Parish Newsletter April 2024

Message From Father Angi

During the month of April, there will be commissioning ceremonies in each of our family of parishes for our Mental Wellness Ministry. They have been meeting since last year and training. The Mental Health Ministry is an outreach ministry that follows the steps of Missionary Discipleship to walk with persons experiencing mental health challenges and to create a community free from the stigma that is often associated with mental illness. In the months ahead, these individuals will be of service to our family of parishes to help us pray, accompany those hurting and suffering, and offer resources for individuals experiencing mental health challenges. Lisa Averion, the Director of Disabilities Ministry for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, and Catholic Charities have been training our ministers and helping them to develop visions and goals that are unique to our family of parishes. We are one of two family of parishes that are a pilot for this ministry. The ministers will be commissioned at the 10:00 am Mass at Guardian Angels on Sunday, April 7th, the 9:30 am Mass on Sunday, April 14th at Immaculate Heart of Mary and the 11:00 am Mass at St. John Fisher on April 28th. Please pray for the success of this vital ministry.


A special thanks to all who made our Holy Week Services in our family of parishes so prayerfully and deeply spiritually enriching.  


Fr. Steve

There is Still Time to Give! Honoring Our Past & Investing in Our Future

There is still time to give to our capital campaign to provide our Church with many necessary updates so that it can continue to be a place for our parish families to come together in faith, prayer, and love. In order to make the proposed improvements, we need to raise $1.5 million. For more information on the campaign and proposed renovations, click here.

We hope you will prayerfully consider donating to our Capital Campaign and Honoring Our Past and Investing in Our Future. To donate, scan the QR code below or click here.

Tabernacle Restoration

You may notice we are using a different tabernacle for the next several months. Our existing tabernacle was sent out for a long overdue refurbishment — including cleaning the tarnished finishes and reconditioning the tabernacle door mechanism. When the tabernacle returns, it will be reunited with the cross that hangs outside the door when entering the sanctuary near the rectory. This set was purchased more than 75 years ago, and we are thrilled to be able to restore these for the newly renovated sanctuary. The seal that decorated the altar will also be refurbished at this time. We are excited to see the many restorations and renovations come to life as we begin moving forward with the plans from our capital campaign. 

Current Seal on Altar

Current Tabernacle

Current Cross Outside Near Rectory Entrance to Sanctuary

Artist Rendering of Restored Tabernacle and Cross

Summer Mass Plans

Due to renovations to Guardian Angels Church this summer, the Church will be closed for Mass. We will be celebrating Mass in the Undercroft beginning June 8th.

St. Gregory the Great Youth Ministry Summer Volunteers Needed

The St. Gregory the Great Youth Ministry is hosting a variety of faith and fellowship days over the summer, and the number of students we can provide this service to is heavily dependent on the number of adults who volunteer. We are asking people to sign up to volunteer through April 17th, and after that time, we will open student registration. Many questions can be answered in the attached flyer or on the sign-up sheet. Also, if you have any additional questions, feel free to email

Thank You, Bill Luttmer!

Bill Luttmer is synonymous with humble servant. He has continuously given to the Guardian Angels community in countless ways through both our school and parish ministries. He and his family have always done so without the need for recognition or glory. Rather, they do so with humility and without hesitation. He truly embodies our Catholic mission of giving time, talent, and treasure. Because of this unwavering dedication to GA, we celebrated Bill at our final Fish Fry of the season and surprised him with the naming of Bill Luttmer Way, which will now be the name of the road when you enter the campus through the rectory drive. Bill Luttmer and his family have made a lasting impact on our community, and we are truly grateful. 

Updates to Guardian Angels Campus This Summer

The Guardian Angels Boosters are pleased to announce the approval of installing a synthetic turf field. To see the letter from the Boosters President, FAQ, and field mockup, please click here. Additionally, the roof on the Old Gym will be replaced starting in June.

Due to these campus improvements, parking will not be available in the lower lot starting in June.

EdChoice Expansion Scholarship Program

It’s an exciting time for Ohio’s Catholic schools as we expect to open our doors to more families in our communities thanks to the expansion of EdChoice. 


