September 2024
A publication of the Mississippi Academy of Family Physicians for student and family medicine resident members.
Welcome to the Family, Meet Mississippi's new Residents | |
On Match Day, 15 University of Mississippi School of Medicine graduating students chose family medicine residencies, and 34 of William Carey University College of Osteopathic Medicine graduating medical students did the same -- that's more than 10% of UMMC's 158 graduates and more than 25% of WCUCOM's 150 graduates.
Many graduates will stay in Mississippi to train, and we hope the others will return to Mississippi after their training. Additionally, many students from other medical schools will be joining Mississippi family medicine residency programs. One of MAFP's goals is to expand the family physician workforce to meet patient and community needs. We would love our family medicine residents to stay here after training, to keep our workforce numbers on the rise.
Nationally, 4,577 medical students and graduates matched to family medicine residency programs, the most in family medicine's history as a specialty, and according to AAFP, it's the 15th year in a row that number has increased.
A total of 50,413 applicants applied for 41,503 positions, according to the National Resident Matching Program, and 99.6% of them were filled. Family medicine residencies filled 88% of their available slots.
Mississippi has two medical schools and nine family medicine residency programs. Here are the new residents for each of the nine Mississippi programs:
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Oren "Hunter" Jacobson, M.D. | |
Front: Dr. Shawn Friedland, Dr. Sana Jaffery, Dr. Giannina Rodriguez-Golderos, Dr. Heriberto Casanova, Dr. Onella Battaglia, Dr. Alex Cole
Back: Dr. Abraham Gobel, Dr. Charles Furlan, Dr. Hunter Cooper, Dr. Kyle Strickland
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Omanma Adighibe, M.D., PhD | |
Rishita Minamareddy, M.D. | |
Save the Date! Spring Conference 2025 | |
The Mississippi Academy of Family Physicians Foundation Spring Fling is set for Saturday, April 12, 2025, at the Sheraton Refuge Hotel in Flowood. Aimed at medical students and residents, the event offers a valuable chance to network and learn from speakers, explore new topics, and practice procedural skills not typically covered in medical school or residency. Attendance is free, but MAFP membership is required. | | |
Welcome UMMC's FMIG Leadership Team 2024-2025 | |
Family Medicine Interest Groups (FMIGs) provide medical students with a valuable opportunity to explore the field of family medicine. Like other specialty interest groups, FMIGs are student-run with faculty oversight and offer a space to develop leadership skills, participate in community service, and engage in mentoring.
Joining an FMIG is a great way to learn more about family medicine in a fun and informal setting. Members benefit from additional programming and resources that go beyond the standard medical school curriculum, helping them prepare for a career in primary care.
For more information, reach out to your school's FMIG president.
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Students Travel to Destin for MAFP Meeting | |
In July, eleven medical students served as MAFP Student Ambassadors during the 5-day MAFP Annual Meeting in Destin, FL. They assisted with event preparations, managed an exhibit booth, and sold split-the-pot tickets, while also enjoying some beach time, shopping, and dining.
Our 2024 Academy Ambassadors included:
Syed Amanuddin - WCUCOM
Lilly Ergle - WCUCOM
Torrye Evans - UMMC
Madison Kirkbride - UMMC
Trinity McSwain - WCUCOM
Stacy Mitchell - WCUCOM
Justin Sudduth - WCUCOM
Lauren Sumrall - UMMC
Cody Taylor - WCUCOM
Asya Walker - WCUCOM
Will Windham - UMMC
Ambassadors attended dinners hosted by residency programs and potential employers, arranged by MAFP to boost networking opportunities.
MAFP and the MAFP Foundation covered their registration, hotel, and meals, thanks to physician sponsors. Students interested in applying for next year should do so by May 1, 2025.
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Mark your calendars and save the date for next year's Annual Scientific Assembly! We hope to see you in Destin!
If you are interested in applying for Academy Ambassador, applications are due by May 1, 2025.
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MAFP Members Attend AAFP National Conference | |
The AAFP's 2024 National Conference took place from August 1-3 in Kansas City, MO. Over the course of three days, attendees networked with fellow students and residents, connected with residency programs and faculty, explored educational resources and career opportunities, and experienced the latest healthcare innovations, products, and services. Among the thousands of participants, the MAFP was represented by Stacy Mitchell, OMS-4 and Syed Mohammed Amanuddin, OMS-4, who shared their experience below. |
"I had a wonderful time at National Conference! This was my first time attending, and I’m so glad that I was able to experience it as a student. While I already know where I am hoping to place for residency, it was fun to meet the programs, and I added a couple to my application list. I attended informative lectures like contract negotiation and fellowships, and participated in workshops on family planning and procedural skills. The most fun part was getting to meet people I’ve connected with over social media through the course of medical school. Turning “internet friends” into “real life friends” was special, and I hope to continue building those types of connections throughout residency. Seeing the work that is being done on the national level gave me inspiration for my own career trajectory and future involvement with both the MAFP and AAFP."
