April 14, 2017

In This Issue:
Quick Links:
OneGASB 50 Statements available,
GASB 68 Statements scheduled for release
Your employer's 2016 Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement 50, Pension Disclosure, is available in the Annual Documentation section of Employer Access. This statement will assist employers in preparing their annual financial reports. 

Employers who logged in to Employer Access before end of business April 10, 2017, to retrieve their statements might have obtained a document with inaccurate information. This issue has been resolved and updated GASB 50 Statements are now available in the Annual Documentation section. All employers are encouraged to log in to Employer Access to download the document entitled "GASB50 - Corrected GASB50," as shown below:

Note: the original GASB 50 file will still be visible in the document listing.

Additionally, your employer's GASB 68 Statement will be available in the Annual Documentation section of Employer Access by the end of April 2017. The data in this statement will confirm the information IMRF submitted to its actuaries for use in their valuation. This information is intended for use by your employer's auditors in their review. IMRF will send a Secure Message to all Authorized Agents advising of the availability of the GASB 68 Statement.
TwoRegistration continues for Employer Rate Meetings
Spaces are still available and employers are highly encouraged to attend the Employer Rate Meeting scheduled for their area.
IMRF's series of Employer Rate Meetings begins Monday, April 24, and continues with presentations throughout the state until Wednesday, May 3. The meetings will review the impact of year-end financial and actuarial data on IMRF, and the data's estimated impact on individual employers.
All Authorized Agents are encouraged to attend the nearest scheduled Rate Meeting with their employer's chief financial officer, governing body members, and interested parties. The full meeting schedule and registration form is available here for download. Employers may also register online using Employer Access.
ThreeIMRF strengthens cybersecurity efforts
Cybersecurity attacks, including electronic fraud and cases of identity theft, are a constant threat to almost all businesses and households. To assist its members and employers, IMRF staff diligently works to reduce the risk of such attacks.
Recently, IMRF published an article on its website, www.imrf.org, entitled "Email security and IMRF." This article includes advice IMRF members and employers can use to better safeguard their information. The article also offers a link to 17 online safety tips, including periodically changing or updating your password, and deleting unsolicited messages from unknown senders.
Review the complete article here. IMRF employers are encouraged to share this information with their employees.
FourMarch 2017 Board Meeting Highlights
At the March 31, 2017, Board Meeting, the Board:
  • Heard updates on IMRF's "Journey of Excellence"
  • Approved the next phase of IMRF's technology replacement project
  • Approved the participation of two new employers
The next regular meeting of the IMRF Board of Trustees will be Friday, May 19, at IMRF's Oak Brook office.
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2211 York Road, Suite 500
Oak Brook, IL 60523-2337
Member-only Phone: 1-800-ASK-IMRF (275-4673)            
Employer-only Phone: 1-800-728-7971 
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