Cultural Heritage Tourism
Funding Opportunities

August 2022

In this newsletter:

NPS: Underrepresented Community Grants

Deadline: August 10, 2022

Organic Valley: Farmers Advocating for Organic Program

Deadline: August 10, 2022

USDA: Rural Placemaking Innovation Challenge

Deadline: August 15, 2022

U.S. Department of Treasury: Capital Projects Fund for Tribal Governments

Deadline: August 15, 2022

Foundation for Rural Services: Community Grant Program

Deadline: August 31, 2022

NIFA: 1890 Institution Teaching, Research and Extension Capacity Building Grants (CBG) Program

Deadline: August 31, 2022

Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples: Thriving Women Program

Deadline: September 7, 2022

NPS: History of Equal Rights Grant

Deadline: September 13, 2022

Decolonizing Wealth Project: California Truth and Healing Fund

Deadline (Round 2): September 15, 2022

Federal Highway Administration: Tribal Transportation Program Safety Funds

Deadline: September 15, 2022

Landscape Architecture Foundation: Fellowship for Innovation and Leadership

Deadline: September 15, 2022 

Institute of Museum and Library Services: National Leadership Grants for Libraries

Deadline: September 21, 2022

T-Mobile: Hometown Grant Application 2022 - Quarter 3

Deadline: September 30, 2022

U.S. Economic Development Administration: Indigenous Communities Program

Deadline: September 30, 2022

The Endangered Language Fund: Native Voices Endowment Grant

Deadline: October 7, 2022

U.S. Department of Transportation: Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program

Deadline: October 13, 2022

Institute of Museum and Library Services: Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum Services Program

Deadline: November 15, 2022

Bush Foundation: Community Innovation Grants

Deadline: Open

USDA: Economic Impact Initiative Grants

Deadline: Ongoing

USDA: Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Program

Deadline: Open

Adobe Stock Artist Development Fund

Deadline: Rolling

Nevada Arts Council: Folklife Community Grant

Deadline: At least 30 days before the proposed project

Deadline: August 10, 2022

National Park Service’s Underrepresented Communities Grant Program (URC) works towards diversifying the nominations submitted to the National Register of Historic Places. URC grants are funded by the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) and are administered by the NPS. Projects include surveys and inventories of historic properties associated with communities underrepresented in the National Register, as well as the development of nominations to the National Register for specific sites. Congress has appropriated $1.25 million for the URC Grant Program.

Tourism Tip: This grant will fund projects focused on preserving historic landmarks and places.

More Information:

Organic Valley: Farmers Advocating for Organic Program

Deadline: August 10, 2022

Grants of up to $50,000 will be awarded in support of research, education and advocacy projects designed to protect and promote the organic farming industry and the livelihood of organic farmers. The program currently prioritizes projects that benefit family farmers who produce organic dairy, eggs, meat, produce and grain/forage; projects that focus on organic soil health and biology; and projects that strengthen CROPP Cooperative (internal).

Tourism Tip: This program funds projects that protect and promote the organic industry or the livelihood of organic farmers.

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USDA: Rural Placemaking Innovation Challenge

Deadline: August 15, 2022


Placemaking is a collaborative engagement process that helps leaders from rural communities create quality places where people will want to live, work, play and learn. By bringing together partners from public, private, Tribal, philanthropic communities and technology sectors, placemaking is a wrap-around approach to community and economic development that incorporates creativity, infrastructure initiatives and vibrant public spaces.


Tourism Tip: This program can help provide planning support, technical assistance and training to foster placemaking activities for Tribes and rural communities.

More Information:

U.S. Department of Treasury: Capital Projects Fund for Tribal Governments

Deadline: August 15, 2022

Tribal funding opportunity to invest in capital assets that meet communities’ critical needs in the short- and long-term, with a key emphasis on making funds available to recipients that wish to invest in broadband infrastructure. 

Tourism Tip: This fund can be used for installing or enhancing broadband infrastructure to serve Tribes, communities and visitors.

