In This Issue
GALEO is active on FaceBook!
Jerry Gonzalez, Executive Director of GALEO, statement on HB87 signing
Join us! Few spaces still available!...8th Annual GALEO Power Breakfast
Georgia is like Arizona:...HB87 is signed into law on Friday the 13th of May
Georgia Senator Renee Unterman (R-Buford) disgracefully unveils the xenophobia behind HB87
Gainesville: Love Your Neighbor Rally
SAVANNAH, GA: Information Forum on HB87
ACLU Know Your Rights: What To Do If You're Stopped By Police, Immigration Agents or the FBI
Georgia Takes Risky Gamble with Harsh Immigration Law
Bluffton family waiting for justice
OPINION: Gutierrez has a better immigration solution than Obama
Hispanic Growth Shapes 2012 Race
GALEO is active on FaceBook!
Please join us on to ensure you stay engaged and informed on the latest information and activities, dialog with other GALEO supporters and fans and make new connections across the state.


Jerry Gonzalez, Executive Director of GALEO, statement on HB87 signing---  

"A very dark day for Georgia"

U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) with Jerry Gonzalez, Executive Director of GALEO.

Jerry Gonzalez, Executive Director of GALEO, released this statement upon the signing of HB87, AZ-style legislation for Georgia. 


ATLANTA (May 13, 2011) - Jerry Gonzalez, Executive Director of GALEO, released this statement upon confirmation that Governor Nathan Deal � will sign into law, HB87, Georgia's Arizona-style legislation:


"Today, Friday the 13th of May, will be a day that will go in our history books as a very dark day for Georgia. Governor Nathan Deal has decided to sign into law HB87, the 'Illegal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Act of 2011' or also commonly known as an Arizona-style law. GALEO, along with many other allies in diverse communities and business interests, worked diligently to defeat HB87 during the legislative process and have also been calling for the Governor's veto. Unfortunately, those efforts for reason have failed.



We are deeply outraged and concerned that the Governor has chosen to sign HB87 into law because it will do serious harm to Georgia for today and for our future.


To read the full statement, please follow this link (


To read the full testimony provided in opposition to AZ style legislation, please follow the link here.  Video is posted on

Please follow this link for Part ONE.

Please follow this link for part TWO, where GA Senator Bill Heath (R) makes the comments about the Civil War not being about slavery and also makes the false claim that the 9/11 terrorists entered the country illegally.  

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GALEO Board of Directors 2011
GALEO Executive
Board of Directors

Chairman: Former State Sen. Sam Zamarripa (SD-36, D-Atlanta)

Vice Chair: Evelyn "Mimi" Woodson, Columbus City Council

Treasurer: Judge Dax Lopez, DeKalb County State Court

Secretary: Rocio Del Milagro Woody, The Road to Recovery, Inc.

GALEO Board Members At Large:

Rudy Beserra, The Coca-Cola Company

Charles Kuck, Kuck Immigration Partners LLC

Judith Martinez-Sadri, formerly with Atlanta Latino

Rey Pascual, Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker LLP

Sonny Poloche, Kilpatrick Townsend
Join Our Mailing List
GALEO's mission is to increase civic engagement and leadership of the Latino/Hispanic community across Georgia.
VISION for 2012:   GALEO will help create an engaged, active, responsive and knowledgeable assembly of Latino/Hispanic residents of all ages across all sectors in Georgia.
  • Inclusive
  • Non-Partisan
  • Diversity
  • Responsive

Georgia Senate Majority Leader Chip Rogers (R-Woodstock) openly associates with hate group

Atlanta, GA - February 4, 2009


Please follow this link for full details on Senate Majority Leader Chip Rogers' links with a hate group.


GALEO Newsletter
May 18, 2011


Georgia is NOT  Arizona?  Unfortunately, HB87, the Arizona-style legislation was signed into law by Governor Nathan Deal (R) despite objections from the business community, agricultural interests, the convention & tourism industry, faith leaders and various community & immigrant rights groups.  Now, we await the pending legal challenges which will cost our state hundreds of millions of dollars and cost our state significant harm to our reputation.  There is plenty of information to be shared below.  Please do share it and stay informed and educated.  Together, we shall overcome the latest challenges for our communities and work together towards making Georgia whole again soon. 


