February 2017

The FAS Research Development group publishes this monthly Funding Newsletter for SEAS faculty and researchers. The newsletter includes notable Federal, private, and internal Harvard funding opportunities. To provide feedback, please complete our two-question survey .  

Erin Cromack:  cromack@fas.harvard.edu |  617-496-5252 
Jennifer Corby:  jcorby@fas.harvard.edu |  617-495-1590  

For more information on our support services, please visit our  website .

Did you know?
 Harvard affiliates have access to Pivot, a funding opportunity database

External Opportunities

U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

National Science Foundation: Dear Colleague Letters
National Science Foundation: Directorate for Engineering

National Science Foundation: Crosscutting and Interdisciplinary

Internal Opportunities
Deadline: February 28, 2017
Award Amount: $20,000 - $200,000
Eligible Applicants: Ladder faculty members in FAS and SEAS are eligible to apply. Joint proposals by researchers from the FAS or SEAS and other parts of the University are welcome.
The Star Family Challenge for Promising Scientific Research provides seed funding to interdisciplinary high-risk, high-impact projects in the natural or social sciences. Early stage projects which are unlikely to receive funding from traditional grant-making agencies are encouraged. Award recipients will present and discuss their projects with a range of scholars in multiple disciplines at a Challenge event, April 11, 2017 at 3pm, prior to receipt of funding.

Dean's Competitive Fund for Promising Scholarship
Deadline: March 6, 2017
Award Amount: $5,000-$50,000
Eligible Applicants: Ladder faculty, professors in residence, and professor of the practice
The Dean's Competitive Fund for Promising Scholarship is a targeted program that provides funding in the following categories:  
  1. Bridge funding, to allow faculty to continue work on previously funded research that does not currently have external funding. Faculty who apply in this category should demonstrate that efforts have been made or will be made to obtain new external funding.
  2. Seed funding, to encourage faculty to pursue exciting new research directions that might not yet be ready to compete in traditional funding programs. 
  3. Enabling subventions, to provide small funds to purchase (or upgrade) critical equipment or for travel. Applicants for such funds must have no existing startup funds on which they could draw for this purpose.
  4. Sabbatical top-up, to provide additional salary support to supplement a funded external fellowship. Apply in this category only if you have received confirmation that an external fellowship will be awarded.

Deadline: March 15, 2017
Award Amount: Up to $150,000 payable over one or two years
Eligible Applicants: Ladder faculty
The Lemann Brazil Research Fund supports cross-disciplinary research projects relating to Brazil. Proposals are sought for projects that address education management and administration; social science and its applications; public administration and policy; technological advances in education; and evidence-based research. Consideration will also be given to projects that propose collaboration between Harvard faculty and Brazilian academics in the life sciences, physical sciences and engineering, and basic and applied sciences.  
Proposed projects must meet at least one of the following three criteria:

1.     Include collaboration with Brazilian academics;

2.     Be undertaken in Brazil in whole or in part;

3.       Focus on Brazil.

Spark Grants for Collaboration, Research and Student Engagement
Deadline: April 5, 2017
Award Amount: Up to $15,000 for 18-month awards
Eligible Applicants: Harvard benefits-eligible faculty and/or staff

The HILT Spark Grants are designed to help "spark" promising teaching and learning projects from idea to reality and position innovations for future success. Awardees will receive resources, feedback, and community support to help them develop their ideas into prototypes, pilots, and small-scale innovations. Funding can be used, for example, to pay for a research assistant, hire a graduate student with academic technology expertise, and convene collaborative groups.

As with previous rounds of grants, proposals that build communities of practice around teaching and learning, facilitate high quality assessment practices and educational research, experiment with and document new instructional practices, and/or provide pedagogically-driven tools for teaching and learning (multimedia and instructional technology) are encouraged. 

U.S. Department of Defense

Department of the Army - US Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity (USAMRAA)
Precision Trauma Care Research Award
OSP Deadline: 5 business days prior to submission
Sponsor Deadline for Pre-Applications (required): March 17, 2017
Sponsor Deadline for Full Proposals (if invited): June 15, 2017
Award Amount: The anticipated total costs (direct and indirect) budgeted for each Phase will not exceed $1.5 million. The maximum anticipated total costs for all Phases are $4.5M. 
In support of the Precision Medicine Initiative, the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health  Affairs identified "precision medicine" as a top science and technical priority for the FY17 Defense Health Program (DHP) Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) appropriation funds (this is also applicable to FY18 DHP RDT&E funds) and directed the Defense Health Agency to increase the use of "big data" and interdisciplinary approaches, establish a fundamental understanding of military disease and injury, and advance health status assessment, diagnosis, and treatment tailored to individual Service members and beneficiaries.
The intent of the Precision Trauma Care Research Award (PTCRA) is to support research applying precision medicine concepts to trauma care. In order to improve the care of combat casualties, the Joint Program Committee 6/Combat Casualty Care Research Program (JPC-6/CCCRP) requires capabilities to more accurately diagnose and treat injuries. 
The JPC-6/CCCRP has identified four overarching Focus Areas for funding under this Program
Announcement/Funding Opportunity:
  • Focus Area 1: Improving the Characterization of TBI;
  • Focus Area 2: Understanding the factors that influence and/or inform patient responsiveness to TBI therapeutic interventions;
  • Focus Area 3: Understanding the role of environmental and physiological factors impacting injury outcomes; and
  • Focus Area 4: Developing materiel and knowledge products to assist medical and nonmedical care providers in administering individualized combat-related or trauma-induced injury care.

Defense Intelligence Agency
Funding Opportunity Announcement for Intelligence Community Centers for Academic Excellence
OSP Deadline: March 10, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: March 17, 2017
Award Amount: 2 discretionary grants with a base year of a 12-month period of agreement amount, not to exceed $300,000 each; along with 4 12-month optional periods at a not to exceed amount of $300,000 per optional period
The Intelligence Community Centers for Academic Excellence (IC CAE) Program's purpose is to develop a cadre of qualified intelligence professionals to carry out America's long-term national security initiatives by creating a competitive, knowledgeable and diverse workforce through the provision of multi-year grants to colleges and universities. The program encourages eligible institutions of higher education to submit proposals that support intelligence and national security curricula and programs that will create, attract and sustain a robust and knowledgeable talent pool in multi-disciplinary areas of interest to the Intelligence Community. 

