As the days get colder and the sun sets earlier, it's easy to fall into the pattern of rushing through your dog's walk - after all, it's c-c-c-oooold out there! But hurrying your pup along and preventing them from getting to sniff during walks deprives them of one of their favourite activities.
A dog’s sense of smell is their most developed sense and it plays a central role in their life - their ability to perceive and interpret odours far surpasses that of humans! That’s why your pup stops to smell things along their walks. We like to think of it as them "checking their text messages"!
Smells provide dogs with lots of information, and are a natural way for them to connect with the world around them, explore their environment, and satisfy their curiosity. So, during your next walk, try to slow down and enjoy this time with your furry pal while they “check their texts”!
Your dog will be happy, mentally stimulated, and so very grateful to you. Enjoy your walk!