National Indian Health Board
Funding Opportunity
Tribal School Readiness Mini-grant 2020

Request for Applications (RFA)
Applications due Friday, August 28, 2020
The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) is pleased to announce a funding opportunity titled Tribal School Readiness. With funding from the Indian Health Service, NIHB is offering a funding opportunity for Tribes and Tribal Organizations seeking to strengthen school preparation and readiness for safe operations during the COVID-19 pandemic. This funding is intended to fulfill immediate Tribal school readiness needs related to COVID-19.

More information is available on NIHB's COVID-19 Funding Opportunities web page.

  • Applicants must be a federally recognized Tribe or Tribal organization as defined in the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, as amended.

Applicants are eligible to apply for up to and no more than $2,000.00.

Funds can be used for activities to support school readiness for operations during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and to support a learning environment that is safe for students, parents, teachers, and other school employees. Tribes and Tribal organizations may use these funds for activities in one or more of these categories:
  • Materials and Equipment Acquisition
  • Facilities & Infrastructure
  • Outreach and Education
  • Training and Technical Assistance
  • Evaluation and Assessment

Sample activities can be found in the Application (click the link above to download an application.)

NIHB will host an optional pre-application webinar to summarize the project's goals and provide a brief overview of the application process.

DATE: Tuesday, August 18, 2020
TIME: 3:30 PM Eastern

A complete application package consists of:

Completed applications are due by Friday, August 28, 2020, by 11:59 PM Eastern Time.
  Additional questions about these RFA may be directed to Robert Foley,

NIHB staff will not answer any questions or provide any information that may provide an unfair advantage to any applicants.