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Foundation for Rural Services: Community Grant Program

Deadline: August 31, 2022

The Foundation for Rural Service Community Grant Program provides funding for projects in rural communities served by the National Telecommunications Cooperative Association (NTCA) members. Funds may be used for: Business and Economic Development: Entrepreneurship and job creation programs; Community Development: Outreach programs that promote technology learning and innovation or that encourage rural development through arts and tourism; Education: Education technology (such as computers and smart boards), extracurricular activities and distance learning programs; Telecommunications Applications: Promoting the implementation and use of broadband-enabled applications for telehealth, education, government services, safety and security and efficient energy distribution use.


Applications for these grants are accepted each spring ranging from $250 to $5,000. The grants awarded each November support a variety of projects concentrated in four major categories. 


Tourism Tip: This funding can be used to encourage rural development through arts and tourism, as well as support business and community development, education and telecommunications to sustain and enhance the quality of life in rural America. 


More Information:

NIFA: 1890 Institution Teaching, Research and Extension Capacity Building Grants (CBG) Program

Deadline: August 31, 2022


The 1890 CBG is intended to strengthen teaching, research and extension programs in the food and agricultural sciences by building the institutional capacities of the 1890 Land-Grant Institutions. The CBG program supports projects in the areas of curriculum design and materials development, faculty development and others. CBG supports projects that strengthen research and extension programs in the areas of studies and experimentation, extension program development support systems and others. The CBG also supports integrated project grants.


Tourism Tip: This grant can be used to increase and strengthen food and agriculture sciences in the 1890s through integration of education, research and extension.


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Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples: Thriving Women Program

Deadline: September 7, 2022

The program supports grassroots, Indigenous women-led and serving initiatives to prevent and remedy gender oppression including strategies addressing MMIWg2; uplifts matrilineal-centered traditional health and wellness practices (birth keeping, healing, arts, etc.), bolsters coming-of-age ceremonies; advances multi-generational kinship and leadership development and revives subsistence food systems and traditional women’s healing through land-based practices.

Tourism Tip: Grants can be used for programs that include women and girls and agritourism efforts that include subsistence food and medicine.  

More Information:

Deadline: September 13, 2022

Funded through the Historic Preservation Fund, the History of Equal Rights grant program preserves sites related to the struggle for any or all people to achieve equal rights in America. The History of Equal Rights grants are not limited to any specific group and are intended to include the broadest possible interpretation of sites associated with efforts to achieve equal rights. This program funds physical preservation work and pre-preservation planning activities for sites that are listed in or determined eligible for the National Register of Historic Places or as a National Historic Landmark.

Tourism Tip: This program can fund physical preservation of a historic site to include historic districts, buildings, sites, structures and objects.

More Information: For more information, visit

Decolonizing Wealth Project: California Truth and Healing Fund

Deadline (Round 2): September 15, 2022

The Decolonizing Wealth Project (DWP) launched a new fund, the California Truth and Healing Fund, to provide California Native American families, communities, tribes and organizations with resources to engage in opportunities associated with the goals of the landmark California Truth & Healing Council. Seeded with an initial $500,000 investment from DWP’s Liberated Capital Fund, The California Endowment and Christensen Fund. The goal of the Fund is to raise more than $5 million. The Fund is guided by an advisory board of Native Californians.

Tourism Tip: This Fund can be used for projects related to preserving Tribal history, research and narrative work, such as the digitization of tribal history, research, narratives, documentation of land loss, cultural items, archival material, etc.

More Information:

Federal Highway Administration: Tribal Transportation Program Safety Funds 

Deadline: September 15, 2022

The Tribal Transportation Program Safety Funds (TTPSF) program awards funding to tribal governments for transportation projects related to safety, safety planning and safety/infrastructure. The TTPSF program emphasizes the development of strategic Transportation Safety Plans using a data-driven process as a means for tribes to determine how transportation safety needs will be addressed in Tribal communities. Projects should have outcomes that address the prevention and reduction of death or serious injuries in transportation-related incidents.

Tourism Tip: Funding for tribal governments for the purposes of transportation projects related to safety, safety planning and safety/infrastructure.

