An Unusual Surgery Patient!

Our rock star veterinary team are never quite sure what a day will bring so they have to be prepared for anything! But a recent patient was unusual, even for them. This northern map turtle (a native wildlife species) arrived with a fishing hook embedded in his throat. He had surgery to remove it and now he's spending some time with our friends at Wings Rehab Centre recuperating before being released back to the wild.

A Stunning Before & After

The photo on the left was taken when Freckle arrived at the Humane Society. Covered in oil and desperately needing help. But the second photo is Freckle today - happy and healthy!  And now, adopted and loved by his new family!

Nail Trim Event at the WECHS Veterinary Clinic

Have a dog, cat or rabbit who hates having their nails trimmed? Let us be the bad guy! We will be holding a nail trim event on Thursday, August 31 from noon to 7pm. No appointment required, and the cost is only $20!

Our recent seminar for reactive dogs was extremely popular - there are a lot of dogs out there that look like this one when they see people or other dogs! But the WECHS behaviour team wants to help! We will be hosting a second seminar on dog reactivity on Friday, August 25. This is an in-depth seminar that will run about 2.5 hours - a great deal at only $15! Please note this is the same content as the first one - if you attended that one there's no need to attend this one.

In-person spots for this humans-only session are full, but we are still accepting registrations from people who would like to attend via Zoom.

To register email

Golfing spots for our upcoming Putts For Paws Tournament are filling fast! This event has sold out for the last two years, so book your foursome now to ensure that you will be able to enjoy this day of fun, furry friends, and 18 holes of golf.

Putts for Paws 2023
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