deadline: October 1, 2019
Award Amount: stipend of
IIAS Fellowships are intended for outstanding researchers from around the world who wish to work on an important aspect of Asian studies research in the social sciences and humanities. Interdisciplinary interests are encouraged. Researchers who would like to work on a collaborative grant proposal or develop their PhD thesis into a book publication are also welcome. IIAS is particularly looking for researchers focusing on the three IIAS clusters, Asian Cities, Asian Heritages, and Global Asia
; however, some positions will be reserved for outstanding projects in any area outside of those listed. Fellows are in residence in Leiden, the Netherlands.
Furthermore Grants in Publishing
FAS/OSP Deadline: August 23, 2019
Sponsor Deadline: September 1, 2019
Award Amount: $1,500 - $15,000
Furthermore grants assist nonfiction books having to do with art, architecture, and design; cultural history, New York City, and related public issues; and conservation and preservation. Grants support work that appeals to an informed general audience, gives evidence of high standards in editing, design, and production, and promises a reasonable shelf life. Funds apply to such specific publication components as writing, research, editing, indexing, design, illustration, photography, and printing and binding. Book projects to which a university press, nonprofit or trade publisher is already committed and for which there is a feasible distribution plan are usually preferred.
FAS/OSP Deadline: not required for grants awarded directly to individuals
Sponsor Deadline: September 30, 2019
Award Amount: varies by fellowship; see details below
The John F. Kennedy Library Foundation offers competitive research fellowships to scholars and students who wish to make use of the archival holdings (including audiovisual materials) of the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum.
- Marjorie Kovler Research Fellowship: Offers a stipend of up to $5,000 for research on foreign intelligence and the presidency, or a related topic.
- Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. Research Fellowship: Offers a stipend of up to $5,000. Preference is given to research in either of the following areas: the foreign policy of the Kennedy Presidency, especially in the Western Hemisphere; or the Kennedy Administration's domestic policy, particularly with regard to racial justice or the conservation of natural resources.
- Abba P. Schwartz Research Fellowship: Offers a stipend of up to $3,100. Preference is given to research on immigration, naturalization, or refugee policy.
- Theodore C. Sorensen Research Fellowship: Offers a stipend of up to $3,600. Preference is given to research on domestic policy, political journalism, polling, or press relations.
Guggenheim Fellowships are intended for individuals who have already demonstrated exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability in the arts. Fellowships are made for a minimum of six months and a maximum of twelve months. Since the purpose of the program is to help provide Fellows with blocks of time in which they can work with as much creative freedom as possible, Fellows may spend their grant funds in any manner they deem necessary to their work.
The amounts of grants vary, taking into consideration the Fellows' other resources and the purpose and scope of their plans. Members of the teaching profession receiving sabbatical leave on full or part salary are eligible for appointment, as are those holding other fellowships and appointments at research centers. All applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. or Canada at the time of application.
Small and Large Grants
FAS/OSP Deadline for Online Funding Inquiry: August 9, 2019
Sponsor Deadline for Online Funding Inquiry: August 16, 2019
Award Amount:
up to $234,800 (Small Grants); over $234,800 (Large Grants)
The John Templeton Foundation provides grants under its core funding areas: Science & the Big Questions; Character Virtue Development; Individual Freedom & Free Markets; Exceptional Cognitive Talent & Genius; Genetics; and Voluntary Family Planning. A number of topics--including creativity, freedom, gratitude, love, and purpose--can be found under more than one funding area. The Foundation welcomes proposals that bring together these overlapping elements, especially by combining the tools and approaches of different disciplines. The Foundation generally funds specific projects and favors proposals where the applicant has sought or secured partial funding from other sources.
The John W. Kluge Center: Kluge Fellowships
FAS/OSP Deadline: review not required for grants awarded directly to individuals
Sponsor Deadline: July 15, 2019
Award Amount: $5,000 per month for 4-11 months
The Kluge Center at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. encourages humanistic and social science research that makes use of the Library's large and varied collections. Interdisciplinary and cross-cultural research is particularly welcome in the Kluge Fellowship program. The fellowship is open to scholars in the humanities and social sciences with special consideration given to those whose projects demonstrate relevance to the challenges facing democracies in the 21st century.
Scholars who have received a terminal advanced degree within the past seven years in the humanities, social sciences, or in a professional field such as architecture or law are eligible. Kluge Fellowships are offered for a period of four to eleven months. Applicants may be U.S. citizens or foreign nationals.