Thank you for your interest, support and dedication to GALEO & the GALEO Latino Community Development Fund.   

In 2011, we are looking forward to increasing our membership numbers to truly grow an engaged Latino community.  We would like to encourage you to become a member of the GALEO Familia if you are not one yet.  As a GALEO Member, you will be able to fully participate in our GALEO Leadership Council, led by Alejandro Lopez (Chair) and Laura Murvartian (Vice Chair).  If you would like to join the GALEO Familia and become a Member, please visit this link:  If you are interested in the GALEO Leadership Council and participating in the monthly meetings, please contact Laura Murvartian, Vice Chair:  Please engage and commit to work with our organization this year!  Every GALEO Member counts and we need YOU to join!  


2011 will also bring many challenges.  Georgia is one of three states which have passed laws to emulate Arizona's controversial SB1070, the "show me your papers/racial profiling" state law which is being challenged in the federal court system.  These challenges will only serve to make our community stronger.  Obviously, YOUR voice will be needed now more than ever.


Finally, we do hope you will join us for our 8th Annual GALEO Power Breakfast (Friday, May 20, 2011)  where we will hear from Georgia's newest Latino official, the Honorable Dax Lopez, DeKalb County State Court Judge appointed by Governor Sonny Perdue (R).  Late registration is still open.  Please see the link below for details.

Lots of plans and activities for 2011 and we do hope you engage and join our efforts.


Thank you!

Join us! Few spaces still available!   

8th Annual GALEO Power Breakfast

Friday, May 20, 2011  


Late Registration continues! 

Keynote Address: 


Honorable Dax Lopez

Judge Dax Lopez, DeKalb County State Court
Judge Dax Lopez, DeKalb County State Court

DeKalb County State Court Judge


We hope you will make every effort to join us!


The 8th Annual GALEO Power Breakfast is one of the principle fundraising events for GALEO & the GALEO Latino Community Development Fund.


The 8th Annual Power Breakfast is a place to connect with the Latino movers and shakers in Georgia.


DATE: Friday, May 20, 2011


TIME: 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM



Evergreen Marriott Conference Resort
4021 Lakeview Drive
Stone Mountain, GA 30083-3099  

We hope you will make every effort to join us!


Late registration is still open and we do have some spaces left.  Please RSVP with a credit card payment today and follow teh link below.    


More details are posted online:  |

Become a member today! 

Georgia is like Arizona:  HB87 is signed into law on Friday the 13th of May


It is important to note that most of HB87's provisions will not go into effect until July.


Furthermore, it is important to note that there will likely be several lawsuits filed against the state asking for a federal injunction on some of the provisions of HB87, similar to what has happened in Arizona and in Utah.  Additionally, 22 other states are considering legislation similar to the Arizona law, SB1070. Finally, there was no funding allocated for implementation of the new law.  Local and state budgets are stretched by the recent economic downturn and the state provided zero dollars for any implementation, training or enforcement of the new law.    


Our community must be educated and informed to make rational decisions.  We do not want for our community to flee Georgia.  One of the main efforts of laws like HB87 is to spread fear.  We must not allow irrational fear to control our decisions as a community.  That is why it is important to remain calm and informed.  YOUR help is needed to please spread the word.  Thanks! 


There has been significant media coverage internationally on the immediate impacts of HB87.  Please follow the links for more information on the following news articles and resources for information regarding the HB87.


