G3 Construction Group
News & Updates
February 19, 2021
Featured Projects
West Loop High Rise
Prototype Repairs
Chicago, IL
G3 had been engaged by the Association at this West Loop High Rise to perform a critical façade investigation into multiple areas of water infiltration throughout both buildings. G3 has been engaged with Klein & Hoffman throughout the duration of these investigations and have determined that the best course of action would be to move into a prototype repair phase for the atypical repairs that have been identified. These repairs included:

  • Removed the existing topping slab and membrane on two of the upper level balconies before sealing the structural panel seams, applying a new underlayment, and coating them with a water-resistant membrane system
  • Applied a new finish and weather coating on the parapet wall of one of the upper balconies
  • Installed a drip-edge and provided ventilation holes in the structural panels of one of the upper balconies to deflect water away from the building, and allow any trapped water to drain while also allowing the panels to breathe 
  • Removed and replaced sealant around the sliding door systems at each of the upper level balconies
  • Removed, replaced, and resealed damaged clay coping tiles
  • Miscellaneous repairs to end caps and panel edges made where necessary to prevent further or future water infiltration
  • Removed and replaced the sealant around select windows with western and northern weather exposure
  • Removed and replaced the sills undercoating and exterior finish for the selected windows
  • Removed and replaced a small section of exterior wall that had experienced water infiltration that was causing damages within a residence
  • Applied a new finish and weather coating on the replaced section of exterior wall
  • Applied a new water resistant membrane under the replaced exterior wall system that flashed up the wall for better moisture deflection at ground level
  • Removed and replaced a 5-story CMU column with steel reinforcing added at each level and cladded in brick the length of the column
  • Installed a new masonry cap for the top of the column to better deflect and prevent water infiltration into the column

Additional observations found concerning conditions, including un-grouted cells, discontinuous vertical/horizontal reinforcing, bearing on brick veneer, erratic CMU installation (with some units placed sideways), insufficient steel beam bearing, etc. Because of this poor construction, the existing CMU column was demolished and a new reinforced CMU column was built.   

We are now working with the Association towards the next steps in this critical project. Stay tuned for more updates!
Focused Partner
Full Circle Architects, LLC
1732 N. Marcey St., Suite 518, Chicago, IL 60614   
Full Circle Architects has been successfully providing architectural/engineering/interior design services to the condominium industry for over 30 years. Our attention to detail and exemplary service have made us a favorite with some of the more discriminating properties throughout the Chicagoland area. We creatively assist in bringing outstanding design and cost effective construction to every type of project.
Feel free to contact us for your upcoming architectural/engineering/interior design projects.

Contact Us: [email protected]

View our website here.

Shoreline Towers

We have been working with FirstService Residential and G3 Construction Group on many interesting projects. At Shoreline Towers (6301 N. Sheridan Road) we took the early initiative to develop a rendering showing how their dated building could be transformed into a more contemporary structure during their upcoming large exterior maintenance project. The project includes new windows and doors, masonry repairs, concrete repairs and new balcony railings. Our strengths in architecture and engineering allowed us to visualize a new exterior that will bring great value and enjoyment to the Unit Owners.

2970 N Lake Shore Drive

At another property, 2970 N. Lake Shore Drive, we worked with G3 Construction Group to address building-wide window and masonry leaks. We developed the most comprehensive, reasonable and cost effective approach to providing repairs on all sides of the building. That project was so successful that we were hired to design the replacement of all roofing out of the savings on the previous project.
View our Drone Inspection Video here.
Industry Trends
With the harsh winter months upon us, it's time to start thinking about your property's emergency response/disaster recovery protocol. G3's ERIC program is disaster recovery project management, on call 24/7/365, that provides a one call system to properly protect first responder and facility occupants' health and safety, as well as the future value and reputation of your real estate asset. There is no cost to enroll! Learn more here, or contact Zack Dubs to sign up today!
COVID-19 Response
G3's Environmental Health and Safety practices safely support our ongoing projects. Our on-site protocol includes:
  • daily temperature checks
  • designated entrance/exit points
  • mandatory face coverings and social distancing
  • frequent use of hand sanitizer
  • poly erected containment utilized to isolate work areas from the public
  • HEPA filtered air scrubbers used to continually clean the air of contaminants including airborne viruses and improve the indoor air quality