Media Projects: Development Grants
FAS/OSP Deadline: August 7, 2019
Sponsor Deadline: August 14, 2019
Award Amount: $40,000 - $75,000
The Media Projects program supports documentary film, television, radio, and podcast projects that engage public audiences with humanities ideas in creative and appealing ways. All projects must be grounded in humanities scholarship in disciplines such as history, art history, film studies, literature, religious studies, philosophy, or anthropology. Projects must also demonstrate an approach that is thoughtful, balanced, and analytical. The approach to the subject matter must go beyond the mere presentation of factual information to explore its larger significance and stimulate reflection. NEH is a national funding agency, so the projects that the Foundation supports must demonstrate the potential to attract a broad general audience. The Division of Public Programs encourages media projects that promote a deeper understanding of American history and culture and advance civic education. The Division of Public Programs also supports media projects that examine international themes and subjects in the humanities.
Development Awards
enable media producers to collaborate with scholars to develop humanities content and to prepare programs for production. Awards should result in a script (for documentary film or television programs) or a detailed treatment (for radio programs or podcasts) and may also yield a plan for outreach and public engagement.
Media Projects: Production Grants
FAS/OSP Deadline: August 7, 2019
Sponsor Deadline: August 14, 2019
Award Amount: up to $650,000
The Media Projects program supports documentary film, television, radio, and podcast projects that engage public audiences with humanities ideas in creative and appealing ways. All projects must be grounded in humanities scholarship in disciplines such as history, art history, film studies, literature, religious studies, philosophy, or anthropology. Projects must also demonstrate an approach that is thoughtful, balanced, and analytical. The approach to the subject matter must go beyond the mere presentation of factual information to explore its larger significance and stimulate reflection. NEH is a national funding agency, so the projects that the Foundation supports must demonstrate the potential to attract a broad general audience. The Division of Public Programs encourages media projects that promote a deeper understanding of American history and culture and advance civic education. The Division of Public Programs also supports media projects that examine international themes and subjects in the humanities.
Production Awards support the production and distribution of films, television programs, radio programs, or podcasts that promise to engage a broad public audience.
Public Humanities Projects
FAS/OSP Deadline: August 7, 2019
Sponsor Deadline: August 14, 2019
Award Amount: up to $75,000 (Planning Grants); up to $400,000 (Implementation Grants)
The Public Humanities Projects program supports projects that bring the ideas and insights of the humanities to life for general audiences through in-person programming. Projects must engage humanities scholarship to analyze significant themes in disciplines such as history, literature, ethics, and art history. NEH encourages projects that involve members of the public in collaboration with humanities scholars or that invite contributions from the community in the development and delivery of humanities programming.
This program supports a variety of forms of audience engagement. Applications should follow the parameters set out below for one of the following three categories:
- Humanities Discussions: This category supports three-month-long to two-year-long series of at least fifteen in-person public programs that engage audiences with significant humanities resources, such as historic artifacts, artworks, literature, musical compositions, or films. These resources should be chosen to engage a diverse public audience. The programs must be anchored through perspectives presented by humanities experts as speakers, panelists, or discussion leaders providing context and analysis of program themes. Projects may include, but are not limited to, panel symposiums, lecture series, reading and discussion programs, analytical discussions on museum collections or theater/musical performances, life-long learning programs, or other methods of face-to-face audience engagement or informal education. Projects should be regional or national in scope; if they instead occur in a single state or territory, they should be state- or territory-wide. Projects must also develop resources to extend the life of the discussion program.
- Exhibitions: This category supports the creation of permanent exhibitions (on view for at least three years) and single-site temporary exhibitions (open to the public for a minimum of two months), as well as travelling exhibitions that will be available to public audiences in at least two venues in the United States (including the originating location).
- Historic Places: This category supports long-term interpretive programs for historic sites, houses, neighborhoods, and regions that are intended to be presented to the public for at least three years. Such programs might include living history presentations, guided tours, exhibitions, and public programs.
NEH encourages projects that explore humanities ideas through multiple formats. Proposed projects may include complementary components: for example, a museum exhibition might be accompanied by a website, mobile app, or discussion programs. The application must identify one primary format for your project and follow the application instructions for that format.
