GCA News & Notes                   6 February 2017
Dear GCA member,
Here is your bi-weekly newsletter from the GCA. As always, we welcome your feedback.

Nancy Gansneder, GCA Communications Director
Community Events:
It's Annual Meeting Time...

February 22—BCA Annual Meeting

The Bremerton Cottage Association Annual Meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 22 at 6 PM at the Glenmore Country Club. All owners and residents of the Bremerton Cottages are welcome. 

February 23—GCA Annual Meeting
The 24th Annual Meeting of the Glenmore Community Association will be held on Thursday, February 23 at 7 PM at the Glenmore Country Club. In addition to a review of 2016 GCA operations, there will be an opportunity to pose questions and make comments. All property owners and residents are encouraged to attend.  
March 16—SHA Annual Meeting

The Scottish Homes Association Annual Meeting will be held on Thursday, March 16 at 7 PM at the Glenmore Country Club. All owners and residents of the Scottish Homes are welcome.

Notices, Reminders & Updates:
GCA Dues

GCA dues for the 1st half of 2017 in the amount $510 per lot are due March 1. You will receive an invoice for the balance in August or you may pay the total amount, $1,020 now, if you prefer. Check your email (including junk or promotions folder) for the invoice sent on January 25. If you can’t find it email webmaster@glenmore-community.org.
Vote Now!
Also check your email for the Annual Meeting invitation, and vote for three of the four candidates who are standing for election to the GCA Board of Directors. Vote on-line now using the "Click Here to Vote!" link. You will be asked to enter your security code, which was included in the email. To view candidate statements click here.
From the GCA Board:
Draft Minutes of GCA Board Meeting:   January 19, 2017
A Win for Home Owners Associations in VA General Assembly
Efforts by Virginia Community Association Institute lobbyist and email/calling campaign by HOAs across the Commonwealth killed Senate Bill 1096 proposed changes to the home-based business legislation originally introduced in 2013. The original legislation permits home-based businesses unless they are prohibited or controlled by recorded covenants pertaining to the community. This bill sought to delete the ability of owners to prohibit or control licensed child care providers (day care), regardless of size, by recorded covenants limiting the use of a home to residential use or prohibiting commercial uses, effectively, disregarding these covenants a for home day care.

This legislation is likely to be re-introduced in the future and continuous monitoring is needed to uphold our Covenants and Restrictions.
Along Carroll Creek...
Carroll Creek Replacement Bridge

Box culvert construction continues.  Expect to begin concrete pour this week.  Testing of imported soil and subdivision soil is underway.  Reminder that dirt import from the K2B phase II development parcel will begin around the first week of March and continue for a few weeks. The Carroll Creek crossing and multi use trail will be closed from early March through mid April. Don Sours at ch1636@aol.com is the primary contact for this project.

K2B phase II Parcel Development

Site work is underway for this future subdivision off of Carroll Creek Road. There will be one main road off of Carroll Creek and 5 cul-de-sacs.  In total, there will be 62 total lots. Soil from this area is being tested and will be imported to support the Carroll Creek Bridge crossing. Larry Gregory is the GCA contact for this work. He can be reached at 434-962-5408; luckydog1300@gmail.com.
Rivanna Village Update
On January 24, Tim Culpepper, manager of the Rivanna Village development (which was acquired by Robinson Development in November 2016) made a presentation to the Village of Rivanna Advisory Committee (VORAC). For the most part the new owner will develop this site based on the plan previously submitted by Andrew Boninti and approved by the County.

While the original site plan allowed for a maximum of 400 residential units, the density was reduced in 2014. Currently 330 to 350 units are planned. The entire parcel is to be developed in phases, with the full build-out anticipated in 5 to 7 years. Building of the entire infrastructure will be completed in 2.5 to 3 years. The site contractor, Haley Chisholm & Morris, is expected to begin site work this month, February 2017.
Rivanna Village Outline
Phase 1 (97 units) site work plans are fully approved by the County, ACSA and VDOT and are ready for construction that will take 7 to 9 months. These units will be built along the entire length of Glenmore Way, as you exit making the turn on Glenmore Way. A setback of 70 feet will provide a wooded buffer along Glenmore Way.

Phase 2 site work, projected to commence in early 2018, is contingent on County review/approval schedule and on initial sales pace. This phase runs primarily along Route 250 east of Glenmore Way entrance and includes a secondary entrance.  The secondary entrance is to be bonded prior to the recording of the Phase 1 plat.

About 2/3 of the entire parcel will be cleared with minimum burn-off of debris. Grading machinery will remain on site. The agreement includes a wash site to minimize road dirt and a construction traffic plan is in place. Construction of the water tower will be coordinated with the ACSA. An HOA for the development is planned.
Glenmore Community Association | gca@glenmore-community.org | www.glenmore-community.org