While all accredited 4-year colleges and universities in the United States are eligible, the legislation that established the program emphasized increasing the gender and ethnic diversity of the IC workforce; therefore, the IC CAE Program is especially interested in institutions with diverse populations of talent and in geographic diversity. 

Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Boundary Layer Transition (BOLT) Experiments
OSP Deadline: March 31, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: April 7, 2017
Award Amount: Not more than $2 million in total funding will be made available to fund 1 award of 3 years duration
The Air Force Research Laboratory's AF Office of Scientific Research seeks unclassified proposals that do not contain proprietary information to provide advances in our understanding of the boundary layer transition physics and transition front evolution on a low-curvature concave surface with a swept leading edge at high Mach numbers. This project will provide opportunities for a new generation of US scientists and engineers to address Air Force basic research needs and extend the research capabilities of the Air Force. The project will consist of wind-tunnel testing, computational analysis, and a flight experiment. The resulting knowledge, modeling, and simulation capability born out of this effort is of great importance for future hypersonic vehicles because it will enable more accurate predictions of transition behavior. This project is to be carried out in collaboration with the Air Force Research Laboratory Aerospace Systems Directorate (AFRL/RQ) and the Australian Defense Science and Technology Group (DSTG).
Applicants must demonstrate competency in hypersonic aerodynamics and hypersonic wind-tunnel testing. Further, proposers should be recognized by their peer community for sound technical contributions to the field of hypersonic aerodynamics. A team that includes expertise in theoretical or numerical analysis is also expected. A team of one PI with one co-investigator is encouraged.

DARPA - Innovative Systems for Military Missions
OSP Deadline: April 21, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: April 28, 2017
Award Amount: In general, initial awards are anticipated to be for less than $1 million and less than 18 months duration, although options that follow the base effort may also be proposed
The Tactical Technology Office of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is soliciting executive summaries, white papers and proposals for advanced research, development and demonstration of innovative systems for military missions. Innovative systems are platforms, weapons, integrated systems or critical systems components that often incorporate emerging advanced technologies and enable revolutionary improvements to the capability, efficiency and effectiveness of the military.
TTO seeks responses relating to the following Focus Areas:
1. Ground Systems:
a. Soldier/Squad Technologies;
b. Combat Vehicles;
c. Tactical Operations in Urban and Complex Environments.
2. Maritime/Undersea Systems:
a. Expanded Platform Performance and Cross Domain Applications;
b. Defense of Maritime Forces.
3. Air Systems: 
a. Novel Air Vehicles;
b. Hypersonic Platforms. 
4. Space Systems
a. Spacecraft Technologies;
b. Space Situational Awareness;
c. Systems for Access;
d. Future Space Operations and Architectures.
Proposers are strongly encouraged to submit an executive summary and, if encouraged, a white paper in advance of a full proposal.


DARPA - Pandemic Prevention Platform (P3)
OSP Deadline: April 24, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: May 1, 2017
Award Amount: Multiple awards are possible. The amount of resources made available under this BAA will depend on the quality of the proposals received and the availability of funds. The P3 program will be a 4-year effort.
The P3 program will create an integrated platform that delivers pandemic prevention medical countermeasures within 60 days after identification of the pathogen. The threat of infectious agents on U.S. and global national security can be mitigated if the Department of Defense (DoD) has the capability to rapidly deploy and impart near - immediate immunity to military personnel and civilian populations for known and newly emerging pathogens.
Based on achievements and lessons learned in previous countermeasure development efforts (DARPA and across the scientific community), three Technical Areas (TA) have been identified in which specific investments may lead to breakthroughs for countermeasure development. 

These Technical Areas are:

1. On - demand platform to grow virus;
2. System to evolve antibodies: rapid creation of highly potent medical countermeasures;
3. Delivery of medical countermeasure(s): reproducible effects which lead to protective levels of product.

Office of Naval Research (ONR)
SSBN Security Technology
OSP Deadline: 5 business days prior to submission
Sponsor Deadline for Full Proposals: May 31, 2017
Award Amount: approximately $400,000 per year
The Office of Naval Research (ONR) and the Undersea Influence, Counter-USW Branch (N974B) of the Chief of Naval Operations' (CNO) Undersea Warfare Division (N97) are interested in receiving proposals focused on the identification of science and physics based signal detection technologies that, individually or as a system, can impact the security of the SSBN and submarines in general. Passive and active detection technologies with near term (0-5 years), mid-term (5-10 years) and far term (10-20 years) implications will be considered. As part of its effort to understand the impact of technology on submarine security and survivability, the SSBN Security Technology Program (SSTP) may entertain proposals focused on improving the understanding of the generation, radiation, propagation, scatter, and detection of a variety of signal types (acoustic, chemical, optical, electromagnetic, hydrodynamic and radiological) associated with a submarine's operation.
White Papers are required prior to submitting a Full Proposal. Full proposals will be subsequently encouraged from those Offerors whose proposed technologies have been identified as being of particular value to the Navy.

U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)
2017 Broad Agency Announcement
OSP Deadline: 5 business days prior to submission
Sponsor Deadline: January 31, 2018
Award Amount: Proposal budgets should be commensurate with the scope of the project
The U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) has issued a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for various research and development topic areas. The U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) includes the Coastal and Hydraulics Lab (CHL), the Geotechnical and Structures Lab (GSL), the Reachback Operations Center (UROC), the Environmental Lab (EL) and the Information Technology Lab (ITL) in Vicksburg, Mississippi, the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab (CRREL) in Hanover, New Hampshire, the Construction Engineering Research Lab (CERL) in Champaign, Illinois, and the Geospatial Research Laboratory (GRL) in Alexandria, Virginia. 