  • Here is a link to a letter and analysis of HB87 from former State Senator Sam Zamarripa sent to Governor Deal prior to the signing of HB87 warning of some of the legal questions around the legislation: 
  • For a simple analysis of HB87 from Charles Kuck, Immigration Partners LLC, please follow these links for English/Spanish summaries (English / Spanish): / 
  • USA Today:  Carlos Santana slams immigration laws at Civil Rights Game (in Atlanta):  ATLANTA -- The stage on the infield grass for the pregames ceremonies at baseball's Civil Rights Game included actor Morgan Freeman and Hall of Famer Ernie Banks, but also the Grammy-award winning artist Carlos Santana, a fan of the Oakland Athletics.  Santana caused a stir in Turner Field on an appropriate day to be talking about social issues.  Santana was on stage to receive Major League Baseball's Beacon of Change award. He took the microphone and said Arizona and the city of Atlanta should be "ashamed" for passing immigration bills, that have been criticized widely as racially motivated.  Santana was booed by some fans in Turner Field. (
  • Become a FAN of Carlos Santana on facebook.  (!/carlossantana)
  • The Georgia Voice:  "More LGBT businesses, organizations sign on to be 'safe zones' to protest Georgia immigration law", by Dyana Bagby, May 17, 2011 11:27 (
  • Undocumented High School Students (in Mableton) Walk Out In Response to HB 87 and Ban on Higher Education:  Youth Demand Equality Education on 57th Anniversary of Brown vs. Board of Education (
    Charles Kuck, GALEO Board Member, & D.A. King, convicted felon, debate HB87, AZ style law for Georgia.  (
  • Telemundo Series on HB87:  (
  • El Patron:  INFORMACION SOBRE HB 87 Monday, May 16, 2011,  
  • GALEO video of HB87 Signing at Press Conference on May 13th, 2011: 
  • The Nation:  "Santana is Booed for Using Baseball's Civil Rights Game to Speak Out for Civil Rights", by Dave Zirin
    May 16, 2011:   Carlos Santana took the microphone and said that he was representing all immigrants. Then Santana added, "The people of Arizona, and the people of Atlanta, Georgia, you should be ashamed of yourselves." In a perfect display of Gov. Nathan Deal's Georgia, the cheers quickly turned to boos. Yes, Carlos Santana was booed on Civil Rights Day in Atlanta for talking about Civil Rights.  (
  • NILC:  GEORGIA GOVERNOR TURNS BACK TIME, SIGNS RACIAL PROFILING LEGISLATION INTO LAW:  Arizona Copycat Legislation Will Target Communities of Color, Trample Upon Civil Rights, Friday, May 13, 2011 (
  • Reuters:  "Georgia governor signs immigration crackdown"
    By David Beasley, ATLANTA | Fri May 13, 2011 7:12pm EDT:  "Today is a dark day for Georgia," said Jerry Gonzalez, executive director of the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials, or Galeo.  Opponents warned of a possible economic boycott to Georgia, similar to one estimated to have cost Arizona more than $140 million in lost tourism and convention revenue last year, according to one study by a liberal group.  They also predicted costly and drawn-out litigation similar to what has unfolded in Arizona and Utah. (
  • International Center of Atlanta to issue '2011 International Travel Advisory for Georgia, US':  Atlanta, GA, US - The International Center of Atlanta will issue a web based 2011 International Travel Advisory for Georgia, US to provide guidance for visitors to and residents of Georgia, pending adoption of new laws related to immigration in the Georgia. (
  • Atlanta Business Chronicle:  "Gov. Deal approves immigration bill", By:  Dave Williams, Friday, May 13, 2011:  Jerry Gonzalez, executive director of the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials called Friday "a very dark day for Georgia," while Bill Nigut, Southeast regional director for the Anti-Defamation League, said the law is "anti-business and inhumane." ( 
  • AALAC's Executive Director Issues Statement on Governor Nathan Deal's signing of House Bill 87:  ( )
  • Georgia HB 87 Signed into Law on May 13th 2011, By. Erik Voss: 
  •  "Darkness at Noon: Georgia Dumps Peaches for Prisons With Immigration Law Today", By:  Jeff Biggers, 5/13/11.  (
  • Donald Arthur King, convicted felon and leader of the Dustin Inman Society, proudly claims direct ties with John Tanton and admits funneling funds through another nonprofit organization.  (
  • YouTube Playlist of Town Hall Meeting on Economic Impact:  | 888-54-GALEO |  | 


Become a member today! 


Make a tax deductible donation today to the GALEO Latino Community Development Fund, a 501�(3) nonprofit organization! 


Georgia Senator Renee Unterman (R-Buford) disgracefully unveils the xenophobia behind HB87

Please watch this video on to learn about the real intentions behind HB87.

