Licensing & Permitting is preparing stormwater management applications to be submitted to municipalities for review. The first application for review will be submitted to the Cambridge Department of Public Works. Additionally, in coordination with Engineering, the team expects to kick-off geo-technical borings in Cambridge and in Allston in September/October. The data obtained in these borings will enable the team to pre-characterize soil and ground water conditions and to develop plans to meet management and treatment requirements.
Rights & Survey is preparing to submit our first Grant of Location permit application to the City of Cambridge’s Pole & Conduit Commission. A Grant of Location permit is required in Cambridge, Somerville, and Boston to install infrastructure in the public way.
Project Management along with Procurement are reviewing bids from qualified Eversource contractors for construction of the transmission lines and distribution lines.
Project Services continues their proactive efforts to meet with community members in each community, and to keep them informed of ongoing pre-construction activities including soil borings. As the GCEP construction schedule becomes further defined, the team will also be coordinating pre-construction open houses in each community.
We appreciate your continued interest in GCEP and look forward to keeping you informed!