Every K-12 student in Ohio is eligible for the EdChoice Expansion Scholarship program, including every current and future student at Guardian Angels. Annual scholarship awards are based on household income with amounts up to $6,166 for Grades K-8. Once enrolled, EdChoice Expansion Scholarship funds can be renewed each year through Grade 12. 


Families can email to learn more about the EdChoice Expansion Scholarship program for their child(ren). Parents also can visit to calculate scholarship eligibility and find answers to the most frequently asked questions. 

We’re proud of our offerings and achievements at Guardian Angels and are excited at the prospect of welcoming new families in the school year ahead. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions. Student enrollment is now open for the 2024-2025 school year, and we invite all families in our parish community to learn more and tour the school.

Vacation Bible School June 17th-20th

The St. Gregory the Great Vacation Bible School is June 17th-20th from 9 am to 12 pm. for students entering kindergarten through 4th grade. Plunge Beneath

the Waves to Forge a Mighty Faith! Children will go on a thrilling underwater journey, where they can dive into the unceasing, boundless love of God. At Scuba VBS, kids will submerge themselves in the Scriptures and uncover the true essence of the living waters! For more information, click here.

Camp will be held at IHM due to renovations at Guardian Angels this summer. To register, please click here. To submit payment, please click here.


Our Bid-N-Buy silent auction will go live June 7th-9th. Our parishioners were so generous last year, and we are hopeful for your support again.

Here's how you can help!

  1. Check out the Amazon Wish List. Put your online shopping skills to good use! You can always donate an Amazon gift card in any amount, and we will use it towards our bigger items. Click here to view the list. 
  2. Gift cards are needed for entertainment, restaurants, and shopping.
  3. Donate lottery tickets in any amount.
  4. Do you have season tickets to local sports events? Can you spare a couple of tickets? We would love to offer tickets to the Reds, Bengals, FC Cincinnati, UC, XU, Ohio State, Notre Dame, UD, etc.
  5. Do you have an experience you can offer? Maybe a tour of your small business or you have a contact with someone at a restaurant, brewery, or factory?
  6. Send in a cash/check donation to the rectory. Please make your check out to Guardian Angels and mark your check as "Bid-N-Buy Donation." 

Guardian Angels Church

6531 Beechmont Ave

Cincinnati, OH 45230

The deadline for returning donations is June 1st, but sooner is better! 

Registration for online bidding will open on May 16th. 

Thank you for your generosity and support! 

St. Gregory's 60+ Group Newsletter

The St. Gregory the Great 60+ Group has many exciting events and activities coming up. To see their most-recent newsletter, click here.

"The Chosen" Watch Party for St. Gregory the Great Family of Parishes

Greeters and Gift Bearers

How can your family contribute to the success of our liturgies? We need individuals, couples, and families to serve as greeters (stand at the Gathering Space doors and welcome Mass attendees to our parish) and gift bearers (bring up the bread, wine, and collection basket at the Offertory Procession during Mass). We need volunteers for all 3 of our weekend Masses. Signing up in advance allows the ushers to know who is volunteering and not have to scramble to find a family to bring up the gifts.

Sign up here, contact Kay Froehlich, or see an usher when you get to Mass. Thank you for volunteering to serve in these important ministries!

Children's Liturgy of the Word

Children’s Liturgy of the Word is back at Guardian Angels Parish 10 a.m. Mass on the third Sunday of every month. This ministry relies on the support of volunteers to serve our parish. Two adults and 4 teenage volunteers are needed each month. To sign up, click here.

Eastside Catholic Youth Ministries


Eastside Catholic Youth Ministries (ECYM) is the group of ministries serving our Family of Parishes. There are a wide range of opportunities for students in grades 5-12, open to youth of all schools and faith backgrounds. Join us as we seek to have fun, enjoy fellowship, and grow as disciples.


If you would like information about upcoming opportunities, please contact

Volunteer Healthcare Professionals Needed

Young Men's Faith and Fellowship

When: Upcoming meetings are every Monday 4/8, and 4/22 from 8-9 p.m.