The ERDC is responsible for conducting research in the broad fields of hydraulics, dredging, coastal engineering, instrumentation, oceanography, remote sensing, geotechnical engineering, earthquake engineering, soil effects, vehicle mobility, self-contained munitions, military engineering, geophysics, pavements, protective structures, aquatic plants, water quality, dredged material, treatment of hazardous waste, wetlands, physical/mechanical/ chemical properties of snow and other frozen precipitation, infrastructure and environmental issues for installations, computer science, telecommunications management, energy, facilities maintenance, materials and structures, engineering processes, environmental processes, land and heritage conservation, and ecological processes. 

This research is conducted by Government personnel and by contract with educational institutions, non-profit organizations and private industries. In addition to research grants, the ERDC supports conferences and symposia in special areas of science that bring experts together to discuss recent research or educational findings or to expose other researchers or advanced graduate students to new research and educational techniques.

Other DoD Opportunities:

I f you are interested in DoD funding opportunities, please note:
The  Defense Innovation Marketplace  is a centralized source for Department of Defense science and technology (S&T) planning, acquisition resources, funding, and financial information. 


ARPA-E: Creating Innovative and Reliable Circuits Using Inventive Topologies and Semi Conductors (CIRCUITS)
Sponsor Concept Paper Deadline: February 21, 2017
Award Amount: $250,000 - $100,000

Development of advanced power electronics with unprecedented functionality, efficiency, reliability, and form factor will help provide the U.S. a critical technological advantage in an increasingly electrified world economy. The CIRCUITS (Creating Innovative and Reliable Circuits Using Inventive Topologies and Semiconductors) program seeks to accelerate the development and deployment of a new class of efficient, lightweight, and reliable power converters based on wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductors through transformational system-level advances that enable effective operation at high switching frequency, high temperature, and low loss. Previous efforts by ARPA-E and others have primarily focused on WBG material and device development without focused consideration and redesign of the circuit topology. Such solutions do not fully exploit the potential performance improvements enabled by this new class of power semiconductor devices. 

Areas of particular interest for the CIRCUITS program include novel circuit topologies, advanced control and drive electronics, and innovative packaging. Such technological breakthroughs would catalyze the adoption of higher performance power converters in various critical applications (motor drives, automotive, power supplies, data centers, aerospace, ship propulsion, rail, distributed energy, and the grid) that offer significant direct and indirect energy savings and emissions reductions across electricity generation, transmission and distribution, and load-side consumption. Coupling novel and advanced circuit topologies with leading edge materials such as WBG semiconductor devices has the capacity to catalyze disruptive improvements for power electronics and subsequently for the U.S. economy.  

ARPA-E: Saving Energy Nationwide in Structures with Occupancy Recognition (SENSOR)
Sponsor Concept Paper Deadline: March 17, 2017
Award Amount: $250,000 - $10M
This program aims to dramatically reduce the amount of energy used for heating and cooling residential buildings (by 30%) via user-transparent sensor systems that accurately sense human presence (not merely motion). This program also aims to reduce energy usage in commercial buildings (also by 30%) by enabling ventilation control based on sensor systems that can accurately count the number of humans in a pre-determined zone. If these sensing technologies can be widely deployed with disruptively low price targets and failure rates, a significantly lower usage of energy will result without impact to comfort of the occupants of the space.  
There are four areas of focus for this program:

A.    Human presence sensors for residential use (these deliver a binary "occupied or not                     occupied" signal to enable temperature adjustment (setbacks) between setpoints used for the       normal comfort range vs those for an unoccupied residence;


B.    People counting sensors for commercial use (these deliver the number of occupants in a               specific defined HVAC zone to enable both temperature and ventilation setbacks);


C.    Low-cost, stable, and easily deployable CO2 sensors to enable adoption of ventilation                   setbacks;


D.    Real-World testing and validation of A, B, and C in both laboratory controlled quasi-real world       environments and actual field deployment tests throughout the program timeframe. 

National Nuclear Security Administration
Stewardship Science Academic Alliances (SSAA) Program
OSP Deadline: April 23, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: April 30, 2017
Award Amount: $1 - 3M/per year for five years
The Stewardship Science Academic Alliances (SSAA) Program was established in 2002 to support state-of-the-art research at U.S. academic institutions in areas of fundamental physical science and technology of relevance to the Stockpile Stewardship Program (SSP) mission. The SSAA Program provides the research experience necessary to maintain a cadre of trained scientists at U.S. universities to meet the nation's current and future SSP needs, with a focus on those areas not supported by other federal agencies. It supports the DOE/NNSA's priorities both to address the workforce specific needs in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and to support the next generation of professionals who will meet those needs.
The research areas of interest in the SSAA Program are: properties of materials under extreme conditions and/or hydrodynamics (condensed matter physics and materials science, and fluid dynamics); low energy nuclear science; radiochemistry; and high energy density physics. Only applications for cooperative agreements awards will be accepted for this solicitation, no grant applications will be considered.

Other DOE Opportunities

Environmental Protection Agency

Using a Total Environment Framework (Built, Natural, Social Environments) to Assess Life-long Health Effects of Chemical Exposures
OSP Deadline: February 23, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: March 2, 2017
Award Amount: Up to  $800,000 for regular awards and $600,000 for early career awards. Maximum duration of four years .
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), through its Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program, seeks applications for research on how pollution affects human health in the context of the total environment - built, natural, and social environments interacting together with inherent characteristics and interactions. Proposed research should develop and test innovative models or impact assessment approaches to examine causal relationships of chemical pollutants and health effects with modifying interactions among the variables representing all of the major stressors and factors involved in a person's life. Proposals that integrate a diverse field of disciplines (social science, economics, epidemiology, engineering, environmental science, biology, statistics, toxicology, chemistry, etc.) to address the complexity of the total environment research problem are highly recommended.

