Funding Opportunities eNewsletter
June 3, 2019
Funding Opportunities Update
for Not-for-Profits
Key objectives of the Local Diversity and Immigration Partnership Council (LDIPC) are to create a culture of inclusion and support the two-way integration of diverse populations. One way to achieve these is to support the work of the not-for-profit sector in Durham Region.

We know that funding is very important to not-for-profit organizations. As we find out about grants and funding opportunities we are committed to sharing that information with our community partners. We know that a strong, well-funded not-for-profit sector can better meet the needs of Durham’s diverse communities.
Please share this information with your own networks and contacts. If you would like to have additional email addresses added to this list or you would like to be removed from the list, please email us at [email protected] .
Important Tip! Register your organization online at the Grants Ontario website . Grants Ontario provides information about available grants, how to apply for grants and how to check the status of your application.
Granting Opportunities by Deadline
Ontario Trillium Foundation: Capital Grants
Organization Registration Deadline: May 22, 2019
Application Deadline: June 12, 2019

The Ontario Trillium Foundation distributes its funding to charities and not-for-profits based upon six different action areas:

  • Encouraging more active lifestyles
  • Building inclusive and engaged communities together
  • Encouraging people to support a healthy and sustainable environment
  • Enriching people's lives through arts, culture and heritage
  • Supporting the positive development of children and youth
  • Enhancing people's economic wellbeing.

Capital grants are grants that broaden access, improve community spaces to achieve a Priority Outcome.

  • Term: up to one year.
  • Amount: from $5,000 to $150,000.

Activities funded include:

  • Buying and installing equipment
  • Doing renovations, installations and repairs
  • Making better use of technological resources

New Horizons for Seniors Program
Application Deadline: June 21, 2019

The New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP) is a federal grants and contributions program that supports projects designed by and for seniors who make a difference in the lives of others and their communities. Through the NHSP, the Government of Canada encourages seniors to share their knowledge, skills and experiences to the benefit of others.
This application process is intended to fund projects up to $25,000 that are led or inspired by seniors, volunteer-based and supported by their communities.

The program provides funding for projects that encourage seniors to play an important role in their communities by volunteering, participating in and leading community activities. The program also provides funds to help organizations make necessary modifications or repairs to their facilities, or to purchase replacement equipment and furnishings, to enable their continued use for programs and activities for seniors.

Ontario Seniors Community Grant Program
Application Deadline: June 27, 2019

This program encourages community involvement of seniors by supporting hundreds of projects focused on volunteerism, learning, financial awareness, social inclusion, elder abuse prevention, mental well-being and physical activity.

Stream 1: grants between $1000 and $4000 - applications can be made by individuals who represent seniors' groups - unincorporated or incorporated non-profit organizations.

Stream 2: grants between $4000 and $25,000 - applications can be made by incorporated non-profit organizations capable of supporting longer-term bigger projects that will be sustainable over the coming years .

Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation - Donation Committee
Meeting Date: June 27, 2019
Presentation Request Deadline: June 21 , 2019

Meeting Date: July 30 , 2019
Presentation Request Deadline: July 24, 2019

With the dissolution of the Baagwating Community Association (BCA), and the restructuring at the MSIFN complete, we are please to announce that the MSIFN Donations Committee is up and running!

Following in the footsteps of the BCA, the MSIFN Donations Committee hopes to continue to help organizations, communities and individuals with charitable giving.

In an attempt to streamline all requests from individuals and authorized representatives (Occupational Therapists, Physicians, Case/Social Works, etc.) we have created two application forms. These forms consist of a checklist with guidelines of what the MSIFN Donations Committee would like to review when considering a request for assistance.

For all organizations requesting funding, the MSIFN Donations Committee requires a description of your organization, budget details, fundraising goals and the other sources funding your project or program.

The MSIFN Donations Committee will meet once a month to review requests. The Meeting Schedule will be subject to change without notice. Please send in requests at least 4 working days prior to the next scheduled meeting for inclusion, or it may not be presented until the next month's meeting.

Please send your request by:

TD Friends of the Environment Foundation
Application Deadline: July 15, 2019

The TD Friends of the Environment Foundation supports a wide range of environmental initiatives, with a primary focus on environmental education and green space programs.

Eligible projects include:

  • Schoolyard greening and outdoor classrooms
  • Park revitalization & restoration work
  • Butterfly gardens & pollinator programs
  • Community gardens
  • Natural playgrounds (natural play elements only)
  • Citizen science projects in public green spaces
  • Bioblitzes
  • Trail building and restoration
  • Neighbourhood park programming
  • Recycling/composting programs
  • In-class/indoor and outdoor environmental education programming
Durham Community Foundation
Application Deadline: July 31, 2019

Durham Community Foundation offers a broad grantmaking program to create a healthy and vibrant place for all to live. To date, Durham Community Foundation has granted over $1.4 Million to more than 100 charities across Durham Region.

Durham Community Foundation Community Fund(s) Grantstream: Funding is made possible by the permanent endowment funds established by many families throughout our region who love their community. The grant applications are reviewed by an independent committee of professionals who live and work in the Region of Durham.

Ajax Community Fund Grantstream: Funding is made possible by the Town of Ajax. DCF is grateful for the Town of Ajax Council’s support in making the grantstream available to registered charities that provide programs and services to residents in Ajax. The grant applications are reviewed by an independent committee of professionals who live and work in the Region of Durham, and includes residents who live in the Town of Ajax.

Other Funding Opportunities

Don't forget to check other funding opportunities! Many organizations offer ongoing opportunities for funding or operate as portals themselves with constantly changing granting opportunities listed. You can find a list of these other funding opportunities on the Durham Immigration Portal.
© 2018 Durham Region, 605 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby, ON L1N 6A3, Canada
Telephone: 905-668-7711, Toll free: 1-800-372-1102
If you require an alternate format of this eNewsletter, please contact [email protected]