GECP News & Updates
Friday, Oct. 15, 2021
Join a 'Chat Circle' to discuss student experiences in GECP
  • In Chat Circles, we will discuss...
  • GECP student experiences and reflections 
  • Ideas for how to enhance student experiences in GECP

  • All GECP students--first-year through interns--are encouraged to participate

  • Sessions Oct. 27, Nov. 1, and Nov. 10. Sign up through this link.
an abstract cartoon with circles
Save the Date: Education Abroad Info Session for GECP students
a cap and gown and a plane circling the globe
Friday, Nov. 19, 10:30-11:30am (Erickson 252)
  • Learn about funding, scholarships, and education abroad program options

  • Presentations from MSU's Education Abroad Office and the Office International Studies in Education

  • Teacher Preparation Program Academic Advisor will join to answer your questions about program requirements and study abroad
GECP Student Spotlight
ryan chaben smiling
Ryan Chaben (she/her/hers)

Why did you join GECP?
I joined GECP because I felt (and still feel) that there is an inconceivable amount of knowledge that I have yet to learn about the people around me as well as around the world. I think becoming a global educator and being a part of GECP is a step in the right direction of learning how to form a more inclusive mindset for myself in the present and for my students in the future.

What is your favorite book?
This is such a hard question to ask of an English major! I have two answers: Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel and Looking for Alaska by John Green.

Tell us about a powerful global experience you've had while at MSU:
Although my first year within the GECP was virtual, I don't think there was a lack of global experience within my online classes. During TE 102, after reading Troublemakers by Carla Shalaby, the entire class was able to have a discussion on how to best accommodate any child within the classroom no matter the issue. I think that solidified the fact that I was in the right place with people who feel so passionately about helping children and students and creating an environment where everyone is learning.

What's your favorite way to spend a rainy day?
I don't think this will come as a surprise, but reading on the couch next to my dog is my ideal way to spend a rainy day, or even if it's not raining, that would be my ideal situation.
Student-led GECP activities: Email Alyssa with ideas and interest
Thanks to those of you who attended and helped facilitate this week's GECP Activity Brainstorming Sessions! Some great ideas were generated for student-led GECP activities, including movie screenings, game nights, and education flash talks. The GECP Coordinator is excited to support these and other student-led GECP activities!

If you want to get more involved in GECP, or have ideas for activities, please email Alyssa.
Opportunity of Interest: Princeton in Africa Fellowship
"A Princeton in Africa fellowship experience is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for personal and professional development and growth. It is often described as a way to get a foot in the door of the field of development on the African continent." Information on the Fellowship

Deadline to Apply: Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Want to talk about GECP?
Reach out to GECP Coordinator, Dr. Alyssa Morley