Documenting Endangered Languages
FAS/OSP Deadline: September 9, 2019
Sponsor Deadline: September 16, 2019
Award Amount: $5,000 per month for 6-12 months (Fellowships)
This funding partnership between the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) supports projects to develop and advance knowledge concerning endangered human languages. Made urgent by the imminent death of roughly half of the approximately 7000 currently used languages, this effort aims to exploit advances in information technology to build computational infrastructure for endangered language research. The program supports projects that contribute to data management and archiving, and to the development of the next generation of researchers. Funding can support fieldwork and other activities relevant to the digital recording, documenting, and archiving of endangered languages, including the preparation of lexicons, grammars, text samples, and databases. Funding will be available in the form of one- to three-year senior research grants, fellowships from six to twelve months, and conference proposals. Note: a conference proposal should generally be submitted at least a year in advance of the scheduled date of the conference.
Senior Fellowship Program
FAS/OSP Deadline: not required for grants awarded directly to individuals
Sponsor Deadline: October 15, 2019
Award Amount:
A senior fellowship award for the academic year is normally limited to one-half of the applicant's salary, up to a maximum of $50,000, depending on individual circumstances. Awards for a single academic term are prorated. Senior fellows also receive allowances for travel to a scholarly conference, in addition to housing, as available.
The Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts announces its program for senior fellowships. Fellowships are for full-time research, and scholars are expected to reside in Washington and to participate in the activities of the Center throughout the fellowship period. Lectures, colloquia, and informal discussions complement the fellowship program. Each senior fellow is provided with a study. In addition, senior fellows who relocate to Washington are provided with housing in apartments near the Gallery, subject to availability. Senior fellows have access to the notable resources represented by the art collections, the library, and the image collections of the National Gallery of Art, as well as to the Library of Congress and other specialized research libraries and collections in the Washington area. Senior fellowships are intended for those who have held the
for five years or more at the time of application, or who possess an equivalent record of professional accomplishment. Senior fellowships are awarded without regard to the age or nationality of applicants.

Access to Historical Records: Archival Projects
Draft Deadline (optional): August 1, 2019
FAS/OSP Deadline: September 26, 2019
Sponsor Deadline: October 3, 2019
Award Amount: up to $100,000 for one or two years; the Commission provides no more than 75 percent of the total project costs/cost sharing is required
The National Historical Publications and Records Commission seeks projects that ensure online public discovery and use of historical records collections. The Commission is especially interested in collections of America's early legal records, such as the records of colonial, territorial, county, and early statehood and tribal proceedings that document the evolution of the nation's legal history. All types of historical records are eligible, including documents, photographs, born-digital records, and analog audio and moving images. Projects may preserve and process historical records to:
- Create new online Finding Aids to collections
- Digitize historical records collections and make them freely available online
The NHPRC encourages organizations to actively engage the public in the work of the project.
Public Engagement with Historical Records
Draft Deadline (optional): August 1, 2019
FAS/OSP Deadline: September 26, 2019
Sponsor Deadline: October 3, 2019
Award Amount: $50,000 - $150,000; the Commission provides no more than 50 percent of the total project costs/cost sharing is required
The National Historical Publications and Records Commission seeks projects that encourage public engagement with historical records, including the development of new tools that enable people to engage online. The NHPRC is looking for projects that create models and technologies that other institutions can freely adopt. In general, collaborations between archivists, documentary editors, historians, educators, and/or community-based individuals are more likely to create a competitive proposal. Projects that focus on innovative methods to introduce primary source materials and how to use them in multiple locations also are more likely to create a competitive proposal. Projects might create and develop programs to engage people in the study and use of historical records for institutional, educational or personal reasons. For example, an applicant can:
- Enlist volunteer "citizen archivists" in projects to accelerate access to historical records, especially those online. This may include, but is not limited to, efforts to identify, tag, transcribe, annotate, or otherwise enhance digitized historical records.
- Develop educational programs for K-12 students, undergraduate classes, or community members that encourage them to engage with historical records already in repositories or that are collected as part of the project.
- Collect primary source material from people through public gatherings and sponsor discussions or websites about the results.
- Use historical records in artistic endeavors. This could include K-12 students, undergraduate classes, or community members. Examples include projects that encourage researching and writing life stories for performance; using record facsimiles in painting, sculpture, or audiovisual collages; or using text as lyrics for music or as music.
- Develop technologies that encourage the sharing of information about historical records.
