-Church News-
Briar Street has called Ioan (John) Tone as Co-Pastor. Welcome Ioan!
Glidewell has started an Alzheimer's support group on the second Monday evening of each month at 6:00 pm. Email mark.applegate@senioragemo.org for more info.
Harmony is seeking a Part-time Minister to Children. Send resumes to brenda@hbcrogersville.org.
National Heights is seeking a Part-time Worship Leader. Please send resumes to resumes@nationalheights.org or mail to 3050 N. National Ave, Springfield, Mo 65803.
Selmore Baptist Church is seeking a FT Senior Pastor. Please send cover page & resume with references to selmorebaptistchurch@gmail.com.
Urbana, First is seeking a Bi-Vocational Pastor. Please send resumes to pastorsearchfbcurbana@yahoo.com or mail to P.O. Box 199, Urbana, Mo 65767, by January 11, 2025.