Foundation Opportunities

Internet Freedom Fund
OSP review not required for concept papers
Sponsor Concept Paper Deadline: March 1, 2017
Award Amount: $10,000 - $900,000
The Internet Freedom Fund supports projects and people working on open and accessible technology-centric projects that promote human rights, internet freedom, open societies, and help advance inclusive and safe access to global communications networks. Preference will be given to those projects and people who are new to the internet freedom community, helping those living within repressive environments, and are requesting less than $300,000 for a duration of less than 12 months.

Innovation in Regulatory Science Awards
OSP Deadline: March 8, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: March 15, 2017
Award Amount: Up to $500,000 over 5 years
BWF's Innovation in Regulatory Science Awards provide support to academic investigators developing new methodologies or innovative approaches in regulatory science that will ultimately inform the regulatory decisions the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and others make. This will necessarily draw upon the talents of individuals trained in mathematics, computer science, applied physics, medicine, engineering, toxicology, epidemiology, biostatistics, and systems pharmacology, to name a few. These awards are open to U.S. and Canadian citizens or permanent residents who have a faculty or adjunct faculty appointment at a North American degree-granting institution. Awards are made to degree-granting institutions in the U.S. or Canada on behalf of the awardee. Primary investigators are required to devote no less than 50% of their time to research-related activities.

Sponsor Deadline to Initiate Letter of Intent: March 20, 2017
Sponsor Letter of Intent Deadline: March 30, 2017
Award Amount: Maximum of $450,000/year for up to 3 years
HFSP supports international preferably intercontinental collaborations in basic life science research. Applications are invited for grants to support innovative approaches to understanding complex mechanisms of living organisms. Applicants are expected to develop novel lines of research distinct from their ongoing research. Preliminary results are not required. Program Grants are for independent scientists at all stages of their careers while Young Investigators' Grants are for teams of scientists who are all within 5 years of establishing an independent laboratory and within 10 years of obtaining their PhDs. Both provide 3 years support for 2-4 member teams, with not more than one member from any one country, unless critical for the innovative nature of the project. The principal applicant must be located in one of the HFSP member countries but co-investigators may be located in any country.

Liberal Arts and the Professions
OSP Deadline: 5 business days prior to submission
Sponsor Deadline: Rolling
Award Amount: $200,000 to $300,000 for 2 to 3 years
This initiative has the goal of embedding liberal arts education throughout the curriculum of undergraduate professional programs by forging links between faculty in the liberal arts and professional  fields. The target areas of focus are engineering and business education. Such curricular integration will not only have a positive effect on how students in professional fields pursue their future work, but will also enrich the liberal arts curriculum itself with perspectives that merit sharing beyond the community of professional practitioners. To be considered for a grant, please review Teagle's application guidelines and submit a brief 3-5 page concept paper to proposals@teagle.org .  
Full proposals are welcomed by invitation and typically reflect a collaboration of four to six colleges/universities that exhibit an alignment of priorities and draw participants together as a community of practice.


James S. McDonnell Foundation
Studying Complex Systems Collaborative Activity Awards
OSP Deadline: 5 business days prior to submission
Sponsor Deadline: Rolling
Award Amount: Budgets for collaborative activities vary greatly depending on the scope of the proposed project and on the number of people involved

The Foundation offers Collaborative Activity Awards to initiate interdisciplinary discussions on problems or issues, to help launch interdisciplinary research networks, or to fund communities of researchers and practitioners dedicated to developing new methods, tools, and applications of basic research to applied problems. Strong preference will be given to applications involving multi-institutional collaboration. 

Proposals furthering the science of complex systems and/or proposals intending to apply complex system tools and models to problems where such approaches are not yet considered usual or mainstream are appropriate.  Please note that this Foundation limits the number of inquiries an investigator may submit to one every three years. 

Targeted Grants in Mathematics and Physical Sciences
OSP Deadline: 5 business days prior to submission
Sponsor Deadline: Rolling
Award Amount: A typical Targeted Grant in MPS provides funding for up to five years. The funding provided is flexible and based on the type of support requested in the proposal. There is no recommended funding limit
The Simons Foundation division for Mathematics and Physical Sciences seeks to extend the frontiers of basic research. The division's primary focus is on mathematics, theoretical physics and theoretical computer science. This program is intended to support high-risk projects of exceptional promise and scientific importance on a case-by-case basis. Expenses for experiments, equipment, or computations, as well as for personnel and travel, are allowable.

Machine Translation for English Retrieval of Information in Any Language (MATERIAL)
OSP Deadline: March 13, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: March 20, 2017
Award Amount: The amount of resources made available under this BAA shall depend on the quality of the proposals received and the availability of funds

The MATERIAL performers will develop an "English-in, English-out" information  retrieval system that, given a domain-sensitive English query, will retrieve relevant data from a large multilingual repository and display the retrieved information in English as query-biased summaries.  To develop such an end-to-end system, large multi-disciplinary teams will be required with expertise in a number of relevant technical areas including, but not limited to, natural language processing, low resource languages, machine translation, corpora analysis, domain adaptation, computational linguistics, speech recognition, language identification, semantics, summarization, information retrieval, and machine learning.

Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)
OSP Deadline: 5 business days before submission to sponsor
Sponsor Deadline: Rolling between May 3, 2016 and May 2, 2017
Award Amount: Awards generally support a period of performance of 12 months or less; resources made available under this BAA will depend on the quality of the proposals received and the availability of funds
IARPA invests in high-risk, high-payoff research that has the potential to provide our nation with an overwhelming intelligence advantage. This BAA solicits abstracts or proposals for IARPA.  IARPA is soliciting proposals for research on topics that are not addressed by emerging or ongoing IARPA programs or other published IARPA solicitations. The BAA primarily, but not solely, seeks proposals for early stage research (which IARPA refers to as "seedlings").