Publishing Historical Records in Documentary Editions
Draft Deadline (optional): August 1, 2019
FAS/OSP Deadline: September 26, 2019
Sponsor Deadline: October 3, 2019
Award Amount: up to $200,000 per year for one or two years; the Commission provides no more than 50 percent of the total project costs/cost sharing is required
The National Historical Publications and Records Commission seeks proposals to publish documentary editions of historical records. Projects may focus on broad historical movements in U.S. history, such as politics, law (including the social and cultural history of the law), social reform, business, military, the arts, and other aspects of the national experience, or may be centered on the papers of major figures from American history. Whether conceived as a thematic or a biographical edition, the historical value of the records and their expected usefulness to broad audiences must justify the costs of the project. All new projects (those which have never received NHPRC funding) must have definitive plans for publishing and preserving a digital edition which provides online access to a searchable collection of documents. New projects may also prepare print editions (including ebooks and searchable PDFs posted online) as part of their overall publishing plan, but the contents of those volumes must be published in a fully-searchable digital edition within a reasonable period of time following print publication. The NHPRC encourages projects to provide free access to online editions. Projects that do not have definitive plans for digital dissemination and preservation in place at the time of application will not be considered.
FAS/OSP Deadline: not required for grants awarded directly to individuals
Sponsor Deadline: October 10, 2019
Award Amount: The Center seeks to provide half salary up to $65,000 with the expectation that a Fellow's home institution will cover the remaining salary.
The National Humanities Center in North Carolina will offer up to 40 residential fellowships for advanced study in the humanities for the period September 2020 through May 2021. Applicants must have a doctorate or equivalent scholarly credentials. Mid-career and senior scholars are encouraged to apply. Emerging scholars with a strong record of peer-reviewed work may also apply. In addition to scholars from all fields of the humanities, the Center accepts individuals from the natural and social sciences, the arts, the professions, and public life who are engaged in humanistic projects. The Center is international in scope and welcomes applications from scholars outside the United States.
Science, Technology, and Society
FAS/OSP Deadline: July 29, 2019 Sponsor Deadline: August 5, 2019 Award Amount: varies
The Science, Technology, and Society (STS) program supports research that uses historical, philosophical, and social scientific methods to investigate the intellectual, material, and social facets of the scientific, technological, engineering and mathematical (STEM) disciplines. It encompasses a broad spectrum of STS topics including interdisciplinary studies of ethics, equity, governance, and policy issues that are closely related to STEM disciplines, including medical science.
Within this tradition, the STS program supports the NSF mission by welcoming proposals that provide an STS approach to NSF research-focused Big Ideas.
- Harnessing the Data Revolution for 21st Century Science and Engineering
- Navigating the New Arctic
- The Quantum Leap: Leading the Next Quantum Revolution
- Work at the Human-Technology Frontier: Shaping the Future
- Understanding the Rules of Life: Predicting Phenotype
- Windows on the Universe: The Era of Multi-Messenger Astrophysics
The Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers
FAS/OSP Deadline: review not required for grants awarded directly to individuals
Sponsor Deadline: September 27, 2019
Award Amount: Stipend of up to $75,000, an office, a computer, and full access to the Library's physical and electronic resources.
The Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers offers fellowships to people whose work will benefit directly from access to the research collections at the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building at Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street. Renowned for the extraordinary comprehensiveness of its collections, the Library is one of the world's preeminent resources for study in anthropology, art, geography, history, languages and literature, philosophy, politics, popular culture, psychology, religion, sociology, and sports. The Cullman Center's Selection Committee awards up to 15 fellowships a year to outstanding scholars and writers-academics, independent scholars, journalists, and creative writers. The Cullman Center looks for top-quality writing from academics as well as from creative writers and independent scholars. It aims to promote dynamic communication about literature and scholarship at the very highest level-within the Center, in public forums throughout the Library, and in the Fellows' published work. There is no citizenship requirement for this opportunity.
FAS/OSP Deadline: review not required for grants awarded directly to individuals Sponsor Deadline: September 12, 2019 Award Amount: stipend of $77,500 plus an additional $5,000 to cover project expenses
Radcliffe fellows are exceptional scientists, writers, scholars, public intellectuals, and artists whose work is making a difference in their professional fields and in the larger world. Based in Radcliffe Yard-a sanctuary in the heart of Harvard University-fellows join a uniquely interdisciplinary and creative community. A fellowship at Radcliffe is an opportunity to step away from usual routines and dive deeply into a project. Radcliffe fellows develop new tools and methods, challenge artistic and scholarly conventions, and illuminate our past and our present. Applicants may apply as individuals or in a group of two to three people working on the same project. The following areas--while not exclusive--are of special interest:
- Radcliffe supports engaged scholarship. We welcome applications from scholars and practitioners who connect research to law, policy, pressing social issues, and/or who seek to actively engage audiences beyond academia.