HB87 Senate Debate 041411 - Sen Unterman Pt. 1/2  Uploaded by GeorgiansAgainstHB87 on Apr 16, 2011


State Senator Renee Unterman (R-Buford) arguing for HB87. Footage from


Sen. Unterman, among other things, says we "should take care of our people, not their people" and that she can tell foreigners are leaving because she doesn't see them as much driving around. 


GALEO NOTE:  After the her speech on HB87, Senator Unterman was strolling around the Senate Chambers.   


Jerry Gonzalez, Executive Director of GALEO, approached her and did tell her what many Latinos and other Georgians felt on that day.  Jerry Gonzalez told her that he was disgusted with her speech and told her that she should be ashamed of herself.  Gonzalez added that her speech represented the worst of the debate on immigration and that she was a disgrace to our state.   


Unterman said she was proud of herself and that her constituents believed the same way.  She then walked away only to return with a Capitol Police officer and pointed to Gonzalez.


The Capitol police officer approached Mr. Gonzalez and was asking him to leave the Georgia Capitol.  Gonzalez refused to leave and asked why he was being asked to leave.  After much discussion with the Capitol police, Gonzalez was told that Georgia State Senator Renne Unterman (R-Buford) wanted Gonzalez removed from the Capitol because he was "harrassing" the Senator.  In order to remain in the Capitol for the remaining few hours of the 2011 Legislative session, Gonzalez agreed not to make contact with Unterman for the remainder of the legislative session. 


Georgia State Senator Renee Unterman (R-Buford) feels she can say what she wants in the Georgia Senate and denigrate our immigrant community and she expects no consequences to her speech?  Georgia State Senator Renee Unterman (R-Buford) does demonstrate the worst of the immigration debate in Georgia and she should be ashamed.  Her speech was disgraceful and reprehensible.  We shall not forget it and we shall not apologize for holding her accountable for her hurtful and shameful words on that day.


Contact information:


Georgia State Senator Renee Unterman (R-Buford)

District Office:
   P. O. Box 508
   Buford GA 30518
   Phone: (770) 945-1887




Gainesville: Love Your Neighbor Rally!

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Join fellow concerned Georgians on to come together to say "Stop discrimination! Stop HB87! Love your neighbor!"


Co-sponsors: Students for a Progressive Society at Gainesville State College, GALEO, North Georgia Immigrant Justice, Hispanic Families Helping Families, and several churches.


To be held at Central Park in downtown Gainesville and you can get connected and more details below on facebook.

RSVP online and spread the word on

SAVANNAH, GA: Information Forum on HB87, GA's Immigration Reform Bill  

May 24, 2011  

Time:  7:00 PM - 9:00 PM




1era. Iglesia Bautista

1 Gamble Road

Savannah, GA 31405


Update on HB 87 in the Georgia legislature and what you can do.


On, May 13, 2011, Governor Deal signed HB 87, Arizona-style legislation which will devastate Georgia's economy, especially within the rural and agricultural communities and tourism industry. Jerry Gonzalez, Executive Director of GALEO, will provide a summary of what has been passed.


RSVP online on facebook:!/event.php?eid=166799096713712

ACLU Know Your Rights: What To Do If You're Stopped By Police, Immigration Agents or the FBI


We rely on the police to keep us safe and treat us all fairly, regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin or religion. This card provides tips for interacting with police and understanding your rights.  


Please follow this link for details in English and in Spanish:  


Georgia Takes Risky Gamble with Harsh Immigration Law


Posted 05/16/11 at 06:05pm


Florida flirted with passing an Arizona-style immigration law, but rightly decided to abandon the effort after weeks of controversy and heavy pushback.


Not so with Georgia.


Last Friday, despite intense opposition from business, student, immigrant, and faith groups, Georgia Governor Nathan Deal (R) placed his state on a perilous path by signing anti-immigrant legislation modeled after Arizona's "papers, please" law.  The state now has one of the nation's toughest immigration measures.

Bluffton family waiting for justice:  Man who assaulted immigrants was set free before because victims did not have documents

May 17, 2011

By John Newton, La Voz Latina, Savannah, Ga.


