GCA News & Notes                        25 May 2017
Dear GCA member,
Here is your bi-weekly newsletter from the GCA. As always, we welcome your feedback.

Becky Lindway, GCA Communications Director
Carroll Creek Bridge Almost Finished

Construction continues at the Carroll Creek Bridge site. Equipment is still there and much needs to be completed before we can safely use the bridge. It is extremely important that people do not go around the barricades. We have witnessed both cars and especially golf carts crossing the area. We do not want to ask the contractor to stop work while waiting for someone to cross.

Golf Cart Use

Just a reminder that children under the age of 16 ought not be driving golf carts without an adult supervising. We all know how easy it is to use the cart to go from one place to another, but Safety First please. This is especially important as we look forward to pool season.
Tick Season

Are you aware that this year the CDC has advised that 2017 will be a very bad year for tick bites? Perhaps this is due to the very warm winter and early spring, but at any rate be sure that you are well protected. Use products that contain Deet, shower and inspect yourself and your children after being in the woods, high weeds, or even the back yard. You can go to the CDC web site https://www.cdc.gov/ticks/ for very good information.
Glenmore Community Association | gca@glenmore-community.org | www.glenmore-community.org