Project Overview and Benefits
The 41 Street Corridor Revitalization Project includes enhancements to the community such as gateway entry features, landscaping with an expanded shade tree canopy, lighting improvements and a new streetscape design for better pedestrian mobility and to create a main street feel.
This project is part of the city’s overall G.O. Bond program. The total project budget is approximately $15 million, which has been sub-divided over tranches 1 and 2. About $100,000 has been previously spent on street lighting upgrades.
What's Happening
On Thursday, February 9, 2023, there will be a hybrid public meeting. This will be an opportunity for anyone to learn about the upcoming project and provide feedback on the proposed concept.
Hybrid Public Meeting Details
Thursday, February 9, 2023, at 6 p.m.
City Commission Chambers
1700 Convention Center Dr, Miami Beach, FL 33139
Click here to join the webinar
or by telephone +1 305.224.1968 or +1 669.444.9171
Webinar ID: 847 7025 0279