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Landscape Architecture Foundation: Fellowship for Innovation and Leadership

Deadline: September 15, 2022 

The Landscape Architecture Foundation is now accepting applications for the 2023-2024 LAF Fellowship. This $25,000 fellowship is an opportunity for landscape architecture professionals to dedicate the equivalent of 3 months’ time over the course of one year to a proposed project that brings about positive change and expands the discipline's impact.

Tourism Tip: This fellowship supports innovation in Landscape Architecture that has the potential to create positive change in the environment.

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Institute of Museum and Library Services: National Leadership Grants for Libraries

Deadline: September 21, 2022


The National Leadership Grants for Libraries Program (NLG-L) supports projects that address critical needs of the library and archives fields that have the potential to advance practice and strengthen library and archival services for the American public. Successful proposals will generate results such as new models, tools, research findings, services, practices and/or alliances that can be widely used, adapted, scaled or replicated to extend and leverage the benefits of federal investment.


Tourism Tip: Use this grant to improve libraries, archives and museums to help strengthen communities.


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T-Mobile: Hometown Grant Application 2022 - Quarter 3

Deadline: September 30, 2022


T-Mobile Hometown Grants is a $25 million, five-year initiative to support the people and organizations who help small towns across America thrive and grow. Hometown Grants are given every quarter to up to 25 small towns. Apply for funding to support a community project of your choice, like revitalizing a town hall, a senior center, a local little league field or any space where friends and neighbors gather.


Tourism Tip: This grant funds small-town community projects.


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U.S. Economic Development Administration: Indigenous Communities Program

Deadline: September 30, 2022 (applications reviewed on rolling basis)

Through the Indigenous Communities program, EDA is allocating $100 million in American Rescue Plan funding specifically for Indigenous communities, which were disproportionately impacted by the pandemic.

This program is designed to support the needs of tribal governments and Indigenous communities. EDA will support these important partners to develop and execute economic development projects that they need to recover from the pandemic and build economies for the future.

A wide range of technical, planning, workforce development, entrepreneurship and public works and infrastructure projects are eligible for funding under this program.

Tourism Tip: This grant can help recover Indigenous tourism businesses negatively impacted by COVID-19.

More Information: For more information, visit or email your questions to [email protected].

The Endangered Language Fund: Native Voices Endowment Grant

Opening: August 12, 2022

Deadline: October 7, 2022


The Endangered Language Fund (ELF) provides grants for eligible tribes and languages through the Native Voices Endowment: A Lewis & Clark Expedition Bicentennial Legacy. ​These funds come from the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Council, which received the revenues from the U.S. Mint's sale of the Lewis and Clark 2004 Commemorative Coin. Grants through this program are available to members of the Native American tribes that came in contact with the Lewis and Clark Expedition between 1803-1806.


Tourism Tip: Grants are available for work on documentation and revitalization of the languages of tribes.


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U.S. Department of Transportation: Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program

Deadline: October 13, 2022

It is the first-ever Federal program dedicated to reconnecting communities that were previously cut off from economic opportunities by transportation infrastructure. Funding supports planning grants and capital construction grants, as well as technical assistance, to restore community connectivity through the removal, retrofit, mitigation or replacement of eligible transportation infrastructure facilities.

Tourism Tip: This program can fund projects that address underserved community challenges related to connectivity and barriers.

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Institute of Museum and Library Services: Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum Services Program

Deadline: November 15, 2022*


The goal of the Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum Services (NANH) grant program is to support Indian tribes and organizations that primarily serve and represent Native Hawaiians in sustaining heritage, culture and knowledge through exhibitions, educational services and programming, workforce professional development, organizational capacity building and collections stewardship.


*All grant programs are subject to the availability of funds and IMLS discretion. Deadlines are tentative.


Tourism Tip: This grant can be used to support projects that sustain heritage, culture and knowledge.


