GEFA News | June 2023

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Communities receive financing for environmental infrastructure projects

The GEFA board of directors awarded $89 million to 10 Georgia communities for water, wastewater, and sewer projects. Read more

Lead Service Line Replacement request for interest

The FY2023 Lead Service Line Replacement request for interest will open Monday, July 3, 2023. Read more

Georgia communities awarded $18.7 million in grant funding for lead service line inventories

Through the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, GEFA awarded $18,703,480 in grant funding to 204 communities throughout the state for lead service line inventory projects. Read more

GEFA Water 101 Webinar Series

GEFA hosted a webinar series for Georgia communities interested in learning about the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Attendees learned more about the federal requirements of the State Revolving Fund, lead service line inventory and replacement, and financing emerging contaminant projects. Read more

2023 Georgia Environmental Conference

Attendee registration is open for the 16th annual Georgia Environmental Conferencethe state's largest environmental conference. The conference hosts environmental professionals and industry leaders from all over the Southeast. Read more

GEFA staff announcements

The following staff members received career path promotions.

  • Jenerrah Byron, project manager III
  • Jill Causse, lead project manager III
  • Lisa Golphin, lead project manager III
  • Vince Harvey, project manager III
  • Leah Lord, project manager II
  • Susan Wood, program manager III
  • Brian Woodham, program manger III

Staff highlight: Vince Harvey

Q: How long have you worked for GEFA?

A: I recently completed my first year with GEFA.

Q: What do you do for GEFA?

A: I am a project manager for the Water Resources Division and a program manager for the Emerging Contaminants Program.

Q: Where did you grow up?

A: Norcross, Georgia.

Q: Where did you go to school?

A: Norcross High School

Q: What is your favorite memory from this past year?

A: Completing my five-week Officer Development School as a Civil Engineering Corps Reserve Officer in the U.S. Navy.

Q: What is something that most people do not know about you?

A: I have a motorcycle license.

Q: Are you a sports fan? What team do you pull for?

A: Atlanta Falcons, Rise up!

Q: If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would it be and why?

A: Marie Van Brittan Brown, inventor of the first video home security system. I would love to show her how her original invention has impacted society more than 57 years later.

Q: What is your favorite movie and/or TV show?

A: My favorite show is Scrubs, the best show ever!

Q: If you could choose a superpower what would it be and why?

A: Teleportation so that I could travel the world without dealing with TSA.

Q: What is the best advice that you have been given? Who/where was it from?

A: "Ancora Imparo," which means "Yet, I am learning." - Michelangelo

GEFA Around Georgia

GEFA will be exhibiting at conferences in 2023. Visit us at one of the events below.

  • Georgia Association of Water Professionals Annual Conference and Expo: Savannah, Savannah Conference Center, July 16-19
  • Georgia Municipal Association Small Cities Conference and Regional Training: Dublin, Oconee Fall Line Technical College, Aug. 16-18
  • Georgia Rural Water Association Fall Conference: Helen, Unicoi State Park and Lodge, Oct. 23-25
  • Georgia Association of Regional Commissions Annual Conference: St. Simons Island, Nov. 8-10
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