- Stacy Mitchell, WCUCOM
| | I had an incredible experience attending the AAFP National Conference in Kansas City this summer. It was not only a fun and engaging event but also an invaluable learning opportunity. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting residency programs from across the country, gaining insights into the application process, and understanding how to be a strong candidate. The sessions were incredibly diverse and insightful, ranging from practical tips on residency applications and interviews to discussions about the broad scope of family medicine. I also enjoyed the clinically relevant lectures that not only enhanced my knowledge but also emphasized the importance of being a compassionate and successful physician. Additionally, the hands-on skills workshops were a highlight, allowing me to refine my practical abilities. I’m deeply grateful for the support from MAFP and the AAFP Family Medicine Leads scholarship, which made this experience possible. Being part of this event has only strengthened my passion for family medicine and my commitment to serving our communities.
- Syed Amanuddin, WCUCOM
Interested in attending the 2025 National Conference? Save the date and apply today for our National Conference Travel Scholarship.
July 31 - August 2, 2025 | Kansas City, MO
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Receive up to $1,000 for Your Student Organization | |
Is your student organization advancing family medicine locally through a creative project? The Family Medicine Student Organization (FMSO) grant program offers two great opportunities to receive funds for your program.
The Core Grant is exclusive to family medicine-based groups like FMIG and chapters of the Studen Association for the ACOFP. Grant funds could be used towards regular operations and activities.
The Special Grant is open to all student groups. It is intended to support new efforts to support family medicine. This includes new or revamped events, projects, or creative, collaborative, and innovative programs.
Applications for both grants are open until March 31, 2025. For more information on eligibility, what to include, and application deadlines, click on the button below.
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AAFP CareerLink Residency and Opportunity Guide | |
AAFP CareerLink is a top resource for students and residents seeking exciting programs and opportunities to launch their careers in family medicine. Through the AAFP CareerLink Residency and Recruitment Guide, students and residents can discover some of the best opportunities available today.
The AAFP CareerLink Residency and Opportunity Guide includes:
- Listings of residency programs
- Job opportunities from top organizations
- A job board with up-to-date listings
- Options to upload and update your profile so employers and residencies can easily find you
AAFP CareerLink also offers a wide array of career planning resources and tools to support physicians at every stage of their careers. From tips on CV writing to comprehensive career planning tools, AAFP CareerLink has everything you need!
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Students & Residents: Win up to $2,000 in Essay Contest | |
The Center for the History of Family Medicine is hosting its annual essay contest for medical students and residents. Participants have the freedom to explore any topic related to the history of family medicine in the U.S., whether it’s a snapshot of a family doctor's daily life or an analysis of a medical-political issue within the field.
The contest aims to achieve two goals: to inspire the next generation of family physicians to connect with the history of the specialty and to apply the insights gained to improve health care in the future.
Beyond the educational benefits of researching and writing, there are additional rewards for contestants. The first-place winner will receive $2,000, while the second-place winner will earn $1,000. Winning essays will be added to the CHFM archive and featured on the AAFP Foundation website.
Essays must be submitted online by November 1, 2024.
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Students, are you ready for the 2025 Match? AAFP offers a free step-by-step guide to the Match that has a month-by-month checklist for the fourth-year students to follow.
Strolling Through the Match offers tips and guidance to help medical students navigate the match process. The guide ensures students have the most current resources they need to successfully match into their chosen residency program.
For residency fairs and interviews, here are tips for your review. If you need further information, please reach out to Beth Wilson at or by phone at 601-853-3302.
Good to know info:
MyERAS applications to family medicine residency programs opened on September 4th and registration for the National Resident Matching Program opened on September 16th.
A recorded version of the recent Applying to Family Medicine Residencies webinar is now available on the AAFP website and will provide answers to many questions those participating in the 2025 Match may have. Those who missed the live event can hear an expert panel's insights related to applications, interviews, ranking, and more.
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Family Medicine Cares International- Delegation Application Deadline | |
The next Family Medicine Cares International (FMCI) delegation trip to the Dominican Republic is set for February 15-22, 2025. This weeklong volunteer experience consists of three key components: medical education, patient care, and a children's activity. FMCI is seeking family physicians with expertise in family medicine and community health, as well as non-medical volunteers who are passionate about making a positive impact on the lives of those in need.
This program offers a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in global health while making a meaningful impact. By working alongside experienced physicians in the Dominican Republic, participants will provide direct patient care to underserved communities, particularly Haitian immigrants living in bateyes, and help address critical social determinants of health. Being part of an FMCI delegation allows participants to play an active role in creating lasting change, while also developing valuable skills for their medical careers.
Those interested in participating must submit their applications by October 31,2024.
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Mississippi Academy of Family Physicians | 755 Avignon Drive, Ridgeland, MS 39157
(601) 853-3302
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