January Monthly Update

GCBA is hosting a Sending Church Lab on January 22, 2025, from 9 am - 4 pm, at the Haynes Ministry Center (834 W. Battlefield, Springfield). The Sending Lab is a one-day workshop that will help you develop a vision and plan for leading your church to send. It’s a collaborative experience that will connect you with other pastors on the same journey, while guiding you to identify your next steps for finding, developing, and sending church planters.

Lunch and snacks provided. Attendees will be responsible for their own transportation and lodging (if needed). Register here.

SoulQuench, the student ministry arm of GCBA, is hosting its first ever apologetics conference at FBC-Springfield on Jan 31-Feb 1. It is called "The Standing Bear Conference." Click here to see details and to register your youth group.

GCBA's second annual "Timothy Sunday" emphasis will take place on Sun, Feb 2. We encourage all our churches to identify a young leader(s) in your congregation and give them an opportunity to preach/teach/lead on this day. (Of course, they will need some "coaching up" too!)

If your church plans to take part in this initiative, would you please do us a big favor and let us know by filling out a very brief form here?


If your church doesn't have a young leader, but would like to give someone an opportunity, please call our office and we will seek to match you up with someone from our 417 Ministry Residency.

Grand Oak Mission Center

Interested in serving? Visit the Grand Oak tab at gbaptist.org.

Churches responsible for food in January:

FBC Battlefield


Mt. Pleasant

South Haven


The Church at Webster Park

-Church News-

Briar Street has called Ioan (John) Tone as Co-Pastor. Welcome Ioan!

Glidewell has started an Alzheimer's support group on the second Monday evening of each month at 6:00 pm. Email mark.applegate@senioragemo.org for more info.


Harmony is seeking a Part-time Minister to Children. Send resumes to brenda@hbcrogersville.org.

National Heights is seeking a Part-time Worship Leader. Please send resumes to resumes@nationalheights.org or mail to 3050 N. National Ave, Springfield, Mo 65803.

Selmore Baptist Church is seeking a FT Senior Pastor. Please send cover page & resume with references to selmorebaptistchurch@gmail.com.

Urbana, First is seeking a Bi-Vocational Pastor. Please send resumes to pastorsearchfbcurbana@yahoo.com or mail to P.O. Box 199, Urbana, Mo 65767, by January 11, 2025.

Connect With Us:

Joshua Hall, Director



Shannon Peelor, Office Manager



Austen Malley, Financial Secretary



Samuel González, Ethnic Ministry Consultant



Craig Liscom, 417 Ministry Residency Director



David Jackson, Director of Grand Oak



Scott Hamby, Assistant Director of Grand Oak

