GCA News & Notes                        11 July 2017
Dear GCA member,
Here is your newsletter from the GCA. As always, we welcome your feedback.

Becky Lindway, GCA Communications Director
Update on Cadeaux Show Stables
The beauty of the summer is enhanced as we return to our community watching horses grazing in the fields as we enter.” So wrote a member of our community. The entrance to Glenmore is enhanced by the presence of pastoral horse paddocks. When we entered into a lease agreement with Cadeaux Show Stables we began a business relationship which has obligations on both sides.
Therefore, as we visit the property, we must remember that we are visitors to someone else’s business. The horses boarded there are well cared for by the staff and they ask that we remember some of the established “rules” as we visit.  
  • Please check in with the staff upon arrival.
  • DO NOT feed anything to the horses.
  • Please do not try to “pet” any of the horses.
  • NO golf carts or strollers are allowed in or near the barn.
  • No one is allowed to enter the pastures.
We must remember that the horses are large, strong, unpredictable animals that should be treated with respect at all times. They can kick, bite and be very dangerous to people with whom they are not comfortable. The animals there - dogs, cats and especially the horses - belong to another, they are not to be considered pets in need of treats, petting or walks.

The summer is a beautiful time to walk around Glenmore, and perhaps even visit the stables or walk by the fenced pastures,  but  please be aware that as you enter you become a guest, and as you do please respect the rules of Cadeaux Show Stables.
  Progress on Rivanna Village
Rivanna Village Outline
Contractors for the Robinson Development Group continued to grade the land and are now beginning the process of installing the sewer and storm water infrastructure. At the same time Albemarle County is preparing to contract for the construction of a ground level water tank behind the fire station.  
A reminder that the visual buffer along Glenmore Way, which will be a 70 foot set back from the road with raised earth and plantings, is a condition that will be in place when the Phase 1 stage is complete in approximately two years. The county will not force any changes to this plan.
Update on New Playground
As we visit the pool area we notice that the children are enjoying the new Playground nearby . The kids and their parents have found a new and valued place for all Glenmore children to enjoy. Once again “Thank You” to Kathy Ball for overseeing this new amenity!
Welcome to New Glenmore Residents
On Sunday, July 9th the GCC and GCA welcomed new members to our community. About 30 families attended the function held at the Country Club in the Rivanna room. Bill Dunne, President of the GCA, and Tom Desimini, General Manager of the Glenmore Country Club, welcomed the new owners. There were presentations on the functioning of the GCA and the amenities that the Club offers.  It was a great way to begin life in Glenmore.
Glenmore Community Association | gca@glenmore-community.org | www.glenmore-community.org