November 18, 2020
Dear St. Martin’s Families,
We continue to monitor the COVID rates in both AACO and MD. The most current situation is causing us to revise our plans for how we return from Thanksgiving break. To date, we have returned to the Red Phase and are implementing changes this week.
In response to the most recent recommendations from the AACO Health Department and the Episcopal Diocese of MD, we are shifting 5th-8th grade students to distance-learning (at-home) beginning Tuesday, December 1. Our priority remains for our youngest students to be onsite and in-person adhering to Red Phase criteria. Taking this partial approach allows SMES to implement further distancing practices and gives our 5th-8th grade students time to acclimate to a distance platform. Additionally, this period allows families testing and quarantine time following Thanksgiving. We will reassess the timing of the middle school's return to on-site learning toward the end of that week. Please know this plan was submitted to and approved by the AACO Health Department.
We recognize this path will cause some inconveniences. We recognize how fortunate we are to be small enough to modify plans in an effort to be responsive and mitigate risk, and we are thankful for your understanding.
For families with 5th-8th grade students, please expect details from teachers prior to or on Monday, November 23rd in order to support your child with at-home learning on Tuesday, December 1. We are all here to support your child and you.
Jamey Hein
Head of School