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) FY2017 - 2020 Astrophysics Decadal Large Mission Concept, Origins Space Telescope (OST) System Studies
OSP Deadline: February 22, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: March 1, 2017
Award Amount: $10,000 - $100,000 for up to 18 months. Awards must be matched or exceeded by Offeror contributions. Contributions can be cash in-kind (non-cash) resources or a combination of each. Up to 5 awards are anticipated.
The objective of this program is to award cooperative agreements for partnerships with United States  commercial business and/or colleges and universities that will meet the goal of developing the Origins Space Telescope (OST) mission concept systems studies to meet specific NASA needs at Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), as well as those of the partner. This goal will be accomplished by selecting Offerors who will cooperatively share in the cost of OST concept studies. The objective of this Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) is to partner with U.S. commercial businesses and/or academic institutions to perform system engineering trades, produce whitepapers, engineering reports, error budgets, and other documentation that will help the OST Science and Technology Definition Team (STDT) to evaluate technical options and convince the Decadal Survey that the mission is worthy of prioritization. Identified areas of interest include: Optical Systems; Observatory Systems, Subsystems and Deployments; and Mid-IR Detectors.

Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) 2017 Dual Use Technology Development at NASA John C. Stennis Space Center
OSP Deadline: September 13, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: September 30, 2017
Award Amount: $25,000 - $75,000 for 12 months. Partners must contribute an equal value of resources to match the NASA funding for the project. Partner contributions may be cash, non-cash or both.
John C. Stennis Space Center (SSC) is the primary NASA rocket propulsion testing center. SSC tests items ranging from multi-engine stages to individual components of rocket engines. CAN supports identification and implementation of cost-sharing partnerships to develop technology to meet a specific NASA need at SSC.
SSC technology interests, include, but are not limited to, the following:
  • Propulsion system test technology;
  • Autonomous & intelligent systems;
  • Advanced sensors & instruments;
  • Image & signal processing;
  • Energy harvesting;
  • Innovative components & materials;
  • Big data processing & analysis;
  • Systems engineering & optimization;
  • Computational modeling & simulation;
  • Decision support tools & systems.

Johnson Space Center:  Research Opportunities for ISS Utilization
Exploration Technology Demonstration and National Lab Utilization Enhancements
OSP Deadline: 5 business days in advance of the sponsor deadline
Sponsor Deadline for White Papers (recommended): October 31, 2017
Sponsor Deadline for Full Proposals: December 31, 2017
Award Amount: Funds are not currently available for awards under this NASA Research Announcement (NRA). The Government's ability to make award(s) is contingent upon the availability of appropriated funds from which payment can be made and the receipt of proposals that NASA determines acceptable for award under this NRA. Successful proposals will have launch and integration costs covered by NASA
This announcement is for the development of experiment hardware with enhanced capabilities; modification of existing hardware to enable increased efficiencies (crew time, power, etc.);  development of tools that allow analyses of samples and specimens on orbit; enhanced ISS infrastructure capabilities (ex. communications or data processing); and specific technology demonstration projects. Submission of a white paper is recommended in advance of a full proposal.
Within the NASA International Space Station (ISS) Research Integration Office, the Technology and Science Research Office (TSRO) and Commercial Space Utilization Office (CSUO) act as "gateways" to the ISS. The Technology and Science Research Office serves as the gateway for NASA-funded technology demonstrations. The Commercial Space Utilization Office serves as the gateway for non-NASA government-funded investigations, as well as non-profit or commercially-funded investigations.
Proposed technology demonstrations submitted to TSRO should address at least one of the technology areas mentioned in the ISS Technology Demonstration Plans . In addition, NASA seeks technology demonstrations related to the following thrust area: Space Suit CO2 Sensor.
NASA also seeks technological concepts via CSUO related to the National Lab Thrust Areas and to expand the onboard research and analytical capabilities. The general thrust areas are:
  • Innovative uses of the ISS or ISS hardware that leverage existing capabilities to stimulate both utilization of the ISS and economic development in the U.S.
  • Other improvements to existing ISS capabilities, including but not limited to infrastructure, in situ analytical tools, and communication/data transmittal, to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the technology demonstrations and science investigations performed on the ISS.
  • Unique partnering arrangements that leverage NASA's existing capabilities but increase the commercial participation in research and on board services. 
One specific thrust area is still accepting proposals: Virtual Reality/360° Video System.


Other NASA Opportunities
National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Shared Instrumentation Grant Program
FAS/SEAS Statement of Intent Deadline: February 17, 2017 by 5:00PM
Sponsor Deadline: May 31, 2017
Award Amount: $50,000 - $600,000
Target Applicants: Groups of three or more PIs on active, distinct NIH research awards
Note: This is a limited submission opportunity.

The objective of these two NIH Instrumentation Grant Programs is to make available to institutions expensive research instruments that can only be justified on a shared-use basis and that are needed for NIH-supported projects in basic, translational or clinical areas of biomedical/behavioral research.  The program provides funds to purchase or upgrade a single item of expensive, specialized, commercially available instrument or an integrated instrumentation system.
While there is no restriction on the number of applications an institution can submit for these opportunities, there are restrictions on applications submitted for similar equipment from the same institution.  In order to determine if there are any overlapping requests, potential applicants from FAS and SEAS are asked to submit a brief statement of intent to Erin Cromack at cromack@fas.harvard.edu no later than February 17, 2017.  We will then consult with counterparts at HMS and HSPH to determine if there are any duplicate requests. 
The statement of intent should include the following:
  • PI Name
  • Brief description of the proposed instrument (one brief paragraph)
  • Major User group (three or more investigators who are Program Director(s)/Principal Investigator(s) on three distinct active NIH research grants)
  • Proposed location of the instrument, if funded

