GCA News & Notes                   26 April 2017
Dear GCA member,
Here is your bi-weekly newsletter from the GCA. As always, we welcome your feedback.

Becky Lindway, GCA Communications Director
Notices & Reminders
Yard Waste

Spring has arrived in Glenmore! What a fabulous time to live in Central Virginia! Due to the mild winter it appears as if we are coming alive with a grand display of beautiful trees and shrubs. The limb pick up has been done, D&D is mowing the common areas, and residents are busy with the usual spring yard duties. 

This is a good time to remind us all that when we have extra yard waste it now becomes our responsibility to dispose of it. Please do not use the common area behind or around your home to dispose of old branches, dead shrubs etc. It is so easy to put it there and think “I’ll get around to it later”, but all of us can forget to finish the job. Each of us is responsible for our own yard, but we cannot use the common ground around us as a dumping area. The Board has heard complaints of tree limbs, dead bushes and even long forgotten Christmas trees being dumped. Together we can make every day Earth Day in Glenmore. Let’s all do our part! 

Continuing to be Mindful of One Another
How do we as a community continue to grow in an understanding and compassionate way? We might do well to metaphorically return to the school house where we learned to be mindful of ourselves as members of a community, to respect the belongings and rights of others, and to be a kind and considerate member of the group. Move forward to adulthood, to becoming a member of a community where we have common goals and desires.  If we know of a neighbor who has a need, or is going through a difficult time, or perhaps just needs an extra helping hand for a few minutes....would any of us say no? Sometimes here at Glenmore we have to understand that we do have a handbook of rules, and that to the best of our ability we need to live within the frame work of these rules. 

But sometimes each of us breaks one of these rules, we forget to move the car to the garage and leave it over night on the street, maybe we forget to take several bags of leaves to the top of the drive for pick up...and they are here for an extra week. Sometimes we even forget to get the trash can into the garage after pick up, or we might feel we must move the receptacle to the street too early. What should we as a community do???

Some would say let’s get after the offenders! Let’s have the compliance officer drive around and ticket those who do not follow the rules. Others say let’s be more understanding, once in a while we all make a mistake. In many cases a friendly neighbor could be the solution to someone in a bind who can’t comply with our C&Rs themselves.

Now if there is a pattern of behavior which adversely affects the community then the GCA takes formal action through a friendly reminder as an initial step which almost always resolves the issue. More often we just need to be mindful of one another’s situation and reach out for help or to offer help. Enjoy Glenmore!

Ongoing Construction News
Carroll Creek Bridge Update

Red Dirt Construction has given us the update to expect the new bridge to be open mid to late May. The cement work appears to be completed, and the earth work is coming along. The project seems to be on target, so expect the final opening within the next month. The Board has been discussing two issues which are part of the project: one, the need for guard rails along a particular portion, and two, the extension of the walking path as it continues beyond the bridge. Both issues are under discussion and will be resolved shortly.

Board Meeting Minutes
The approved minutes of the March 16 2017 GCA Board Meeting are posted on our website, and may also be viewed here
Glenmore Community Association | gca@glenmore-community.org | www.glenmore-community.org