GECP News & Updates
Friday, Oct. 22, 2021
Happy Fall Break!
fall tree branch leaning over a river

We hope the break offers moments of calm for each of you and brings opportunities to connect--with loved ones, with nature, or things that bring joy.
GECP Events and Opportunities
Get involved with GECP: Help plan and shape student activities!
picture of six people playing cards while sitting on the floor
About the above image: GECP students played card games during the GECP Welcome Gathering earlier this month.

  • Upcoming community-building activities for GECP could include game nights, movie screenings, or presentations.

  • Email Alyssa if you would like to contribute to planning GECP events and activities.

  • First-years through interns are welcome to get involved!
GECP Student Spotlight
person smiling in front of a lake
Mitchell Ernst (he/him/his)

Why did you join GECP?
I am a German major with a TESOL minor. Having a world language as my subject, it would make sense to focus on the global aspect of education. After spending one semester taking a GECP course, I knew I made the right decision. One of my favorite aspects of the GECP is how we strive to tell our students they are true citizens of the globe, not just kids in a classroom.

If you weren't planning to be a teacher, what job would you choose for yourself?
If I were not on my path to become a teacher, I would most likely be studying to become an actor. Acting, similarly to teaching, can leave lasting impressions on youth. Acting is also a platform to share and collaborate on stories the world needs to witness.

Tell us about a powerful global experience you've had while at MSU:
After COVID hit, I truthfully thought I would be unable to study abroad. However, I guess the universe really wanted me to go to Freiburg, Germany. In April of 2021, we started the preparation process for our year-long study abroad. I am so grateful to be here, currently, in Germany. (The picture above is of me on a hike in the Black Forest.) The most powerful global experience I have witnessed so far on this study abroad has been the importance of multilingualism. Being able to communicate in more than one language gives you, and the person you are speaking with, the opportunity to express themselves fully.

Another powerful experience was, in my first year of college, I was able to volunteer in the Refugee Development Center in Lansing. This was such an incredible experience for me. I’ve grown up in rural Michigan all of my life. And to witness students from all different backgrounds interact with myself and other, it really did place an understanding behind the dangers of a single story mindset. I am a true believer of avoiding the single story narrative. That is something I have most certainly learned in the GECP.

What's your favorite way to spend a rainy day?
Sitting on the couch with a cup of tea, a snack, and Netflix.

Do you have any secret talents?
Does being able to binge a series in 1 day count as a secret talent?
Call for content: Would you like to share an event, announcement, or advocacy opportunity with the GECP community? Email Alyssa to have it included in the newsletter.
Want to talk about GECP?
  • Come to GECP Drop-in Hours: Tuesdays 10am-12pm, Erickson Hall, 330
  • Or, email GECP Coordinator Alyssa Morley at [email protected]