Where: Guardian Angels Catholic Church in Room B in the undercroft or by zoom 

Age: 20s - 40s 

Join together in brotherhood with other men to grow in virtue and faith. This winter, we will be using a program called Happiness and the Meaning of Life from the World on Fire Institute. Contact the group at to join our email distribution list, receive more information, or to join via Zoom.

Young Women's Faith and Fellowship

When: 2nd and 4th Wednesday every month from 8-9 pm. Upcoming dates are 4/10, 4/24, 5/8, and 5/22.

from 8:00-9:00 pm.

Where: Guardian Angels Catholic Church in Room B in the undercroft

Age: 20s - 40s

Join together with other women to expand your Catholic faith and build meaningful relationships as we dive into various faith studies from the Blessed is She, Rooted devotional. No prior knowledge or materials needed; come as you are! Contact the group at for more information.  

Fathers Team

Each Friday, Fathers Team will be meeting for Fathers Team "Lite” which consists of a review and discussion of the upcoming Sunday's scripture readings. All GA fathers are invited to join either in person or via Zoom. Our meeting will start at 6:05 am Friday morning and last for one hour. Together we explore the readings and consider how the scripture's message can be applied to our daily lives. If you are holding back because you’re not an expert, join the crowd....neither are any of us! Join us in person in the Undercroft (Conference Room B), or by Zoom, this Friday at 6:05 am. Contact us at for the zoom information, or to get on the GA Fathers Team email distribution.
Parish Reminders
Make Offertory Donations Online
Giving to Guardian Angels Parish has never been easier. Offertory donations can be made online. If you are interested in establishing a one-time or recurring gift through our online platform, just click the button below. Once you have an account setup, you can make any changes to your giving yourself through the website.
Make An Online Offertory Donation
8am & 10am Masses Streamed Each Sunday
The 8am and 10am Masses are livestreamed each Sunday and can be viewed on our YouTube channel and Facebook page live or they can be played back on either channel at a later time.
GA YouTube Channel
GA Facebook Page
School News

2024-2025 Enrollment

Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year is open. You'll find all the information you need on the school website.

If you missed our Information Sessions but would still like to learn more about our school, we invite you to take a personal tour. A tour allows you to meet with our administration to discuss the classes and programs available through GA and have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. These are typically done during school hours so you can see what a typical day is like for students. Call the school office at (513)624-3141 to schedule a tour.

School Masses

Please join our school community in celebrating the Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the school year. All-school Masses are offered most Tuesdays for Kindergarten through 8th grade and are live-streamed to the Guardian Angels YouTube channel. Visitors are welcome to attend any school Mass, although seating is limited for all-school Masses.

Please include our school community in your daily prayers!

Other News
Learn More On
Did you know that all parishioners have access to a bevy of incredible Catholic content through Parishioners can use this platform to discover the many ebooks, audio resources, movies and Bible studies that are available on your phone, tablet, smart tv or computer.

If you are new to the website:
  1. click on sign-up
  2. Choose I belong to a Parish or Organization
  3. Search Guardian Angels Parish (make sure you select the one on Beechmont in Cincinnati)
  4. Then create your own account

This treasure trove of material is provided as a gift to you as a valued member of our Faith Family.

Stay Connected with GA on Social Media

Stay up-to-date with all things GA by following us on social media. 
Guardian Angels is active on several social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The links to our social media channels at the bottom of every parish newsletter.

Bulletin Advertising Available

Our bulletin publisher is looking for new advertisers and sponsors. Thanks to our sponsors, the bulletin is published weekly at no cost to our parish. Please consider purchasing an ad. Your ad and participation make the bulletin successful, and you attract customers! If interested, please email Sherry Montel or call/text her at 614 301-7444.

Advertisements and sponsorships can be purchased for a business, family, charity, in Honor or in Memory of a Loved One, or to support the church or a community service organization, such as Big Brothers/Big Sisters. We appreciate your support.

Have News to Share?
If you are part of a parish organization and have news you would like to share with our community, please email the parish office. To be included in next month's newsletter, your information must be received by the last Monday of this month.
Guardian Angels Parish | 513.231.7440 | 6531 Beechmont Ave |
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