High End Instrumentation Grant Program
FAS/SEAS Statement of Intent Deadline: February 17, 2017 by 5:00PM
Sponsor Deadline: May 31, 2017
Award Amount: $600,001 - $2,000,000
Target Applicants: Groups of three or more PIs on active, distinct NIH research awards
Note: This is a limited submission opportunity.
The objective of these two NIH Instrumentation Grant Programs is to make available to institutions expensive research instruments that can only be justified on a shared-use basis and that are needed for NIH-supported projects in basic, translational or clinical areas of biomedical/behavioral research.  The program provides funds to purchase or upgrade a single item of expensive, specialized, commercially available instrument or an integrated instrumentation system.
While there is no restriction on the number of applications an institution can submit for these opportunities, there are restrictions on applications submitted for similar equipment from the same institution.  In order to determine if there are any overlapping requests, potential applicants from FAS and SEAS are asked to submit a brief statement of intent to Erin Cromack at cromack@fas.harvard.edu no later than February 17, 2017.  We will then consult with counterparts at HMS and HSPH to determine if there are any duplicate requests. 
The statement of intent should include the following:
  • PI Name
  • Brief description of the proposed instrument (one brief paragraph)
  • Major User group (three or more investigators who are Program Director(s)/Principal Investigator(s) on three distinct active NIH research grants)
  • Proposed location of the instrument, if funded

Shared Instrumentation for Animal Research (SIFAR) Grant Program
FAS/SEAS Statement of Intent Deadline: February 17, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: May 31, 2017
Award Amount: $50,000-$750,000
Target applicants: Groups of three or more PIs on active, distinct NIH research awards in an area of biomedical research using animals or animal tissue.
Note: This is a limited submission opportunity.
The Shared Instrumentation for Animal Research (SIFAR) Grant Program encourages applications from groups of NIH-funded investigators to purchase or upgrade scientific instruments necessary to carry out animal experiments in all areas of biomedical research supported by the NIH. Applicants may request clusters of commercially available instruments configured as specialized integrated systems or as series of instruments to support a thematic workflow in a well-defined area of research using animals or related materials. Priority will be given to specialized clusters of instruments and to uniquely configured systems to support innovative and potentially transformative investigations. Requests for a single instrument will be considered only if the instrument is to be placed in a barrier facility.  
This is a limited submission opportunity and only one application will be accepted from the University area.  Potential applicants from FAS and SEAS are asked to submit a brief statement of intent to Erin Cromack at cromack@fas.harvard.edu no later than February 17, 2017. 
The statement of intent should include the following:
  • PI Name;
  • Brief description of the proposed instrument(s) (one brief paragraph);
  • Major User group (three or more investigators who are Program Directors/Principal Investigators on three distinct active NIH research grants in an area of biomedical research using animals or animal tissue.);
  • Proposed location of the instrument(s), if funded.

Other NIH Opportunities:

National Science Foundation

National Science Foundation: Dear Colleague Letters

2017 Division of Chemistry Supplemental Funding Proposals for International Collaboration
OSP Deadline: February 22, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: March 1, 2017
Award Amount: Unspecified
The Division of Chemistry is inviting proposals for supplemental funding from its existing awardees who may wish to add a new, or strengthen an existing, international dimension of their award when such collaboration advances the field of chemistry and enhances the U.S. investigator's own research and/or education objectives. 

Improving Graduate Student Preparedness for the Chemistry Workforce
OSP Deadline: February 22, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: March 1, 2017
Award Amount: $12,000 maximum for up to 3 months
This Dear Colleague Letter describes opportunities for supplemental funding to enhance the training experience of graduate students currently supported by active CHE research grants.
Examples of experiences targeted by this opportunity include, but are not limited to, limited duration (one to three month) internships or similar experiences in industry (including start-up companies), state or federal government laboratories, policy organizations, and non-profit foundations. Consideration would also be given to professional development courses on, for example, innovation and technology commercialization, business and entrepreneurship training, and communicating science to the public.

NSF Mathematical Sciences Graduate Internship
OSP Deadline: February 22, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: March 1, 2017
Award Amount: $1,200 per week for 10 weeks + travel expenses
The Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS) aims to provide opportunities to enrich the training of graduate doctoral students in the Mathematical Sciences through the provision of a NSF DMS funded summer research internship program. Towards this objective, DMS has partnered with the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE), which is managed by Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) for the Department of Energy, to establish the NSF Mathematical Sciences Graduate Internship program. The internships are aimed at students who are interested in understanding the application of advanced mathematical and statistical techniques to "real world" problems, regardless of whether they plan to pursue an academic or nonacademic career.

Request for Input on Federal Datasets with Potential to Advance Data Science
OSP Deadline: N/A
Sponsor Deadline: March 31, 2017
Award Amount: N/A
With this DCL, the CISE directorate is seeking input on the types of datasets that federal departments, agencies, and offices may possess and could make openly available for use in data science, including machine learning, research - and the potential associated with broader impacts on science, engineering and society. In the longer term, planning grants may be made available in cases where well-defined efforts to publish specific government datasets in the open are described.

Public Participation in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Research: Capacity-Building, Community-Building, and Direction-Setting
OSP Deadline: April 4, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: April 11, 2017
Award Amount: Unspecified; the majority of recent awards fall between $100,000 to $500,000 but extend up to $1M; Conference funding is capped at $50,000
To help researchers, practitioners, and participants in PPSR learn from each other's experiences, collaboratively pursue PPSR challenges, and plan future PPSR efforts, NSF encourages proposals to coordinate PPSR efforts at large, medium, and small scale. Specifically, NSF encourages proposals for (a) Research Coordination Networks (RCN) to build PPSR capacity and community; (b) conference proposals to bring together specific communities and to envision future directions for PPSR activities; and (c) PPSR-focused supplements to existing NSF-funded awards that enhance existing research activities through the introduction of PPSR components.

Request for Information on Future Needs for Advanced Cyberinfrastructure to Support Science and Engineering Research (NSF CI 2030)
OSP Deadline: Not required for a Request for Information submission
Sponsor Deadline: April 5, 2017
Award Amount: N/A
NSF invites both individuals and groups of individuals to provide input on the specific scientific and engineering research challenges that require advanced cyberinfrastructure for their solutions. This whole-of-NSF activity recognizes that researchers in different disciplines may need different resources; may have differing priorities for access, interoperability, and continuity; and may require external expertise to address the most critical problems in their discipline. We therefore strongly encourage researchers in all fields of science, engineering and education to respond to this Request for Information.

