Glenmore Community Association

GCA Newsletter                    October 23 2012

In This Issue
2013 Budget & Annual Meeting
It's Fall Clean-Up Time!
Architectural Review Committee
CARB Continues Its Work
Compliance with Regulations

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We are pleased to provide this month's email newsletter from the Glenmore Community Association. As always, we welcome your feedback.  This month we have included a summary of three of the 'unseen' committees whose ongoing work helps keep Glenmore in such great shape.  


Golf Carts on Private Property
golf cart
We have had complaints that some golf carts are being driven across vacant lots adjacent to the golf course.  Please respect private property belonging to other Glenmore owners, and keep carts on the designated paths and roads.
  2013 Budget and Annual Meeting
Dollar Sign
At its October meeting, the GCA Board of Directors approved the operating budget for 2013.  Total expenditures are forecast to be $749,000, offset by revenues of $731,000.  As a result of healthy overall financial balances and reserves, no increase in dues is planned for next year, which will remain at $857 per lot. 

The board also set a date for the Annual Meeting of the Association as February 21, 2013 at 7 PM.  There will be an election for three vacancies on the Board.
It's Fall Clean-Up Time!
 Make a note of the dates of this year's Fall Clean-Up activities provided by the GCA:  
  • Glenmore Dumpsters for disposal of large household items will be available from Saturday November 3rd through Sunday November 11th. They will be located in the parking area adjacent to the soccer field just beyond the water treatment plant on Carroll Creek Road. Please don't throw in waste oil, tires or toxic materials, and flatten all large cardboard boxes. Also, please throw items INTO the dumpster, don't leave them on the ground beside it!  After the dumpsters are removed on November 11th, do not leave any trash on the ground in the area. Note - this service is for Glenmore residents only - no contractors or non-residents.SPCA 

  • Following very successful donations last year, the Charlottesville/Albemarle SPCA will again be accepting good used items adjacent to the dumpster site on Saturday November 3, from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, for resale at their Preston Ave store.  Thanks to resident Jan Cubbage for arranging this.     

  • Small Limb and Branch Pick up will start on Monday November 12th. Please have all branches to be chipped (up to six inches in diameter) at the edge of your driveway by 8:00 A.M.  It may take several days to complete, depending on the quantity to be picked up and the weather, so bear with us if your branches do not disappear promptly. Since all items must be fed into the chipper large end first, please place the large ends of all branches facing in the same direction. Also, please check the common areas near your home and move any downed branches to the nearest roadside.   Not to be chipped: stumps, leaves, shrubbery, roots, dirt, lumber, metal of any kind and large-scale lot clearing.
  • Annual Leaf Removal activity will take place between December 3rd and December 17th, according to the schedule below.  More information in the next Newsletter.    
Architectural Review Committee (ARC)
Two years ago the GCA formed the Architectural Review Committee.  This followed a written agreement with the developer to formally pass all responsibility for approval of modifications to existing homes and landscaping to the GCA.  The process has been working quietly and effectively behind the scenes, and has been chaired by John Chamales. At its October meeting the board appointed Jim Colbaugh to take over as chair of the ARC.

As a reminder, all modifications to the exterior appearance of your residence, including paint colors, decks, extensions, and changes in landscaping must first be approved by the ARC.  You can use the application form on our website, or address questions to

CARB Continues Its Work
Another committee has been working steadily behind the scenes to ensure Glenmore maintains its ambiance.  The Common Area Review Board (CARB), chaired by John Chamales, and supported by maintenance manager Frank Keplinger, has been busy arranging ongoing maintenance of the community's common areas. In addition to routine mowing, recent work has included crack sealing of walking paths, aeration and re-seeding of turf areas, application of fresh mulch to beds, removal of damaged trees, and replacement of some boxwood plants at the gatehouse.  Jobs in the near future will include the application of lime to turf areas, and the repair and re-painting of the Glen Lochan footbridge.  If you see a need for additional maintenance, you can inform the CARB using the report form on our website.  Questions can be addressed to

Compliance with Regulations
All communities such as ours are faced with situations where owners or residents neglect to maintain their property to the standards required by our Covenants and Restrictions. One of the GCA board members, Fred Maute, is charged with pursuing reported violations, assisted by our Compliance Officer, Dottie Martin.  Their work is done discreetly, but has a significant impact on the community.  Recent examples of action include requiring residents to remove garbage cans from view, mandating vacant lot mowing and clearing of downed trees, requiring new fencing to be built to the standard established in the C&R's and to be properly stained. Occasionally you will see, for example, a lot which has been allowed to become overgrown.  In most cases this is because the Virginia law requires us to provide notice and an opportunity for appeal before action can be taken, which can take a few weeks.  Penalties can be imposed by a hearing of the GCA Board for continued violations of the C&R's after the appeals process has been completed.  You may report violations of our regulations to