Four months have passed since Bluffton, South Carolina businessman, Carlos Olivera, was gunned down outside his brother's home by tow truck operator, Preston Oates.


"In 2008, this man (Oates) was set free because the Latinos he assaulted had no papers and were afraid to testify in court," she said. "I'm sure that, when he killed my son, Oates was thinking he could get away with murder again because he believed that all Latinos were illegals and the police would do nothing to protect them from his violence."

Read more:

OPINION: Gutierrez has a better immigration solution than Obama 

By Juan Williams - 05/16/11 06:15 AM ET,

Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) has it right on immigration reform. President Obama has it only half right.


They agree it is time to flip the script on congressional opponents of legislation to modernize the nation's failed immigration system. The current system amounts to a mindless set of laws that makes it next to impossible to get the world's brightest and most talented people into the country, and punishes employers and hardworking people who fill the nation's need for low-wage workers.


But so far only Gutierrez has a plan for how to stand up and call the bluff of the political bullies blocking immigration reform.


Gutierrez is urging Obama to sign an executive order halting the deportation of all illegal immigrants who are college age. With that one step the President can shift the political dynamics and force the loudmouths to stop their fear-mongering and get serious about reform.

Read more: 

Hispanic Growth Shapes 2012 Race  

By GERALD F. SEIB, Wall Street Journal

MAY 16, 2011, 1:48 P.M. ET


Here are two numbers that ought to worry Republicans: 56% and 64%.


Those numbers are, respectively, the percentage of America's population growth in the last decade that came from Hispanics, and the percentage of Hispanics who voted for Democrats last year.


Here is the number that ought to worry Democrats: 69%.


That is the percentage of eligible Hispanic voters who didn't show up to vote in 2010's midterm elections.


This picture-of a big and growing Hispanic population, friendly to Democrats yet still a sleeping giant in electoral terms-explains much of the activity you are seeing in early rounds of the 2012 political cycle.


Read more: 
Upcoming Events!  
  • 05/20/11:  8th Annual GALEO Power Breakfast
  • 05/21/11:  Gainesville: Love Your Neighbor Rally
  • 05/22/11:  Women's Walk in Defense of Immigrant Families
  • 05/22/11:  Mother's Day for Peace
  • 05/24/11:  SAVANNAH, GA: Information Forum on HB87, GA's Immigration Reform Bill
  • 05/25/11:  Riverdale, GA: Town Hall Meeting on AZ style Legislation, HB87 and its impact on GA
  • 05/26/11:  Happy Hour with GALEO & Caminar Latino
  • 06/07/11:  REDISTRICTING IN GA: ATL ACLU Community Workshop
  • 06/19/11:  Gwinnett Braves Fanaticada Club and Latino Fan Fest at Coolray Field
  • 10/14/11:  2011 Hispanic Heritage Month Luncheon


For more information, please see our EVENTS listing on our website.  Please follow this link:  | 888-54-GALEO |   | 


Become a member today!  

Professional Development Opportunities  
  • Amnesty International: Field Organizer
  • GRUS Job Openings
  • SPLC: Bilingual Administrative Assistant
  • LACC Georgia Career Opportunities Bulletin May 2011

For more information, please see our EVENTS listing on our website.  Please follow this link:  | 888-54-GALEO |   |

Become a member today!  

Make a tax deductible donation today to the GALEO Latino Community Development Fund, a 501�(3) nonprofit organization!


We hope you find this newsletter useful.  Please do join GALEO and become a MEMBER to support our ongoing work in Georgia!


Jerry Gonzalez
Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials (GALEO)
Join the GALEO Familia & become a GALEO Member today! Join GALEO today and support our ongoing efforts of enhancing civic engagement and leadership development across Georgia within the Latino community.  We have important work ongoing with our GALEO Institute for Leadership, Georgia Latino Vote 2012, GALEO Leadership Council and our ongoing commitment towards realizing comprehensive immigration reform from our U.S. Congress.

Join our efforts and support our cause!

Become a GALEO Member today!
Join the GALEO Familia!  Sign up TODAY!