Parish Newsletter August 2024

Message From Father Angi

Over the past two weekends, missionaries from the Josephite Order are preaching on behalf of the Mission Cooperative of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. The second collection will go to the support of the missions. Fr. Anthony Bozeman, SSJ, preached at Guardian Angels on July 27-28. Fr. Leo Onyekachi Udeaugu, SSJ, preaches this weekend, August 3-4 at St. John Fisher.

Father Anthony Michael Bozeman, SSJ was raised in the parish boundaries of Our Mother of Sorrows Church in Philadelphia. He attended Our Mother of Sorrows School, West Catholic High School for Boys, and La Salle University. Fr. Bozeman served in the Air Force and the Air National Guard for a total of 16 years. Desiring to serve God’s people intensely, Father Bozeman entered Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary and was ordained on May 20, 2000. Fr. Bozeman joined the Josephite community in 2009. After serving as pastor in three different parishes, he is now the Academic Dean and Assistant Vocations Director for Saint Joseph Seminary in Washington DC. Fr. Bozeman enthusiastically answers God’s call and challenge; “To whom much is given much is required.”

Fr. Leo Onyekachi Udeagu, SSJ has been a Josephite member for over twenty years, and a priest for over eleven years. He studied Philosophy at the National Seminary of St. Paul in Nigeria and came to the United States in 2007, where he studied Theology at the Dominican House of Studies, Washington DC. He was ordained a Deacon in 2011 at the Church of the Incarnation, Washington DC, and a Catholic Priest at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington DC in 2012. He served his deaconate year at Holy Family Catholic Church, Birmingham, Alabama, and St. Luke Catholic Church, Washington, DC. As a priest, he worked at Corpus Christi Parish, New Orleans; St. James Major, Prichard; and currently at St. Joseph Seminary, Washington DC where he previously served as Director of Spiritual formation and now as the Vice-Rector.

The Josephite missionaries were founded over 150 years ago, just after the Civil War, as an English foreign missionary society of priests and brothers. They were initially sent to Africa and to the American South. They were sent then, as they are now, to bring the Gospel to the more than five million newly emancipated enslaved in the South and to Africa. Today they labor in the South, and to the Inner Cities of the USA, as well as in Africa, in and among some of the most challenging and, at times dangerous areas in the world. These missionaries have always depended on the goodwill and support of the Catholic Faithful throughout the United States. The Josephite Missionaries pray each day for those who share with them this vision to bring Christ, as they seek your aid and assistance of their vocation to the poor and needy. Thank you for your support of the Josephite Missions.


Fr. Steve

Church Reopening Celebration

Church Renovation Update

We are excited to share that the major phase of renovations and beautification of Guardian Angels church is coming to an end. As we prepare to celebrate in our updated sanctuary next weekend, we wanted to highlight some specific details.

Handicapped Seating

  • We know the previous layout of the church made it challenging to navigate a wheelchair throughout the sanctuary. With these renovations, we have ensured the aisles on the walls (as you enter from the Gathering Space) are wide enough to fit a wheelchair easily)
  • The four sections of seating surrounding the altar will have handicapped seating. These seats are near the wooden pillars and will have signage indicating this on the pillar. These seats do not have kneelers or a pew in front of them and therefore are easier for our parishioners needing walkers, wheelchairs, etc. to use.

Worship Aides

  • Because the handicapped seats do not have kneelers or a pew in front of them, any worship aides will be stowed directly underneath the seat.
  • The chair seating in front of the tabernacle and the cross-aisle in the main body of the church (with a wider walkway) will also store any worship aides underneath the seat.

Pew Layout

  • Throughout the renovations, we made the spacing between the pews a bit wider so that our parishioners could move throughout the sanctuary more easily. Because of this change, there are fewer pews in each section. If you typically had an "assigned seat", it may adjust slightly in the new sanctuary, and you may have different "neighbors" during Mass! 

Summer Mass Plans

Due to renovations to Guardian Angels Church this summer, the Church will be closed for Mass until Saturday, August 10th.

Parking will not be available in the lower lot or in front of the rectory. Parking will be available in the main lot and at McNicholas High School.

Access to the Undercroft will be through the Gathering Space to the stairs on the west side (near the elevator) or, if you are coming from McNicholas, through the main, Beechmont Avenue entrance to the stairs on the east side.

Thank you for your patience. 

Save the Date: Guardian Angels Parish Picnic

Guardian Angels will hold its annual Feast of the Guardian Angels parish picnic on Sunday, September 29th, immediately following 10 am Mass. More details, including information about how to RSVP, will follow soon.