Funding Opportunity - A "Quantum Leap" Demonstration of Topological Quantum Computing
OSP Deadline: 5 business days prior to proposal submission
Sponsor White Paper Deadline: Rolling
Award Amount: $300,000 maximum for up to 2 years
The Division of Materials Research (DMR) invites submission of high-risk / high-payoff proposals aiming at fundamental research to realize topological qubits and encourages PIs to submit Early-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) proposals. Prior to submission of an EAGER proposal, a one-page whitepaper must be prepared and discussed with a cognizant Program Director. Proposals must be focused on fundamental materials research aspects within the scope of DMR and offer potentially transformative exploratory concepts of topological computing with a high-risk / high-payoff characteristic.

National Science Foundation: Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering (NSF: CISE)

NSF: CISE Opportunities

National Science Foundation: Directorate for Mathematical & Physical Sciences (NSF: MPS)

Management and Operations of the Arecibo Observatory
OSP Deadline: April 18, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: April 25, 2017
Award Amount: $1M to $3.6M per year; the amount varies by NSF Directorate and years into the project
The NSF solicits proposals to manage and operate the Arecibo Observatory (AO). The AO is a multidisciplinary research and education facility. AO's cornerstone research instrument is a 305-meter diameter fixed spherical reflector, located on approximately 120 acres of U.S. Federal Government-owned land near Arecibo, Puerto Rico. AO conducts research in passive radio astronomy, solar system radar astronomy, and space and atmospheric sciences.
The successful proposal would be awarded as a cooperative agreement or master cooperative agreement with cooperative support agreement(s) on or after 1 April 2018 with an anticipated duration of five years, and possibly renewable upon a successful review for an additional five years. A transition period may be proposed.

NSF-CBMS Regional Research Conferences in the Mathematical Sciences
OSP Deadline: April 21, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: April 28, 2017
Award Amount: $35,000 over one year
The NSF-CBMS Regional Research Conferences in the Mathematical Sciences are a series of five-day conferences, each of which features a distinguished lecturer delivering ten lectures on a topic of important current research in one sharply focused area of the mathematical sciences. CBMS refers to the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences, which publicizes the conferences and administers the resulting publications. Support is provided for about 30 participants at each conference.

NSF: MPS Opportunities  

National Science Foundation: Directorate for Engineering

NSF/CASIS Collaboration on Combustion and Thermal Transport Processes Research on the International Space Station to Benefit Life on Earth
OSP Deadline: March 3, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: March 10, 2017
Award Amount: Requests may be for up to $300,000 total and up to three years in duration. 

The purpose of this solicitation is to attract proposals that make use of the ISS (International Space Station) National Lab for flight research projects in the fields of combustion and in thermal transport processes. Responsive applications will describe using the ISS National Lab for development and testing of combustion and thermal transport physics processes and phenomena that will lead to Earth-based applications and increase the return on the U.S. investment in the ISS National Lab. CASIS goals are to advance science research and technology development, expand human knowledge, inspire and educate the next generation, foster the commercial development of space, and demonstrate scientific capabilities in space for Earth benefit. Fundamental research to study combustion and thermal transport phenomena and processes, where the results will have direct terrestrial benefit but will involve flight research utilizing the ISS, is solicited.

The collaboration seeks to exploit the complementary missions of (i) research and development for NSF, and (ii) stimulation, development and management of U.S. national uses of the ISS National Lab by U.S. government agencies, academic institutions, and private firms for CASIS. Proposals must seek to exploit the ISS National Lab for combustion and thermal transport studies to support applications on Earth. The proposal must include a description of project benefits for life on Earth. Proposals focused on research and technology development supporting only space exploration-related goals do not fall within the scope of the NSF and CASIS mission, and will be considered non-responsive to this solicitation. For example, this program does not support research strictly focused on space propulsion.

Other NSF: Directorate for Engineering Opportunities
National Science Foundation: Crosscutting and Interdisciplinary

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)
OSP Deadline: February 27, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: March 6, 2017
Award Amount:  Small projects may be requested for up to $500,000 for a period of up to 3 years. Medium projects may be requested for $500,001 to $1,000,000 for up to four years. Frontier projects must address clearly identified critical CPS challenges that cannot be achieved by a set of smaller projects. Funding may be requested for $1,000,001 to $7,000,000 for 4 to 5 years.

The goal of the CPS program is to develop the core system science needed to engineer complex cyber-physical systems that people can use or interact with and depend upon. Some of these may require high-confidence or provable behaviors. The program aims to foster a research community committed to advancing research and education in CPS and to transitioning CPS science and technology into engineering practice. By abstracting from the particulars of specific systems and application domains, the CPS program seeks to reveal cross-cutting fundamental scientific and engineering principles that underpin the integration of cyber and physical elements across all application sectors. To expedite and accelerate the realization of cyber-physical systems in a wide range of applications, the CPS program also supports the development of methods, tools, and hardware and software components based upon these cross-cutting principles, along with validation of the principles via prototypes and testbeds. We have also seen a convergence of CPS technologies and research thrusts that underpin Smart & Connected Communities (S&CC) and the Internet of Things (IoT). These domains offer new and exciting challenges for foundational research and provide opportunities for maturation at multiple time horizons. 

Innovations at the Nexus of Food, Energy and Water Systems (INFEWS)
OSP Deadline: February 27, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: March 6, 2017
Award Amount: Projects submitted to all tracks must have total budgets less than or equal to $2,500,000.

