Greetings from the President Claudio Riedi
A Word From The President

2021 has a arrived with a roar.
It seems like everything is different in 2021 than it was in 2020, and there is considerable hope for an economic recovery in this Country.

This is not a political statement, but an appreciation for the recent medical and economic news. As you know, the GABC is a completely apolitical organization, and I fully intend to keep it so. The rancor that has dominated the recent discourse amongst many of my friends and some of our members, has to stop.

We must come together with our economic interests, and acknowledge that the election has brought a new administration to power. The various state results were tested in the courts, and affirmed. It is proper and necessary to accept the results of the recent election now and make the best of them. For those who are disappointed, there will be another election in four years.

I for my part have resolved not to dwell on my (admittedly strong) opinions concerning past scandals or Skandälchen, but to look forward with great optimism. So, please do not try to discuss this or that piece of old news with me. I really don’t care. Do you?

So, let’s link arms to do what we do best. Build bridges, build relationships, make deals. There is now light at the end of the tunnel, as I have said before, and we can all see real progress in our lives and in our businesses. Let’s make 2021 the best year ever.
Upcoming Events!
Visa Business Plans will talk to you about tips and tricks on how to successfully renew your E2 Investment Visa:

Marco Scanu from Visa Business Plans is specialised on the E2 visa and will share his knowledge with you for a successful E2 renewal.

Date: Thursday, March 4th 2021, 10am EST
All Webinars are currently free of charge. However, in order to keep offering you interesting webinars, the GABC is happy for any small donation/contribution.
$5-$10 are already enough to keep us running!
External Member Events

Chakras of Kundalini: The REAL Cosmic Serpent

4-Part Series with Sri Sudarshan, Leader at SKYLIGHT YOGA
February 3-24, 2021 @ 8:00 PM EDT
(Online / Recordings Included)

Cosmic Energy (Shakti) polarizes itself into two forms: potential or unmanifest (Kundalini) and the dynamic, working forces and energies of the body known as Prana). Behind all activity there is the unmoving and unseen, Cosmic and intensely spiritual background, experienced through portals in the astral and causal bodies. These centers in the human body are the Chakras of Kundalini.

Did you know?
Our valued member MediaQuery created a video just for us with 10 steps on how to increase your business presence!

These tips are helpful DIY ideas for anyone, that handles a social media account!

Find out yourself and click on the below video!
Past Events
The GABC Virtual Annual Holiday Celebration!
The GAC would like to thank everyone for the wonderful evening we spent together! Each of the attendees contributed to make this evening so beautiful!
A special thank you to our main sponsors Jan Heck from Miele and Lydia Harley from Kelley Kronenberg, who made this happen and sponsored the gift bags! Without you, the event wouldn’t have been the same!
You can still bid on some of the items!

Monthly Zoom Happy Hours

A virtual meet to have a good talk together!
Just prepare your own drink and snacks.

The next Happy Hour will be on Thursday, February 25th, 6pm.

!!!NEW!!! The One Minute of Fame!

Each happy hour, we will have a 5 minutes "Open Mic" for one designated member to introduce themself and the business.


Tell us about yourself, your business or show us a little presentation!
Just e-mail us and we explain how it works!

Requirements: You need to be a member with the GABC!
Missed a webinar? Want to watch any of our webinars again?
Just click this link and find all the recordings!
You want to be a Speaker at one of our Webinars? No problem!

Just reach out to us and we can work on a joint Webinar!

The GABC is also focussing on supporting local artists.
We are committed to bring you closer to more virtual cultural events, as long as 'stay home' is still in place and crucial in order to win the fight against the spread of Covid-19.
GABC Trustee Members
Why Becoming a Member Now?!
Why becoming a member during Covid-19 times?

In-person events are a "No Go" right now. However, it doesn't mean we still should lose touch with the world. Here at the GABC, we continue to be an important platform to our members, now more than ever. As you probably know, in the past few weeks we have been spending a lot of time online, and this is where we create visibility for your business and for yourself.

How do we do that?

  • Visibility on Social Media (450 views per post)
  • Special Promotion through E-Campaigns (5,500+ readers)
  • Shout out's in our Newsletter

Just send us the information you would like us to share and we will publish it for you!

What else do we offer?

  • Social Online Events
  • Educational Webinars

As a member, you always have the chance to also be a speaker at our webinars! Share your knowledge with our community. Whether you share your business expertise, or some interesting Covid-19 best-practices, we all want to hear about it!

Just reach out to us and we explain to you how it works!

We promise to continue to bring you even more creative alternatives to staying in touch with the German-American community in South Florida, and promoting your business. 
New to the Team
News and Notes from the Firm:

We hope that 2021 is off to a good start, and that we all see better and brighter times in 2021!

Ellen von Geyso, P.A. is pleased to announce that Elise Genzmer, J.D. has joined our team as our Miami office manager and legal assistant. Our U.S. Immigration law practice keeps growing. And, due to the increasing volume in inquiries related to German citizenship matters, we have added new web pages devoted exclusively to this topic: und

Lastly, we will be hosting another Webinar together with the GABC shortly, following up on our previous topic of travel restrictions and outlook for visa processing at the U.S. Consulates located in Germany, Switzerland and Austria, as the rules emerging under the Biden administration begin to take shape. Stay tuned!

Ellen von Geyso, PA
1395 Brickell Ave., Suite 900
Miami, Florida 33131
T: 305.967.9003
C: 305.298.4365

The Miami-Dade County International Trade Office has recently added two new staff members. Sudeshna Chatterjee is now responsible for all initiatives in Europe, Africa, and Asia and also oversees the county’s Sister Cities program and is leading several international education sector initiatives. Phillipa Valencia is responsible for marketing and outreach for the office, including media relations, social media, and working with bi-national chambers and other partners to promote their international trade events.

