February Monthly Update

Download your free Focus on WMU 2025 Promo kit at


The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American Missions Week of Prayer is March 2-9, 2025. For more resources or to give, visit anniearmstrong.com.

March 4, 2025 (Tuesday): 6 pm - 8:30 pm

South Haven Baptist Church

2353 S. Campbell Ave, Springfield, MO

Join us as moms and tween girls draw closer to each other and closer to the Lord as we celebrate who God created you to be in such a fun and informational way. One of the best ways to help a girl avoid future pain and find freedom early is by giving them the opportunity for parent-child connectedness. Spending mother-daughter time helps reduce the risk of all the things your mother’s heart fears! True Girl live events and resources teach tween girls about true beauty, modesty, and their worth in Christ. We’ll celebrate who God made you to be.

The tour team travels to approximately 90 cities each year. DON’T MISS this tour stop in Springfield, MO! Mark the date on your calendar and register TODAY at www.mytruegirl.com. You and your tween are going to LOVE this! It will be an event that you and your tween will have lasting memories of for years.

For more information please contact Emily Wilson, Children’s Ministry Director at South Haven Baptist Church at ewilson@south-haven.org or Wanda Shellenbarger, Women’s Ministry Specialist at Wanda.Shellenbarger@mbch.org.

Ladies, you are invited to Second Baptist, 3111 E. Battlefield, for “A Night with Kristi McLelland” on Thursday, April 17, at 6 PM in the Worship Center. Kristi is a speaker, teacher and well-known author of Bible studies and books about Israel. She has dedicated her life to discipleship, to teaching people how to study the Bible for themselves and to writing about how God is better than we ever knew by explaining the Bible through a Middle Eastern lens. The $15 tickets are available for purchase in the Atrium at Second. If you would like to bring a large group, please contact Second to purchase tickets for your group in person. They also will be available for sale at the door the evening of April 17. Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity to hear Kristi speak.

Grand Oak Mission Center

Interested in serving? Visit the Grand Oak tab at gbaptist.org.

Churches responsible for food in February:


Jefferson Avenue


The Summit



-Church News-

Bass Chapel has called Zach Mendenhall to serve as their next pastor. Welcome, Pastor Zach and family!

Clear Creek is prayerfully seeking a man called to preach the gospel as their Senior Pastor. The candidate will likely be bi-vocational, and must be committed to the sound exposition of Scripture to the glory of God. To be considered, please send your resume to the elders at clearcreeksgf@gmail.com.  

FBC Fair Grove is seeking a Bi-Vocational Pastor. He will serve as the church's spiritual leader, fulfilling the responsibilities of preaching, pastoral care, teaching, leadership development, and community outreach. This position requires effective time management, prioritization, and delegation of responsibilities while strongly focusing on the congregation's spiritual growth and well-being. Please send resumes to fgfbc123@gmail.com.

Glidewell has started an Alzheimer's support group on the second Monday evening of each month at 6:00 pm. Email mark.applegate@senioragemo.org for more information.


Harmony is seeking a Part-time Summer Ministry Intern. Email brenda@hbcrogersville.org, for more information or to submit your resume.

National Heights is seeking a Part-time Worship Leader. Please send resumes to resumes@nationalheights.org or mail to 3050 N. National Ave, Springfield, Mo 65803.

Selmore Baptist Church is seeking a FT Senior Pastor. Please send cover page & resume with references to selmorebaptistchurch@gmail.com.

Connect With Us:

Joshua Hall, Director



Shannon Peelor, Office Manager



Austen Malley, Financial Secretary



Samuel González, Ethnic Ministry Consultant



Craig Liscom, 417 Ministry Residency Director



David Jackson, Director of Grand Oak



Scott Hamby, Assistant Director of Grand Oak