- Reflecting Radcliffe's unique history, each year some projects focus on women, gender, and society or draw on the Schlesinger Library's rich collections. In 2020-2021, one fellow will be designated a Mellon-Schlesinger fellow, as part of the project commemorating the centennial of the 19th Amendment.
FAS/OSP Deadline: review not required for grants awarded directly to individuals Sponsor Deadline: July 15, 2019 Award Amount: $1,500
The Ruth and Harold Chenven Foundation gives annual awards to individual artists living and working in the United States, and who are engaged in or planning a new craft or visual art project. The Foundation does not accept film, video, performance art or music submissions (except as those media are integrated into a larger craft or visual art project).
FAS/OSP Deadline for Letter of Inquiry: August 23, 2019
Sponsor Deadline for Letter of Inquiry: September 1, 2019
Award Amount:
unspecified; recent grants range from $10,000 to $21,000
The Conservation program supports the professional practice of art conservation, especially as it relates to European art of the pre-modern era. Grants are awarded to projects that create and disseminate specialized knowledge, including archival projects, development and dissemination of scholarly databases, documentation projects, exhibitions and publications focusing on art conservation, scholarly publications, and technical and scientific studies. Grants are also awarded for activities that permit conservators and conservation scientists to share their expertise with both professional colleagues and a broad audience through international exchanges, professional meetings, conferences, symposia, consultations, the presentation of research, exhibitions that include a prominent focus on materials and techniques, and other professional events.
Digital Resources
FAS/OSP Deadline for Letter of Inquiry: August 23, 2019
Sponsor Deadline for Letter of Inquiry: September 1, 2019
Award Amount:
unspecified; recent awards range from $12,000 to $90,000
The Digital Resources program is intended to foster new forms of research and collaboration as well as new approaches to teaching and learning. Support will also be offered for the digitization of important visual resources (especially art history photographic archives) in the area of pre-modern European art history; of primary textual sources (especially the literary and documentary sources of European art history); for promising initiatives in online publishing; and for innovative experiments in the field of digital art history.
History of Art Grants
FAS/OSP Deadline for Letter of Inquiry: August 23, 2019
Sponsor Deadline for Letter of Inquiry: September 1, 2019
Award Amount:
recent grants range from $6,000 to $20,000
The History of Art program supports scholarly projects that will enhance the appreciation and understanding of European art and architecture. Grants are awarded to projects that create and disseminate specialized knowledge, including archival projects, development and dissemination of scholarly databases, documentation projects, museum exhibitions and publications, photographic campaigns, scholarly catalogues and publications, and technical and scientific studies.
Grants are also awarded for activities that permit art historians to share their expertise through international exchanges, professional meetings, conferences, symposia, consultations, the presentation of research, and other professional events.
Documentary Fund
FAS/OSP Deadline: 5 business days before submission
Sponsor Deadline: Rolling
Award Amount: varies by award type; see details below
The Sundance Documentary Fund provides grants to filmmakers worldwide for projects that display: artful film language, effective storytelling, originality and feasibility, contemporary cultural relevance, and potential to reach and connect with its intended audience. Preference is given to projects that convey clear story structure, higher stakes and contemporary relevance, forward going action or questions, demonstrated access to subjects, and quality use of film craft.
Funding is available in the following categories:
- Development (up to $15,000)
- Production/Post-Production (up to $40,000)
- Additional opportunities by nomination
The Audacious Project
FAS/OSP Deadline: 5 business days before submission
Sponsor Deadline: Rolling via initial survey submission
Award Amount: Unlimited
The Audacious Project is an invitation for applicants to dream bigger than they ever dared. No idea is too big or too ambitious - the Project is looking for ideas that can and must change the world. The Audacious Project believes that the most powerful ideas both inspire and convince.