The overarching goal of INFEWS is to catalyze well-integrated interdisciplinary and convergent research to transform scientific understanding of the FEW nexus (integrating all three components rather than addressing them separately), in order to improve system function and management, address system stress, increase resilience, and ensure sustainability. The NSF INFEWS initiative is designed specifically to attain the following goals:
  1. Significantly advance our understanding of the food-energy-water system through quantitative, predictive and computational modeling, including support for relevant cyberinfrastructure;
  2. Develop real-time, cyber-enabled interfaces that improve understanding of the behavior of FEW systems and increase decision support capability;
  3. Enable research that will lead to innovative solutions to critical FEW systems problems; and
  4. Grow the scientific workforce capable of studying and managing the FEW system, through education and other professional development opportunities.
This initiative enables interagency cooperation on one of the most pressing problems of the millennium - understanding interactions across the FEW nexus - how it is likely to affect our world, and how we can proactively plan for its consequences. It allows the partner agencies - National Science Foundation (NSF) and the United States Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA/NIFA) and others - to combine resources to identify and fund the most meritorious and highest-impact projects that support their respective missions, while eliminating duplication of effort and fostering collaboration between agencies and the investigators they support.

Energy-Efficient Computing: From Devices to Architectures (E2CDA)
OSP Deadline: February 28, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: March 7, 2017
Award Amount:  It is anticipated that approximately 2-4 multidisciplinary collaborative (Type I) projects, each ranging from $800,000 to $1,600,000 per year for 3 years, and 2-4 individual or small (Type II) projects, each ranging from $100,000 to $200,000 per year for 1 to 3 years, will be supported. 

The urgency of solving multi-disciplinary technical challenges will require new methods of collaboration and organization among researchers.Therefore, a comprehensive and collaborative approach must be undertaken to maximize the potential for successfully identifying and implementing revolutionary solutions to break through the bottleneck of energy-constrained computational performance. Programmers, system architects, circuit designers, chip processing engineers, material scientists, and computational chemists must all explore these new paths together to co-design an optimal solution path.
The National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) recognize this need, and agree to embark on a new collaborative research program to support compelling research that is of paramount importance to industry, academia and society at large. This partnership will specifically support new research to minimize the energy impacts of processing, storing, and moving data within future computing systems, and will be synergistic with other research activities that address other aspects of this overarching energy-constrained computing performance challenge.

Critical Techniques, Technologies and Methodologies for Advancing Foundations and Applications of Big Data Sciences and Engineering (BIGDATA)
OSP Deadline: March 15, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: March 22, 2017
Award Amount: $200K to $500K per year for 3-4 years of support
The  BIGDATA  program seeks novel approaches in computer science, statistics, computational science, and mathematics, along with innovative applications in domain science, including social and behavioral sciences, education, biology, the physical sciences, and engineering that lead towards the further development of the interdisciplinary field of  data science. 

The solicitation invites two categories of proposals:
  • Foundations (F): those developing or studying fundamental theories, techniques, methodologies, and technologies of broad applicability to big data problems, motivated by specific data challenges and requirements; and
  • Innovative Applications (IA): those engaged in translational activities that employ new big data techniques, methodologies, and technologies to address and solve problems in specific application domains. Projects in this category must be collaborative, involving researchers from domain disciplines and one or more methodological disciplines, e.g., computer science, statistics, mathematics, simulation and modeling, etc.

Industry-University Cooperative Research Centers Program (IUCRC)
OSP Deadline: April 12, 2017
Sponsor Preliminary Proposal Deadline (required): April 19, 2017
Award Amount: Funding is subject to the availability of funds. Anticipated funding includes continued annual support and supplemental requests for existing IUCRCs.
The Industry-University Cooperative Research Centers (IUCRC) program develops long-term partnerships among industry, academe, and government. The Centers are catalyzed by an investment from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and are primarily supported by industry Center members, with NSF taking a supporting role in the development and evolution of the Center. Each Center is established to conduct research that is of interest to both the industry members and the Center faculty. An IUCRC contributes to the nation's research infrastructure base and enhances the intellectual capacity of the engineering and science workforce through the integration of research and education. As appropriate, an IUCRC uses international collaborations to advance these goals within the global context.

Other NSF: Crosscutting and Interdisciplinary Opportunities

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
NIST Public Safety Innovation Accelerator Program (PSIAP)
OSP Deadline: February 21, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: February 28, 2017
Award Information:  In FY 2017 through FY2019, NIST anticipates up to $30,000,000 may be available to fund awards in the range of $10,000 to $1,000,000 per year with project performance periods of up to two (2) years. Proposals submitted by institutions of higher education with the specific purpose of supporting research by students as part of their doctoral program may have performance periods of up to three (3) years. 

The NIST Public Safety Innovation Accelerator Program (PSIAP) is seeking applications to accelerate research, development, production, and testing activities in six specific technology areas: mission critical voice; location based services (LBS); public safety analytics; communication demand modeling; research and prototyping platforms; and resilient systems.
Recipients will rapidly accelerate the objectives of the PSIAP through innovative research and development (R&D) projects. Applicants may propose projects specific to one or multiple PSIAP technology areas and may propose cross-cutting projects that address one or more objectives within each or multiple technology areas. Applicants may also propose new ideas and objectives within any of the technology areas, but may not propose new technology areas. 
Where appropriate, applicants should propose projects that include active and sustained engagement with first responders. This to ensure that the R&D outputs of each PSIAP project are highly relevant and will have a meaningful impact on the public safety community.  

Crime Forecasting Challenge
OSP Deadline: February 21, 2017
Sponsor Deadline: February 28, 2017
Prize Information: 40 $15,000 prizes will be apportioned to the winners in the large business category; 40 $10,000 prizes will be apportioned to the winners in the small teams/small business category; and 40 $5,000 prizes will be apportioned to the winners in the student category
The Crime Forecasting Challenge seeks to harness the advances in data science to address the challenges of crime and justice, encouraging data scientists from across all scientific disciplines to foster innovation in forecasting methods. The goal is to develop algorithms that advance place-based crime forecasting through the use of data from one police jurisdiction.
Contestants may enter forecasts in one of the following categories:
  • Full-time student (undergraduate);
  • Small team or small business; or
  • Large businesses.


For assistance, please contact:

Erin Cromack
Senior Research Development Officer
cromack@fas.harvard.edu | 617-496-5252

Jennifer Corby
Research Development Officer
jcorby@fas.harvard.edu | 617-495-1590

Research Development | Research Administration Services | research.fas.harvard.edu