The office serves as the county’s lead for engagement with the diplomatic community and plans and supports outbound and inbound trade delegations. The staff serves as the Secretariat for the International Trade Consortium, a public-private organization which advises the Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners on trade issues. Working with consortium members and other partners, the office promotes Miami-Dade County as a Global Gateway and hub for international commerce, trade, culture, education, and entrepreneurship and innovation. You can follow the office on Facebook and LinkedIn and also subscribe to its Trade Alerts newsletter to learn about upcoming international trade events and other international business news.

Sudeshna Chatterjee is the Global Engagement Officer of Miami-Dade County’s International Trade Consortium. In her early career, for over a decade, she served as the Trade & Investment Advisor with UK Trade & Investment at the British Deputy High Commission in India.

Sudeshna has also worked as the Director-South Asia Development, Bournville College, Birmingham, UK, having been responsible for setting up and running their South Asia operations. She subsequently used her significant expertise in the education and skills development sectors to run her own companies in India and USA.

Sudeshna holds a bachelors degree from the University of Calcutta and an MBA from the Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad, India.

Phillipa C. Valencia is the new Department Advisor of the Miami-Dade County International Trade Consortium. She will be leading marketing outreach and media initiatives for the ITC and responsible for overall relations with nations in the Caribbean.

Phillipa first joined the Miami-Dade County government as a Social Media Aide in 2017, where she planned and advised on the execution of digital marketing campaigns for the County Commission. She also served as a community outreach and media liaison for the Office of the Chair. In addition to her role at the County, she helps manage the business development and social media division in the U.S. for a Chilean-based digital marketing agency.

Phillipa was born and raised in Miami, FL and is fluent in English and Spanish. She earned her MBA from the University of Florida and her bachelor’s in Business Marketing and Communications from Florida International University.
Member Updates
Our Member Manos Schenk World Law published their first Newsletter (in German) and will follow with a newsletter series.

Below is a sneak peek, click on the picture to open the whole Newsletter:
GABC President Claudio Riedi and the lawfirm Lehtinen Schultz, PLLC moved offices:
CBD helps against insomnia and can lower anxiety.

Our member LifeCann MD launched an Online Shop where you can find high quality CBD products that you can order from home.

Interesting to Read...
iQ.Say offers live sessions every second Friday of the month in their facebook group: 
Join the GABC Family!
Dear GABC members, 

We are happy to announce our new and updated GABC Benefits for members!

What GABC Benefits? 
All registered GABC members receive special discounts or promotions from our member/partner companies. With discounts for legal consultations to your restaurant bill, make sure you take advantage of these exclusive offers!

Who participates in the program? 

How can I participate?
If you would like to promote your product/service and have a benefit you can provide our members, please contact us at [email protected] to be included in the program.

Should you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to reach out back to us. 

Kind regards, 
The GABC Team 
Career Opportunities
The GABC offers job postings and internship assistance.

Companies and employers can publish their vacancies on our Facebook page, as well as in our upcoming newsletters.

For more information please contact the GABC by email: [email protected] or telephone 305-371-4282.
Members: free
Job Seekers - $50 per post
Companies and Employers - $100 per post
Publish Your Advertisement in our Newsletter
If you are interested in publishing an advertising in the next GABC newsletter, please contact us at [email protected] or call us at 305-371-4282.


Price per section is:

$ 75 for business card size (approx. 5x9 cm / 2x3.5 inch)

$ 125 for third page ad (approx. 10x18 cm / 4x7 inch)

$ 135 for half page ad (approx. 14x21 cm / 5.5x8 inch)

$ 175 for 1 full page ad

Run ad for 2 Newsletters – receive 10% discount on second ads

Run ad for 3 Newsletters – receive 15% discount on second and third ads 

Price per section is:

$ 125 for business card size (approx. 5x9 cm / 2x3.5 inch)

$ 150 for third page ad (approx. 10x18 cm / 4x7 inch)

$ 175 for half page ad (approx. 14x21 cm / 5.5x8 inch)

$ 215 for 1 full page ad

Run ad for 2 Newsletters – receive 10% discount on second ad

Run ad for 3 Newsletters – receive 15% discount on second and third ad 
GABC Affiliates
Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau
German American Chamber of Commerce

The Beacon Council

Enterprise Florida
German International Parents Association
German American Social Club
Stay Connected with the GABC

Dear GABC members and friends, 
We are excited to announce we are increasing our presence on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. We will come back with more stories and events for your joy!
We would love to connect with you and get your feedback.

Board of Directors 2020
Claudio Riedi

Lydia Harley
Vice- President

Timo A. Becker, J.D.

Dr. Volker Anding

Monika Böhm-Fandiño

Nickel Goeseke

Svenja Hammerstein

Madhu Mehta

India Silk USA,
Vice President
Ellen von Geyso

Miriam Moser

Christian Riehl

Jan Heck

Michael Claus

Founding Member of the GABC President Emeritus and Honorary Director of the Board
Peter Jacobs

Founding Member of the GABC and Honorary Director of the Board
Christa Green
GABC President Emeritus
and Honorary Director of the Board
The GABC is a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization founded by local business men and women in Miami. For over 30 years, the organization has promoted business and trade between Germany and the US, particularly in South Florida. The objective of the GABC is to support commercial and personal relations between its members and to promote economic, social and cultural relations between the USA and Germany.

The GABC promotes communication between companies, individuals, organizations and associations that share the same interests.
Leonie Vallerius

Executive Director
Brian Nascimento

German American Business Chamber of South Florida
141 NE 3rd Avenue | Suite 1000 | Miami, FL 33132