Children's Choir Survey

We are excited to share that we will be establishing a children's choir for the St. Gregory the Great Family this fall. Keeping in mind the various activities that children are involved in, we are seeking preliminary input to gauge interest, schedule rehearsals, and develop a plan for traveling between each of the churches in our family of parishes so that everyone in the St. Gregory the Great Family can hear the beautiful music made by these children. 

We would like input so that all children in the St. Gregory the Great Family, regardless of what school they attend (parochial, private, public, or home school), can have the same opportunity to sing at our liturgies. Please click here to complete the survey.

Youth Ministry Car Wash Service Project

St. Gregory the Great Mental Wellness Ministry Survey

By integrating faith and action, the Saint Gregory the Great Mental Wellness Ministry seeks to:

  • Educate our parish family on how to promote mental wellness and reduce the stigma and isolation so often felt by those experiencing mental health issues.
  • Foster a faith-based network of caring individuals, reflecting Christ’s healing presence, that promotes mental wellness and provides support and other resources to those experiencing mental health challenges and to their loved ones and caregivers.


In the coming months, the Saint Gregory the Great Mental Wellness Ministry will sponsor a number of events and activities. We would appreciate your input to help guide our planning and priorities.


Please take a few minutes to complete our brief survey here.


For questions about the survey or to learn more about the SGG Mental Wellness Ministry, contact: Carl Paternite at or Lisa Averion at

Cookie Ministry

Thank you for your donations to the Cookie Ministry this year. The Peanut Butter group really appreciates your support. They minister to the needy at St. Francis Seraph Soup Kitchen all year, so your donations over the summer are much needed. They put together a lunch sack on Tuesday mornings, so please drop off your donations to the rectory on Mondays. Your donation of cookies, brownies, rice krispie treats, etc., adds a sweet treat to the lunches our peanut butter group makes for the needy of the St. Francis Seraph Soup Kitchen. Treats can be homemade or store-bought but should be individually packaged (2 cookies per bag). They also need juice boxes or pouches and prepackaged snacks like chips, pretzels, cheez-its, etc.

If you would like to help pack the lunches or drive them down to St. Francis Seraph, contact Kathy Hosking at 513-232-0958. Thank you for your help! 

St. Gregory the Great is Hiring!

Associate Director of Adult Evangelization

Reports to the Director of Evangelization and is a key member of the Evangelization Team. The Director of Adult Evangelization accompanies

adults and their families through a discipleship path so they encounter Jesus

and become missionary disciples. For more information and to apply, visit our website!

St. Gregory the Great Faith and Fellowship Days

Our Faith and Fellowship Days have been a blast! Students had an amazing time completing service projects, growing together in faith, and participating in fun activities together! Don't miss out on the last two Faith and Fellowship Days this summer! Register below:

Fowling Warehouse Faith and Fellowship Day for High Schoolers

Urban Air Adventure Park Faith and Fellowship Day for Middle Schoolers

Follow St. Gregory the Great Youth Group on Social Media

Stay up to date with the St. Gregory the Great Youth Group on social media and join the mailing list.

Guardian Angels is Collecting for the Mobile Food Pantry

CCD Registration

Guardian Angels offers Religious Education for the children in our parish who do not attend GA school. Our CCD program for the upcoming school year will be on campus only. Any child who wishes to receive First Holy Communion or Confirmation should be registered in CCD at least 1 year prior to receiving the sacrament. Those wishing to enroll their children in CCD grades K-8 can find registration information on the parish website. Go to Religious Education then CCD or click here. Please click here to pay.

Get your registrations in today to make sure your child is enrolled! Classes begin Sunday, September 8th. Know a family who may be interested in CCD? Feel free to pass on the information!

Guardian Angels Field Dedication is August 3rd!

Guardian Angels 2nd Grade CCD & School Prayer Partner Program

The GA Prayer Partner Program brings the parish & school together to pray for each other. This program joins an adult parishioner with a second grade student for the school year as the 2nd graders prepare for their First Communion. They meet with each other as a group during school or CCD 2-4 times a year to socialize and pray together. We had a wonderful and rewarding 2023-24 school year. Thank you to all those that participated this year.

Click here for more information about the program. Contact Margaret Dunn with further questions or if you would like to join the program in the future.

St. Gregory's 60+ Group Newsletter

The St. Gregory the Great 60+ Group has many exciting events and activities coming up. To see their most-recent newsletter, click here.

St. Gregory the Great Family of Parishes Holy Hour of Prayer

Join us for our monthly Holy Hour of Prayer this summer at IHM. The prayer service begins at 7 pm on the Monday evenings of August 5th and September 9th.

