February 15, 2023
Your Vote Matters

To date, only 83 members have voted on-line using Balloteer. To convene the Annual Meeting, elect Directors and amend the Articles of Incorporation a quorum is needed. 194 additional votes are urgently needed to achieve a quorum. Please cast your ballot now.
Two Ways to Vote

Deadline for voting via Balloteer is
12:00 noon, February 23, 2023

To vote via Balloteer, you will need your Glenmore/Associa account number. This 7 digit account number can be found on the assessment coupons you recently received. Or you can log-in to your Glenmore TownSq account and find the number there.

Click on the box below to link to Balloteer.

When prompted enter your 7-digit number with no zeros or dashes in the Voter ID box.

Deadline for receiving Proxy/Ballot at the Associa Office is 12:00 noon February 23, 2023

The GCA Annual Meeting Packet contains a Proxy/Ballot for you to vote. Please complete and sign as directed

and return

Via email attaching your ballot as a .pdf to

or mail directly to

Glenmore Community Association,
1524 Insurance, Suite C
Charlottesville, VA 22911

Need your account number; have questions?
Contact Associa at gca@communitygroup.com (434) 984-0700‬
Forget something?

GCA Quarterly Assessment Past Due

Please take a moment and locate payment coupon booklet and envelopes mailed to you by Associa and pay your first quarter GCA assessment. The first quarterly installment was due Feb 1.

Avoid a late charge, bring your account current
no later than February 28, 2023.

Other payment options:
  1. AUTO-BANK WITHDRAWAL. If in the past you have set up an automatic bank withdrawal, you do not have to do anything with the coupons. However you may want to change the date and amount of the withdrawal to be
  2. PAY IN FULL. If you wish to pay the entire amount in one payment you may do so, use the coupon book, indicate the amount paid and mail Associa, leave at gatehouse or instruct your financially accordingly.

If you do not receive a coupon book or have any questions, 
please contact Associa Community Group gca@communitygroup.com

Quick Calendar
February 16: Regular BOD Meeting, 5:00 pm
February 20: President's Dayt
February 27: Recycling Pickup
February 28: Last day to pay 1st quarter assessment w/o penalty.
March 12: Daylight Saving Time begins