Ideas that inspire:
Capture a bold, breakthrough vision that promises significant, enduring impact on a meaningful and urgent topic facing our world
Present a solution that challenges "business as usual" or changes the narrative in a provocative or surprising way
Are designed and led by brave and visionary leader(s) with proximate and relevant experience and who bring a distinct voice to our global community
Tap into fundamental human emotions like wonder, curiosity, outrage and joy
Ideas that convince:
Show evidence that the idea will have impact, including a track record of past success and confidence that results can be sustained in the future
Convey a believable pathway to scale or to a breakthrough discovery, with demand for the solution from those most affected and clarity about the resources required to get there
Are managed by a capable and confident team, ready to deliver on an ambitious plan amidst dynamic conditions
Have a clear understanding of potential risks and unintended consequences - and have plans for how to mitigate them
Are housed at a nonprofit, NGO or institution (or collaboration between them) that can receive philanthropic funds and has the core infrastructure necessary to support the work. (Note: Past projects have had an annual operating budget of $1 million USD or more.)
Exhibition Grants
FAS/OSP Deadline for Letter of Inquiry: July 25, 2019
Sponsor Deadline for Letter of Inquiry: August 1, 2019
Award Amount: varies by award
Recognizing the importance of experiencing original works of art firsthand, the Terra Foundation supports exhibitions that increase the understanding and appreciation of historical American art (circa 1500-1980).
The foundation has a particular interest in exhibitions that travel outside the United States or to Chicago, where the Foundation is headquartered. For exhibitions that travel outside the United States, we encourage:
- A focused thesis that makes a significant contribution to scholarship on historical American art
- International curatorial involvement
- Inclusion of international catalogue essayists
- A presentation that is meaningful to international audiences
Visual arts that are eligible for Terra Foundation Exhibition Grants include painting; sculpture; works on paper (prints, drawings, watercolors, photographs); decorative arts (typically handmade functional objects of high aesthetic quality); design (objects of high aesthetic quality; excludes industrial design); video art; and conceptual art. Excluded are architecture, performance art, and commercial film/animation.

Trinity College
Junior Research Fellowships
FAS/OSP Deadline: not required for grants awarded directly to individuals
Sponsor Deadline: August 29, 2019
Award Amount: stipend varies; please see details under "Emoluments, Rights and Privileges"
A Research Fellowship provides an opportunity to spend up to four years in Cambridge, U.K. undertaking post-doctoral research or scholarly work at an early stage of an academic career; this research may be on a topic essentially of the Fellow's own choice. The basic obligation of a Research Fellow is to engage full-time in research and its dissemination. Like all Fellows, Research Fellows are welcome - indeed encouraged - to participate fully in the life and activities of the College. Research Fellows are not required to contribute to teaching, although a Fellow who wishes to do so may undertake, for extra payment, some limited teaching within the College and University.

Core Fulbright Scholar Program
FAS/OSP Deadline: not required for grants awarded directly to individuals/external institutions
Sponsor Deadline: September 16, 2019
Award Amount: grant benefits vary by country and type of award; generally speaking, grants are budgeted to cover travel and living costs for the grantee and their accompanying dependents
The Core Fulbright Scholar Program offers nearly 470 teaching, research or combination teaching/research awards in over 125 countries. Opportunities are available for college and university faculty and administrators as well as for professionals, artists, journalists, scientists, lawyers, independent scholars and many others. In addition to several new program models designed to meet the changing needs of U.S. academics and professionals, Fulbright is offering more opportunities for flexible, multi-country grants. Applicants must be U.S. citizens.
Artist Residencies
FAS/OSP Deadline: review not required for grants awarded directly to individuals
Sponsor Deadline: August 1, 2019
Award Amount:
room/board and studio space; stipend not included
Yaddo is a retreat for artists located on a 400-acre estate in Saratoga Springs, New York. Its mission is to nurture the creative process by providing an opportunity for artists to work without interruption in a supportive environment. Yaddo offers residencies to professional creative artists from all nations and backgrounds working in
Literature, Visual Art, Music Composition, Performance, and Film & Video
. Artists may apply individually or as members of collaborative teams of two or three persons. They are selected by panels of other professional artists without regard to financial means. Residencies last from two weeks to two months and include room, board, and a studio.
Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art Grants
FAS/OSP Deadline: September 23, 2019
Sponsor Deadline: September 30, 2019
Award Amount: varies by award type
The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art offers a variety of fellowships (for individuals) and grants (for institutions and individuals) twice a year. The program supports scholarship, academic research and the dissemination of knowledge in the field of British art and architectural history from the medieval period to the present only. All supported topics must have a historical perspective and all applications must demonstrate that there is a substantial element of British art and/or architectural history to their project.
For assistance, please contact:
Paige Belisle
Research Development Officer
To see previous Arts and Humanities Funding Newsletters, please visit our email archive.
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