Mass While Traveling This Summer

Traveling over the summer? Try out a different Catholic church by the beach, in the mountains or even in another country! Go to and type in your location to find a Mass near you.

Children's Liturgy of the Word

Children’s Liturgy of the Word is back at Guardian Angels Parish 10 a.m. Mass on the third Sunday of every month. This ministry relies on the support of volunteers to serve our parish. Two adults and 4 teenage volunteers are needed each month. To sign up, click here.
Volunteer Healthcare Professionals Needed

Young Men's Faith and Fellowship

When: Upcoming meeting is Monday 8/5 from 8-9 p.m.

Where: Guardian Angels Catholic Church in the Gathering Space or by zoom 

Age: 20s - 40s 

Join together in brotherhood with other men to grow in virtue and faith. This winter, we will be using a program called Happiness and the Meaning of Life from the World on Fire Institute. Contact the group at to join our email distribution list, receive more information, or to join via Zoom.

Young Women's Faith and Fellowship

When: 2nd and 4th Wednesday every month from 8-9 pm. Upcoming dates are 8/14 and 8/28

from 8:00-9:00 pm.

Where: Guardian Angels Catholic Church in the Gathering Space

Age: 20s - 40s

Join together with other women to expand your Catholic faith and build meaningful relationships as we dive into various faith studies from the Blessed is She, Rooted devotional. No prior knowledge or materials needed; come as you are! Contact the group at for more information.  

Fathers Team

Each Friday, Fathers Team will be meeting for Fathers Team "Lite” which consists of a review and discussion of the upcoming Sunday's scripture readings. All GA fathers are invited to join either in person or via Zoom. Our meeting will start at 6:05 am Friday morning and last for one hour. Together we explore the readings and consider how the scripture's message can be applied to our daily lives. If you are holding back because you’re not an expert, join the crowd....neither are any of us! Join us in person in the Gathering Space or by Zoom, this Friday at 6:05 am. Contact us at for the zoom information, or to get on the GA Fathers Team email distribution.

Parish Reminders
Make Offertory Donations Online
Giving to Guardian Angels Parish has never been easier. Offertory donations can be made online. If you are interested in establishing a one-time or recurring gift through our online platform, just click the button below. Once you have an account setup, you can make any changes to your giving yourself through the website.
Make An Online Offertory Donation
8am & 10am Masses Streamed Each Sunday
The 8am and 10am Masses are livestreamed each Sunday and can be viewed on our YouTube channel and Facebook page live or they can be played back on either channel at a later time.
GA YouTube Channel
GA Facebook Page
School News

2024-2025 Enrollment

Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year is open. You'll find all the information you need on the school website.

If you missed our Information Sessions but would still like to learn more about our school, we invite you to take a personal tour. A tour allows you to meet with our administration to discuss the classes and programs available through GA and have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. These are typically done during school hours so you can see what a typical day is like for students. Call the school office at (513)624-3141 to schedule a tour.

School Masses

Please join our school community in celebrating the Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the school year. All-school Masses are offered most Tuesdays for Kindergarten through 8th grade and are live-streamed to the Guardian Angels YouTube channel. Visitors are welcome to attend any school Mass, although seating is limited for all-school Masses.

Please include our school community in your daily prayers!

Other News
Learn More On
Did you know that all parishioners have access to a bevy of incredible Catholic content through Parishioners can use this platform to discover the many ebooks, audio resources, movies and Bible studies that are available on your phone, tablet, smart tv or computer.

If you are new to the website:
  1. click on sign-up
  2. Choose I belong to a Parish or Organization
  3. Search Guardian Angels Parish (make sure you select the one on Beechmont in Cincinnati)
  4. Then create your own account

This treasure trove of material is provided as a gift to you as a valued member of our Faith Family.

Stay Connected with GA on Social Media

Stay up-to-date with all things GA by following us on social media. 
Guardian Angels is active on several social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The links to our social media channels at the bottom of every parish newsletter.

Bulletin Advertising Available

Our bulletin publisher is looking for new advertisers and sponsors. Thanks to our sponsors, the bulletin is published weekly at no cost to our parish. Please consider purchasing an ad. Your ad and participation make the bulletin successful, and you attract customers! If interested, please email Scott Franz or call/text her at 614-915-4118

Advertisements and sponsorships can be purchased for a business, family, charity, in Honor or in Memory of a Loved One, or to support the church or a community service organization, such as Big Brothers/Big Sisters. We appreciate your support.

Have News to Share?
If you are part of a parish organization and have news you would like to share with our community, please email the parish office. To be included in next month's newsletter, your information must be received by the last Monday of this month.
Guardian Angels Parish | 513.231.7440 | 6531 Beechmont Ave |
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