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Bush Foundation: Community Innovation Grants

Deadline: Open

The Community Innovation grant program is a flexible program that invests in great ideas and the people who power them across the Foundation’s region (Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota). CI grants fund the most promising ideas, across issue areas that have the potential to make the Foundation’s region better for everyone. Through this program, they aim to:


Develop, test and spread great ideas: CI grants invest in efforts to develop and test ideas to solve problems and create opportunities, and then spread the best ideas across communities.


Inspire, equip and connect leaders: Great ideas spread through people. CI grants invest in efforts to inspire, equip and connect leaders to more effectively lead change.


Tourism Tip: This grant can help fund a wide variety of community projects for nonprofits, government entities and Tribal Nations located in Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota or the 23 Native nations that share the same geography.

More Information: They recommend you schedule a call with their staff to discuss your idea. For more information, visit

USDA: Economic Impact Initiative Grants

Deadline: Ongoing


This program provides funding to assist in the development of essential community facilities in rural communities with extreme unemployment and severe economic depression.


An essential community facility is one that provides an essential service to the local community, is needed for the orderly development of the community, serves a primarily rural area, and does not include private, commercial or business undertakings.

Tourism Tip: This grant can be used to construct, enlarge or improve tribal lands and rural community facilities for health care, public safety and public service.

More Information:

Deadline: Open

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Program provides loans and grants to Microenterprise Development Organizations (MDOs) to:

  • Provide microloans for microenterprise startups and growth through a Rural Microloan Revolving Fund.
  • Provide training and technical assistance to microloan borrowers and micro-entrepreneurs. 

Tourism Tip: This grant can help fund new tourism businesses in rural communities.

More Information: For more information, visit
Deadline: January 23, 2022 (Rolling)

The Stock Artist Development Fund supports and promotes outstanding artists identifying with underrepresented communities and provides a platform to showcase and celebrate their independent, empowered, and creative forms of visual expression. The fund offers empowerment of artists’ voices and financial support for talented artists with the eventual impact of promoting imagery that has been historically underrepresented in commercial media and aims to ensure that artists are compensated for their work.

The fund provides a flat amount of $7,500 (USD) per selected artist. 40 artists will be selected on a rolling basis between February 22, 2022 to January 22, 2023.

Tourism Tip: This fund can be used to highlight underrepresented Indigenous communities.

More Information: For more information, visit

Nevada Arts Council: Folklife Community Grant

Deadline: At least 30 days before the proposed project

Small community organizations can receive $3,000 to support featuring folk arts in festivals, cultural events, and gatherings that bring folk artists and communities together. Project dates must be between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023. Eligible applicants must be non-profit organizations with annual budgets of $30,000 or less.

Tourism Tip: This grant can help support small community events located in Nevada.

More Information: For more information, visit

Arts and Transportation Report: Arts & Transportation Rapid Response Initiative


Smart Growth America, in partnership with Forecast for Public Art and funding from the Kresge Foundation and NEA, recently released a report from their Arts & Transportation Rapid Response Initiative. Launched during the summer of 2020 during the pandemic, selected local government agencies partnered with local artists committed to addressing COVID-related transportation challenges and systemic inequities in a unique and creative way.

USDA and EDA: Joint Planning Resource Guide to Boost Economic Development in Rural Communities

Strategic economic development revitalizes communities. Approached holistically, it attracts investments, builds wealth, and promotes sustainability. As a foundational first step, planning is crucial to successful economic development. It encourages us to leverage resources, build partnerships, advance the principles of equity, and strengthen systems to address global threats like climate change. By sequencing – or “stacking” – funding opportunities, you can effectively meet your community’s economic development goals. There is a wide range of federal resources available to help you identify complementary programs, but it can be daunting to know where to begin. Together, the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration (EDA) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development (USDA RD) are pleased to offer this joint planning resource guide, designed to help you eliminate barriers and encourage collaboration among your stakeholders.

See the guide here
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Funding Opportunities
AIANTA collects funding opportunities that may be of interest to Indigenous or Native American tourism & hospitality enterprises looking to grow their tourism, culture, heritage, arts, agritourism or other culture and heritage programming.

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